Chapter 12

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Colt set aside a plate of warm breakfast for Dakota and a cup of coffee. She was sleeping in longer than usual this morning which he suspected she needed after last night. He also wanted to slip outside and start working before she woke up. He wasn't oblivious to her wandering eyes last night or her tank top that hugged her in all the right places.

He shook his head and focused on what he needed to do. He stepped out of the warm house and picked up the snow shovel he had set by the door last night. He worked his way across the wrap around porch before taking on the big plow jobs that required the truck. As he finished the driveway, a vibration in his coat pocket made him throw the truck in park. He pulled out his cell phone assuming Dakota had woken up and texted him. He groaned when he saw who it really was.

"Regina," he mumbled, not even looking at the text message.

He shoved the cell phone back in his pocket wanting to work more than ever to busy his mind. He finished plowing before wandered down to the horses to check on them. Dakota was shuffling from one pen to the next already. He walked past her and into the barn, wanting to keep some distance between them for now. The disorganized tools and equipment towards the back of the barn seemed to be the logical task to take on. He rummaged through the various metal and wood, making neat piles in the process.

"Thank you for breakfast, Colt."

Colt raised his head so quickly it was a miracle he didn't knock himself out with the low lying shelf above him. He turned to see Dakota standing at the doorway of the storage room.

"And, thank you for last night. I don't think I said that when I should have," she said quietly.

"Your welcome on both parts."

They both stared silently at one another for a moment.

"How did you sleep afterward?" asked Colt, breaking the awkward tension.

"Actually, pretty good. You?"

"Great," lied Colt.

He could never tell Dakota the truth. He had made a few excuses in the night to pass by her room. Just to make sure he could hear her sleep peacefully. In fact, he heard her snore at one time which he thought was cute.

"Well, I'm going to head back to feed the horses. I'll see you inside when you're done I suppose."

As Colt watched Dakota turn to leave, he felt his pocket vibrate again. He didn't even bother pulling out his cell phone this time. Veronica went through these phases of texting him excessively. He didn't want to deal with her drama today. He had enough to worry about between work and Dakota's ex in town. He went back to organizing the tools in front of him when his phone started to ring. Colt pulled out his phone to see he had missed seven text messages and one other phone call. All from the same person.

"Yes," he answered with a sigh.

"I was worried something had happened to you when you didn't respond," said Regina's voice on the other line.

Colt rolled his eyes and went straight to the point, "What do you want?"

"Rob left me."

He snorted, hoping she could hear his reply through the phone. She droned on and on the whole story. As always, it wasn't her fault. It was always the other man. He had heard this story before being on the receiving end of it years ago. He continued to work as she rattled on about all of Rob's faults. The conversation soon grew into a pity session, as always. Her and her son was struggling. This is why she always called.

"So you need money? That's why you called," said Colt irritably.

"We have a history. You can't deny that."

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