Sparring session

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The Cornerian mercenaries were sparring in the training room with Snake as it was normally the case, it was Solid Snake against Fox. They had originally all gone against each other, but the bandana-bearded elite and Kitsune easily tagged Wolf and Falco out. Now, the other two watched their leader and training partner duke it out on each other. Fox swung his leg as Snake jabbed his leg, trying to strike his Elite student.

Falco quickly grew bored; when Snake and Fox sparred, they took forever because they never wanted to accept defeat from one another. Always known for not sitting still for long, he suddenly had an idea he saw Snake and Fox's arms raised over their heads, their faces so close they could each feel one breathing on another. With Fox's fists locked with Snake's, Falco caught the opportunity. He crept up from where he sat in the training room and crawled closer to where Snake and Fox were sparring.

Wolf, who was currently doing bicep curls, unfortunately noticed.

"Falco, what are you doing?" the hound asked. "Get back over here."

Falco shushed him and with a sinister giggle, he continued crawling until he was directly behind Fox. He crouched down low enough so neither of his straining friends could see him.

"You've grown stronger than I thought, Snake," Fox grunted with satisfaction as he shoved the elite away. Falco silently grumbled at the fact he lost his chance to pull of his attack and continued crawling right behind them.

Snake chuckled in agreement as a response. Watching his opponent guarding himself in defense, he tightened his bandana and replied, "Oh, really?" He charged towards the kitsune. They lock fists again. "Then, how come you went to A-Tier..." Snake leaned in close to Fox's face, completing his sentence with one of his casual smirks "
...and can't notice THIS!"

With the opportunity, Snake spreads Fox's arms away, and kicks him, sending him flying at a short distnce.

As Foz stood up, his temper boiled inside him as he growled and shoved Snake backwards and onto his back. Fox leaped over to where Snake laid, his fist raised in the air, but Snake rolled out of the way and rose to his feet. Their fists clanged and crashed, the rhythms that were made when the impact of their hands collided echoed throughout the training room. They had their fists locked for a third time, and had their arms raised in the air. Falco, still unnoticed by anyone other than Wolf, grinned mischievously and settled down behind Ran.

"Look, "David" you are so gonna eat those words!" Fox angrily said with an toothy grin, using all of his strength to push Snake down enough to bend his knees, but not enough to make him collapse to the ground. "Besides...your nothing compared to Andross!" Snake struggled to fight the weight Fox was pushing down on him. His body ached and were ready to give in from under him. But he wouldn't lose, not to Gox. However, it didn't seem like much of a choice. Falco sought the opportunity to strike.

Just before Snake could let his muscles relax and allow Fox to pin him to the floor, Fox suddenly eased up from Snake. Then, out of nowhere, he starts shouting out, making noises that could probably be identified as "laughter" as he clutched his sides. The noise was short and quick, and stopped when Fox remembered his opponent was laying right in front of him. Snake glanced at him with a confused gaze, and then understood when he saw Falco on Fox's back, his wings digging into Fox's sides, for those brief seconds. Snake couldn't help but smile, and he noticed Wolf trying to contain his laughter.

Fox suddnly started losing strength in his legs and began to sway across the room.

"YEE-HAW! Ride 'em, Stallion!" Falco bellowed within those few seconds on Fox back before the kitsune flipped him over his back and flat on his back. Falxo groaned as he watched Fox's shadow cast over him. The fox stared down at his best friend with fire in his emerald eyes, and was breathing heavily. Falco couldn't tell if it was from his attack on Fox or that his bestie is so enraged. Either way, Falc didn't care. He sat up and weakly laughed.

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