A Student-Popstar's Adorable Moment (Persona 4)

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“Wow, Senpai! This is really good!”

Yu Narukami was seated on the roof of Yasogami High School. The night before, he had made two boxed lunches to take with him to school. He had been following the progress of his current social links closely, but with the newly rescued Rise Kujikawa added to the list, he wanted to make sure she wasn’t neglected. The two were seated next to each other on one of the ventilation tracks that acted as a somewhat comfortable surface to sit on. Although the main reason he would come up to the roof was privacy. It allowed him to get away from the rest of the chatter of the students from the school, and in times like this, allow him to focus on building his relationships with his friends.

That was his goal today, of course. Rise was in the process of shoving another of his Chakin Sushi into her mouth. He was proud of the meal and glad she liked it. It was a rather complicated dish to make, and he hadn’t failed to notice the progress he had made as a chef since moving to Inaba for the year. Although, it could have been the whole Mystery Meat X event that made anything he cooked seemed amazing by comparison.

He had long since finished his meal and was waiting patiently for her to finish hers, delighting in the compliments she gave his cooking. She had made a slight mess on the jacket of her uniform, but besides that had been very careful in eating her food. While Chie and Yukiko had diversified their uniforms in some way or another, Rise wore a simple girl’s Yasogami uniform, with a black jacket, short patterned skirt, black stockings, and brown shoes. Perhaps it was her way of just trying to blend in, and not be the Risette many still wanted her to be.

The familiar words in the back of his mind telling him that their social link would advance soon was enough to pull Yu out of his thoughts. Rise had put the now empty bowl of food down on the ground in front of her feet, and was leaning back, using her arms to support herself.

“I’m glad you liked it.” Yu said.

“Mmm!” Rise nodded. “I’m kinda surprised. I didn’t expect you would be such a good cook!”

“Well I have gotten some practice recently.”

“It shows!” Rise praised. “I haven’t had something that good since before I left showbiz!”

She paused for a moment, and swung her legs up onto the vent and laid down, stretching her legs until her feet were mere inches from Yu’s lap. He couldn’t help but linger his eyes on them as she moved them slightly, like she was tapping her feet against the air. Ever since his experiences with Chie and Yukiko, he had to admit, he was finding feet and tickling to be an ever more interesting topic. It was the first time he had ever looked at a girl’s feet and wondered if they were ticklish.

When he removed his eyes from her feet, he found her with her head raised and looking straight at him. 

“Wow! It’s true, huh?” She exclaimed in her typical high pitched voice. “And here I thought Chie and Yukiko were just making stuff up.”

“What are you talking about?” Yu asked, unable to stop his cheeks from turning a subtle shade of red.

“Oh come on Senpai!” Rise brought her left foot upwards so that her heel was touching the toes of her right foot. With a quick flick, she sent the simple brown shoe flying to the ground, exposing the cloth covered sole it protected. Within seconds she had repeated the process, before planting both her feet towards him, and giving her toes a quick wiggle. “I think it’s obvious.”

“I-Uh...” Yu found himself to be at a loss for words. He couldn't stop himself from looking at her feet, especially now that she was wiggling her toes in a direct effort to tease him.

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