Chapter 11

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"I'm not Afton, and I'm not that stupid, singing, silly, Golden Bunny you thought you knew. Mistakenly, those two minds came together to form one. Me. I am Springtrap!" I screamed as loudly as possible. Looking around, each animatronic stared at me with fear. When I glanced at my little dog friend, the fear in her was replaced with a burning flame.

"Vixen, step away from him! You don't know what you're getting into!" Puppet tried to explain, but I replied before Mangle could.

"Why should she? She has her own mind, her own desires, her own choices! Let the white dog choose for herself! She doesn't need a stupid Poopet hovering over her all of the damn time!" I yelled. I needed these animatronics to join on my side. Not only that, but I think that the white fox could use some support. I smiled at Mangle and she smiled back. "Also, her name is Mangle now, get it right you bloody idiot!"

"Maybe he's right, Puppet. I mean, we don't even know who this guy is and at this point, we're just average everyday robots. We don't normally get to have decisions, and sometimes it surprises me that we eat food even though we don't get cleaned at the end of the day. We won't live like this forever. We're gonna get scrapped one day, so why not start today and decide if this guy is good or not." As much as I hated the bright blue bunny, I still smiled. He was right where I wanted him. However, that changed quickly.

"He is the reason why we're animatronics! You killed us for your own greed and left us in the hands of the pizzeria only to find out that you would crawl right back to us!" Puppet yelled as she pointed directly at me. I growled and restrained myself from jumping at the stupid thing.

"I never wanted to come back here!!" I snarled. Damn it! She broke right through me! Fuck! I can't lose control! I can't lose her trust, not when I'm this far!

"You're the one who killed us!?" Withered Freddy screamed. I almost forgot that I had an audience watching us. A beautiful audience of animatronics dying for revenge. 

'The jig is up. You lost, Springtrap.'

"Why couldn't heaven just accept a few dead children?" Afton growled at the animatronics a few feet away from him. I regretted allowing the dead man inside me to take control over my body! I couldn't lose Mangle.

"And why couldn't the devil take you in their flames already?!" Puppet yelled. Before I knew it, she jumped right at me as I screamed in utter horror. I was standing still as a rock then suddenly tossed down to the ground like a garbage can in the middle of a storm.

Puppet pinned me to the tile floors and had an invisible force wrapping around my rusted neck. Was she trying to strangle me?! Not only that, but I didn't know these stupid things had paranormal abilities!

I did whatever I could to fight both Afton and the Puppet, but that only lead me into a darker hole. On the side, I witnessed as the rest of the animatronics tried to take Mangle away from me. She was the only freaked that trusted me and now they're trying to take her for themselves! She's my dog, not theirs!

I screamed with whatever power was left in me that Puppet added more pressure onto my body.

"Fuck you, you dirty monster!" I managed to say.

"The only monster here is you, Afton." I snapped and lost control once again. Darkness plunged me into a deeper hole as I was choking on my own words. Rage and flames filled my head as I watched Mangle suffering to stay by my side.

"I'm not a murderer! Please, help me Puppet! I need to see him! Please!" Spring Bonnie pleaded. I looked through his eyes and then into Puppet's. She knew I had no control over Spring Bonnie nor Afton. All she knew that she had to get rid of me somehow and let me suffer for eternity. 

FNAF Book 1~ Springtrap's Story: Foxy x MangleWhere stories live. Discover now