Chapter 24

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Dakota washed out the water buckets with Colt's help as she listened to the drama unfolding with his ex-wife. She couldn't help but be reminded of the telenovelas that come on TV and how outlandish they were.

"She does know it's been over a decade, right?"

"Oh, she's well aware," responded Colt in a huff as he pulled out a chunk of ice from the water trough.

"How could you stick around with someone like that for so long?"

"Same as you, I suppose. I was so overwhelmed I just stayed put. I was guilt-tripped for years, thinking I needed to stay with her. And I still can't shake her off."

"What about changing your phone number?"

"I've thought about that, but so many people have my number."

"What about blocking hers?"

Colt stood up straight and stared blankly in thought.

"You can do that?"

"Goodness, Colt, do I need to make another old man joke? When we get done here, I will block her number on both our phones. How about that?"

"I'm not very tech-savvy, so I won't turn you down on that offer. Though I'm sure she will just call me on a different phone one day or buy a burner phone."

"I guess that is true. But it wouldn't hurt to try. And how can you say you aren't tech-savvy after you set up my security cameras?"

"Phones don't come with manuals to tell you what to do. That box of cameras did though."

"They do come with manuals or at least on the manufacture website. You probably just don't notice all that paperwork when opening a new phone," she said with a giggle.

"It's been a long time. And no more old dude jokes," he said as he wagged his finger in her direction.

Dakota bit back her playful retorts. She needed to anyway. She was letting her guard down by flirting with her ranch hand.

"I was thinking since it's been a bit of a rough day that maybe we should pop by the bar for a bite to eat for dinner, so neither of us has to cook. Maybe a beer or two. You can see the cameras on your phone and get alerts if there are movements. And we can be back before it gets too late."

Dakota carefully deciphered his words before asking suspiciously, "Like a date?".

"Hang out. Date. Whatever you want to call it."

Her mind wandered to the last time they went out to the bar and returned home. That kiss was hands down the best she had in her life, and she didn't want to be tempted by more of them, even if her heart said something else. She needed to listen to her brain to keep from getting hurt again.

Her brain and her stomach agreed on one thing though. That little bar had the best green chili cheese fries in the state.

"We can go and hang out," clarified Dakota.

"Cool. We can leave here in a little bit before it gets busy. That way, you don't get too overwhelmed."

The small bar didn't get too busy often, but she had to admit it was nice that Colt was thinking about her. And dangerous, since she wanted to keep her distance from him. His consideration of her feelings and anxieties was a breath of fresh air compared to what she was used to. Something she never expected from anyone before.


Dakota fussed over her hair in frustration as she stood in front of the mirror.

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