Chapter 14

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Dakota felt the blood rush in her veins at the same tempo of the music blaring outside. A woman could be faintly heard crying her sorrows of love in a thick accent. She kept herself from rolling her eyes.

"You look like you just stuck a whole lemon in your mouth."

She turned to see Colt's face was twisted in amusement from his own comment.

"I'm particular about my music," said Dakota with a shrug.

"Oh, so you don't like country? That doesn't seem to fit," said Colt as he tilted his head inquisitively.

"I like country music. I just don't want to hear singers constantly cry about their love lives. It's so depressing."

She opened the door as the woman's voice died with the long drawn out violin in the background.

"I'm suppose to be opening that for you," groaned Colt.


She kept her hand on the heavy truck door as she looked back at Colt in confusion. He was already out and running around to her side.

"Let me get the door from now on. You are going to make me look bad."

Dakota rolled her eyes and let out an exasperated breath as she mumbled, "Please.".

"I'm serious. For the rest of the night, I will be getting every door for you."

"That's really not necessary. I can handle a door, Colt."

"I'm not questioning if you can handle a door. I'm telling you to let me be a gentleman."

"You can do that with other girls. But, it's not necessary for me."

"What makes you think I shouldn't open the door for you? It's common courtesy. Especially for a lady."

Dakota opened her mouth but no words came out. The subject was too deep for her to get into. Colt's eyes frosted over as he watched her struggle for words.

"It doesn't matter. It's not up for discussion. I'm doing it. Whether you like it or not."

She slipped off the bench, muttering her thanks to Colt as he shut the door behind her. Just as he promised, he opened the large wooden door to the bar. She walked inside and immediately hugged the wall, not familiar with the place. She scanned it a few times gathering how many people were there, where to sit, where the exits were, where..... Colt's warm hand that wrapped around hers pulled her from her thoughts. He gently tugged and motioned for her to follow him towards the back corner.

"I told you I would find you a dark secluded corner where you could have no fun," said Colt over the blaring upbeat country song now playing.

She didn't realize her hand was still wrapped in his until she sat down at the table. She let go of his hand and continued to scan the busy bar, taking in every detail.

"You've been here before?" she asked as the music continued to drone above them.

"Plenty of times," he said with a smile.

Of course, she should have known. A blonde bartender had been watching them since they came in and her eyes were only for Colt. He gave her a sideways glance before sending her a charming smile, making her almost drop the glass in her hands.

"Want anything to drink?" asked Colt.

Dakota shook her head.

"Well, then I'm hitting the dance floor," he said as he turned to the crowd.

Dakota grabbed the back of his shirt and tugged until he turned back around to face her.

"Shouldn't we be looking for someone?" she hissed.

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