Kizmel's Request

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Maverick, Koharu, and Asuna are looking for Kizmel.

Koharu: Is Kizmel around?

Dark Elf Scout: Allow me to fetch her. Wait here.

Koahru: Hey, Maverick...That soldier there is just like any other NPC but...Kizmel really does seem different, huh?

Maverick: You can say that again.

Koharu/Asuna: Excuse me?

Maverick: Nothing. She's just very beautiful.

Koharu: Oh yeah. So pretty, so glamorous, just the greatest thing I've ever seen. NOT. Jeez. What's your deal?

Maverick: Are you two jealous?

Koharu and Asuna elbow Maverick.

Maverick: Ow.

Asuna: Anyway. When we talk with Kizmel, I really forget she's an NPC. I know this is a game, but it's like she's living and breathing.

Kizmel appears.

Kizme: Sorry for the wait. Is there something the matter? Why the bewitched faces?

Koharu: Oh nothing...Hey! Kizmel, what did you mean when you said you were "in search of death?"

Kizmel: I once had a twin sister.

Asuna: No ideas, Maverick.

Maverick: I haven't said anything.

Koharu: A twin? How lovely!

Kizmel: Oh yes. She was quite the curious type. If she had been able to hear your tales she would certainly have been thrilled. But my sister, Tilnel, is no more. She came to this floor as part of our mission and lost her life in battle against the Forest Elves.

Koharu: Oh my...I'm sorry for even asking. So sorry.

Asuna: Way to go, Koharu.

Koharu: I didn't know.

Kizmel: Pay it no mind. Everyone knows. She was a master if medicine. An unarmed healer. It was my duty as a knight to protect her. And I failed. My regret was too much to bear and I fell into despair. I foresaw my own demise in battle against the Forest Elves. I yearned for it, even. But fate brought you three to me on the verge of death. I had thought the gods long gone from this forsaken world.

Koharu: Us being there...Us helping you, Kizmel. It wasn't the work of god. It was by our own choice. So I'm just...I'm glad you're still alive, Kizmel.

Maverick: It would be a shame if you weren't around, beautiful.

Kizmel: How sweet of you to say.

Koharu: Stop that. Plus, if it wasn't for you, who would carry on the memory of Tilnel. Having that fade away would just be too much.

Kizmel: Indeed. I suppose it is my duty to live on with the memory of my lost sister. Now then, let me ask you. What did you need of me?

Maverick: We want to help.

Kizmel: This is good news. The vanguard has much it must do.

A Dark Elf Scout appears.

Dark Elf Scout: Lady Kizmel. Message from camp. The Jade Key has been stolen.

Kizmel: What? Where were our sentries?

Dark Elf Scout: They infiltrated us disguised as wounded. We fell for their spy's trickery. I hear they were disguised as the Commander's nephew.

Kizmel: Then where is he real nephew?

Dark Elf Scout: He's believed to be dead. His outfit and seal ring were the real thing. There was no way guards could have known.

Kizmel: How could this be? Do we have a trail on this spy?

Dark Elf Scout: They were wounded and escaped out into the nearby forest. Lady Kizmel, you have been commanded to investigate W. Mists Entrance and find them.

Kizmel: Undertsood. But bringing troops would only alert our enemy. Maverick, Koharu, Asuna, can I ask for your help?

Maverick: Vengeance will be ours.

Kizmel: I will go on ahead and scout. You three should wait for me at the northern exit of W. Mists Entrance. Move out!

The group splits up but then rejoins each other.

Kizme: You made it. Let me fill you in. I found a trail and I followed it, but this spy seems wickedly cunning. Their trail splits both east and west.

Koharu: So we can't be sure which of the two paths they actually took.

Kizmel: Which means we must split up again. I will search east of the forest, you three head to the west.

Koharu: Roger! Come on, Maverick. We've got a thief to catch!

Asuna: No says, "Roger," anymore. And stop forgetting that I'm here.

Kizmel: If I only it were a mere thief. We are dealing with a cunning spy. Be on guard. Good luck.

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