Shy Sly Kitty (Fox X Ticklish!Neko!F!Reader)

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Numerous times you try to confess to the known leader of Starfox, Fox Mccloud, you always chicken out due to how shy you are.

His stunning looks capture your attention once during a beach trip. Onve you were playing discus throw at the beach, he caught it before it flew into the endless horizons of the sea. You were amazed how he looked.

And now, you were under his clutches of his interrogative capture as he keeps you tied on his bed for information.

"Y/N, please, you're being anti-social. I just wanted to know what were you about to say." Fox spoke calmly, trying to get you to speak.

"Fox, I'm sorry, but it's, it's very hard for me to explain. Please, just untie me." You retorted, trying to hide the truth.

Fox gives a deep sigh before he starts untying, but not your bounds, but your shoes.

"W-what are you doing, Fox?!" You ask, but deep inside you know what Fox is planning

"Something I'm surprised I had to resort to." Fox replies, finishing unlacing one shoe and yanking it off, revealing your little foot covered in your socks. Once he discards the boot, Fox goes for the other.

"Please Fox, not that! Anything but that!"

"It's too late, Y/N." Fox finishes the laces and, despite resistence from you, he yanks off the shoe and let's it join it's twin on the floor. Fox sits down and grabs both of your ankles, situating both socks covered feet on his lap. "You've left me no choice."

Fox takes out a toothbrush from his pocket, You give a terrified look on your face as he inches it closer to your vulnerable feet.

"P-please Fox, don't do it! Don't do-oooohahahahahahahahaa!"

Your pleads are interrupted as the brush makes contact with your feet, Fox starts scrubbing all over both soles, sending you into a laughing frenzy, the socks on your feet giving no resistence to the tickling.

"Tickle, tickle, tickle, all over Y/N's little feet, on the heel, up the arch and the toes inbetween." Fox taunts, remembering what Falco usually does to your ticklish feet.

"Stahahahahahahahahap Fahahahahahahax!" You are starting to lose your mind, inwardly cursing Falco for revealing your ticklish weakness to his partners on the day on the beach.

"I'll only stop when you tell me what is so 'important'."

"I-heheheheheeh canhahahahahaha't hahahahahahahhaha!"

"Then prepare for the longest tickle torture of your life."

It went on like that for ten minutes, Fox leaving no inch on your feet untickled, and you were doing nothing but laugh, tears streaming down your face as your secret crush tortured you. In what seems like a miracle, Fox stops.

"Still not ready to talk yet?"

You catch your breath, but can't bring herself to talk, so you shake her head 'no'.

"Very well. Looks like I've got to bring out the big guns." Fox tosses the toothbrush away and pulls out of her pocket... an electric toothbrush! Your face instantly pales at the sight, and even more when Fox turns it on

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