Kanji and the homophobic snack thief (Persona 4)

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Earlyroki3445, theruinedfangirl__, Kingzilla768. Since this is a Persona 4 oneshot of my bois, Yosuke and Kanji.




A furious roar boomed through the castle, causing Yosukue Hanamura to stop chewing his mouthful abruptly and jump in fear. After a long day of checking on the things set for Narukami's farewell party, the brunette had become ravenous, and the lasagna in the fridge looked so delectable.

It didn't occur to him until just now that Kanji Tatsumi was most definitely saving it for his own entry at the party.

"U-Uhh..." Yosuke stammered after swallowing his mouthful, as well as a thick lump stuck in his throat. "D-Dunno, Kanji..."

Loud boots thumping louder and closer made Yosuke's bones grow hollow in dread. Before he was able to hide the casserole, Kanji slammed into his room, and the first think his eyes laid on was the lasagna.

And good God, did he look livid.

"Is that my food?! You ate my food?!" The bottle blond exclaimed in fury. He approached Yosuke quickly and grabbed him by the neck, lifting him up and causing him to drop and spill the remaining lasagna. "Ohhh... You're in for it now, Hana-senpai..."

"W-Wait, wait, I can explain!" the brunette stammered, desperately grabbing hold of Kanji's wrists as he lightly kicked out his legs in the air. His own squeak interrupted his plea as he felt something pointy poke his side, and his squirming intensified. "N-No! Kanji-kun!"

"If I recall, you really don't like being tickled much, do you?" With an evil chuckle, Kanji began skittering his pointed fingers aacross the teen man's sides.

Yosuke squeaked and giggled hysterically as his struggling became more desperate. He tried swatting at Kanji's hand, but whenever he let go of the hand holding onto his jacket he'd feel tight pressure around his neck. Thus, he ended up going back and forth between swinging his hand around and grasping onto the sleeved arm.


"Cut a deal with me and I just might let you go," the blond growled with a deep, raspy chuckle. He slid his hand over Yosuke's sensitive skin and scratched away at his ribs, traveling up and down the cage, and making the 2nd year squeal.


"Try again, Senpai. This is your problem to fix, not Chie's or Yukiko's." The torturous, wiggling fingers crept up Yosuke's ribs and scratched and traced under his arm.

"GAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NOT THEHEHERE!" The brunette wailed, pinning his arm to his side and struggling to hold on to Kanji's wrist. At this point, tears were beading at his eyes as he cackled and kicked out his legs fruitlessly. "OKAY OKAY OKAY! AHAHAHA! I'LL MAKE ANOTHER BAHAHAHATCH! J-JUST PLEASE STAHAHAHAHAP!"

Kanji narrowed his eyes for a few moments, then decided the offer was adequate. He stopped tickling and laid the 2nd year on his bed. "Alright, you have twenty-four hours to make me a new dish. And if it's not at least as good as what I make, then you'll be having to expect more tickling."

Yosuke gulped nervously and rubbed at his tingling sides and underarm as the blond stormed out of his room.

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