Chapter 17

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Colt followed Dakota out of the bar, feeling his heart plummet with every step. There was something about that dance floor. The feelings throughout the night had deepened more than he was expecting. And, he wasn't sure he was prepared for it.

"I really did have fun tonight," said Dakota meekly as he turned the truck to the main road.

"Me too," he said, keeping himself from smiling like an idiot.
He needed to figure out what this all meant. Was he reading into it too much? Why the hell was his heart beating so hard? Was he going to have a heart attack? Maybe some music would help?

He turned on the radio and listened to Jason Aldean as he navigated the snowy roads. He peeked at Dakota to see she was looking out the window again. He was happy not to hold a conversation while he sifted through this muddled mess of emotions. This was new territory for him that he had never experienced. He needed some time to find clarity before he did or said something stupid. Just when they were getting closer to her house, Blake Shelton started singing again. But, now with Gwen Stefani. The melody of the duet filled the cab making Colt stiffen in response.

"Damn you, Blake," mumbled Colt.

"What?" asked Dakota.

"Nothing," said Colt quickly.

He pulled into the driveway as the continued to sing so passionately about their love, wanting nothing more than to jump out of the truck as quickly as possible. He glanced at Dakota. He could see it in her face she was listening to the lyrics and felt the same as he did. He skidded to a stop and threw the truck into park.

"Look Dakota, I have to get this off my chest. You take it as you want but I'll go ahead and say it. That was the most attractive thing a woman has done for me."

Dakota raised an eyebrow in confusion. He cursed under his breath and clarified, "Punching some girl in the face."

"Oh," said Dakota.

"You can say you did it for a friend but I know we shared something on that dance floor. You can't deny it. I'm not an idiot."

Dakota stared at him with an unreadable expression. He was pretty sure she was in a state of shock based on her frozen facial expression.

"Any other day, I would keep it professional. But, you can blame Blake for this."

Before Dakota could ask questions, he scooted closer to her. He threw off his hat and pulled her to him, his lips meeting hers. He could feel his blood pumping through his veins as he tasted her kiss. It was sweeter than he imagined. It was everything he was missing and everything he wanted. He pulled her closer when he felt her kiss him back. He moved his mouth over hers, feeling every detail of her plump lips. He shivered as her hands reached around and gripped his shoulders as she pressed into him. Colt pulled back to look down at her but his eyes caught something outside.


"Yes?" she asked breathlessly.

Any other time he would have found that sexy as hell. But, not while he was staring at her front door that was hanging open.

"I need you to stay calm. Someone broke into your house."

Colt could feel her hands that were still wrapped around him grow rigid. He opened the glove compartment and pulled out a pistol as his eyes continued to scan outside the truck windows.

"I think you will be safer in here. Just lock the doors. I'll be back," he said as he slid the barrel to load the chamber.

"No. I'm coming with you."

He glanced down at Dakota seeing she had a determined look on her face.

"I'm not going to argue with you. Stay here until I clear the place."

"You don't have to argue. I'm going with you."

Before he could say anything more, she slipped her hands off of him and was already outside the truck. He cursed to himself and followed her with the pistol ready. He swung open the broken door and moved the barrel of his gun from one side of the living room to the other. He moved swiftly to her bedroom as she followed quietly behind him.

"Dakota, I can't keep track of you while I clear every room. I don't have eyes on the back of my head," he whispered.

"You don't have to," said Dakota from the kitchen.

Colt swung his head back to see she was looking at a piece of paper on the dining room table. He walked over and read over her shoulder:

"Sorry about your door. I was told my wife Dakota would be here. If she is, please tell her to call me. I've been worried sick about my wife. Here's some money for your trouble."


His number was written in big bold letters on the bottom with a wad of money stuffed underneath the note, plenty to buy two front doors. Dakota jerked the piece of paper off the table and threw it in the trash. She crumbled up the money in her hand and turned to Colt, keeping her head downcast in fury.

"Here," said Dakota gruffly while stretching out her hand that held the cash.

Colt looked at her in confusion but didn't say a word. She sighed and continued in a low tone, "I refuse to take his money. You take it and do as you wish.".

"Can I buy you a front door with it?"

"I just said you do as you wish," she said coldly.

"Fine. I'll buy you a door and a security system."

Dakota glanced up at Colt. He could see the hurt behind her icy eyes.

"Well, I'm going to bed," she muttered as she moved to her bedroom.

"Wait," said Colt, taking her arm gently to turn her back to him.

In that moment, he was thrown back to the night he first met her. She had the same stiffness and distance.

"How do you know he doesn't really know you are here?" asked Colt.

"I don't."

"He already knows the layout of the house. Let me at least make my rounds on the property before you go to bed."

"I don't think he's that smart."

"I've some the lengths some people go to. Just let me do this so it gives me peace of mind. At least until I get that security system for you."

Dakota's eyes rolled back to the ceiling as she groaned, "I don't need that. I can take care of myself.".

"Even so, at least a security camera would be there just in case he did do something. You could use that in court along with the records of the domestic violence to get a restraining order."

"I don't need that. I'm not afraid."

"Then, why keep my police card for six months?"

Dakota kept silent. He could see it in her eyes that she didn't like he could read her like a book. He took his chance to finish his search while she was left pondering his words. 

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