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Maverick, Koharu, and Asuna keep walking until they meet Kibaou.

Maverick: Ugh. Him.

Kibaou: I thought I saw some familiar faces. So it's you lot, eh? And that Forest Elf runaway, too!

Maverick: Watch it, Kibaou.

Leafa: Not you again! I told you already! I'm a player! Not an elf!

Kibaou: Well you're not helping your case none looking like that now, are ya? Who spends money on in-game avatars anyway, huh?

Maverick coughs. He equips his new black assassin look.

Kibaou: Idiots apparently.

Maverick and Leafa glare at Kibaou.

Leafa: You're the one jumping to conclusions! Aren't you supposed to be working with the Forest Elves, anyway? What are you doing around here?

Kibaou: What does it matter? Anyone who quits the Elf War campaign gets to come and go as they please here.

Koharu: quit the quest?

Kibaou: I guess I oughta lay things out for ya.

Maverick: Save it, Kibaou. You're a joke.

Kibaou: I'm a joke, huh, beater?

Asuna: Enough! We should be working together right now!

Kibaou: Not with him. Anyway, my group and Lind's group have become official guilds. We are now ALS and DKB.

Maverick: Cute...not.

Kibaou: Our side was doing the Forest Elf side, but DKB was doing the Dark Elf side. That put us at odds a bit. So to avoid any unnecessary trouble, we all decided that our guilds would just give up on the campaign. Politics, ya know?

Maverick: Still stupid.

Leafa: If your two guilds just worked together, couldn't you have finished the quest?

Maverick: They're hopeless enemies.

Leafa: Gotcha...Kind of makes sense, really.

Kibaou: Don't jump to conclusions now!

Maverick: That's rich coming from you.

Kibaou: All we want is to take down the floor boss. We can't let any distractions go getting in the way of that. So anyway, here I am. You kids are still doing the quest, yeah? I've got a favor to ask of ya then.

Maverick: Denied.

Asuna: Maverick, hear him out.

Kibaou: Word has it that the reward from the elf quests here is something you need to beat the Floor Boss. I want you lot to find out if that's true. If it turns out we need it, I want you to let me know ASAP. I'm trying not to get anyone killed, okay? Please.

Maverick: Now look who's asking the beater. Whatever. We got it.

Koharu: Very well. I guess we can let you know what the reward is. We'll share the info with ALS and DKB. Don't go picking fights with each other right outside the floor boss this time.

Leafa: Yikes. You weren't kidding about these two groups, huh?

Maverick: They're hopeless.

Kibaou: Shut up! Alright then, we'll be waiting. Go do your thing.

Kibaou leaves.

Leafa: We can't mess this up if we've got player lives on the line.

Maverick: I just wish I could do all of this myself. I'd be fine.

Leafa: Quiet, Maverick. Kizmel is waiting down south at the Dark Elf Camp, right? Let's hurry out to her.

The four head to find Kizmel.

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