Chapter 84

310 11 16

Alaïa's POV

"Imani, I'm so nervous!"

Today I'm going to be taking my driver's test now that I'm finally sixteen. Mama claimed that I wouldn't get my car at my party next weekend if I didn't pass, so I had to make sure that happened.

"Laïa you've been practicing for months, I think you're going to pass." "Not if I throw up on the instructor." "Your that nervous?" "Yes! I'm freaking out."

"I told you I should have spent the night. We could have stolen one of your parent's cars so you could practice last night." "And have my dad more upset with me? No thank you."

"You guys still aren't talking?" "Nope. I haven't had the energy to talk to him."

"Okay but Alaïa, what you said was kind of messed up." "And I know that. I didn't mean any harm when I said that." "But that's how your parents took it. Imagine how much backlash they got around that time. Now their own daughter is making them feel bad about it as well."

"I didn't mean to make them upset." "Okay hoe well you did and you need to make up for it."

"How am I supposed to do that?" "I don't know, they're your parents not mine." "I just want to forget about it, mama has."

"Has he really or is he just trying to keep everyone in that house from killing one another." "He's forgotten about it and he's making sure everyone doesn't kill each other, which is what he always does."

"I still think you should talk to your dad." "There's nothing t talk to him about. He's mad at me and I don't think I can fix it."

You made him feel bad about a mistake that your parents made sixteen years ago, of course he's mad. They don't want you doing anything your going to regret later on."

"I'm not going to regret it." "Your trying to do things too fast."

"Because all of my friends have had experiences already. Even you mani." "Because I have a boyfriend who I've been with for a year now. I didn't just go out and say, "Hey I wanna have sex", I waited for the right time."

"Well, I'm tired of waiting." "And that's your fucking problem right there. You're trying to rush something that's not supposed to be rushed. Losing your virginity is something you can never get back Alaïa. You need to make sure you're with someone you really trust before you even think about being intimate with someone."

"Oh my god Imani, you sound like mama."

"Then I'm not the only one who thinks you're trying to be fast. Why can't you just appreciate your innocence?"

"Because everyone is always saying how I need to experience more." "Fuck everyone. Don't do something that your not comfortable with Alaïa. Stop letting them get in your head."

"I just want to fit in." "And you do fit in. If you start acting like everyone I'm not going to have my best friend anymore. Don't switch up." "I'm not switching up, I just want to try things that other teenagers normally try."

"Guess what Alaïa, we're aren't regular teenagers. But that's what makes us best friends. Just be yourself."

"Imani, you aren't mad at me too?" "No, I'm looking out for you like your parents are doing." "Thank you."

"Your welcome lay lay. Anyway, since we are talking about boyfriends and sex, has Vallyk hit you up yet?"

"Yes and nothing is happening. At this point, I don't think he likes me like you said he does."

"Alaïa, who wouldn't like you? Bitch, you're fine as hell and you have a bomb ass personality when you're not thinking stupid."

"Well, maybe he doesn't think so. It's been a friendly conversation." "Well have you tried flirting with him? Maybe he doesn't want to make a move because he doesn't think he can."

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