Chapter 17

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2 weeks later*
Jades POV:
Me and the kids were making breakfast for Perrie because it was Mother's Day. I got a card off the kids which was cute. My first ever Mother's Day card. I got the tray of pancakes and carried them upstairs. I placed them down on the bedside table and moved her hair out her face. She groaned and rolled over. I kissed her head and moved her arms covering her head. "Right we gotta do this the hard way" I opened the door and the twins ran in followed by Leo they all jumped on her and started to jump on the bed. Well everyone apart from Leo. Remember when he had his tantrum about going in the bath well he broke his knuckles and fractured his wrist so he has a cast on now. I jumped on the bed and perrie groaned and I got on my knees and watched the kids give her their cards. "Thank you baby's" she said and hugged lucy and lydia. "Mummy I made mine" Leo said standing behind Perrie on the bed and wrapping his arms around her neck. "Thank you baby boy" she said and lifted his hand that wasn't in a cast to her mouth giving it a kiss. Lucy and Leo were watching tv at the bed and lydia was playing with perrie s hair. "Mummy what are these" lydia said running her finger along the line of love bites I'd left along perries neck and breasts. She went a little red "ask jade" lydia turned around and looked at me. Perrie stuck her middle finger up at me and smiled. "Well lyd there called love bites and because I love mummy a lot I give them her" she nodded "so I love Lucy I give her them" I shook my head "only adults do it" she nodded and laid at the end of the bed next to Leo. I shuffled over to Perrie and she wrapped her arms around my neck. "Your an asshole" she said and kissed me. I smiled and pulled her on top of me. I moved her hair and saw all the love bites I'd left. "They go all the way down to my stomach" I smiled and put my hand underneath her black chemise running my hand along her back. "Your so beautiful" I said and gripped her hips "thank you for helping with the kids babe" she said and smiled "well you'll just have to prove how thankful you are later" I laid her down and kissed her neck laying down next to her "happy Mother's Day baby" I laid her down on me and smiled.

Perries POV:
I was in work I work in a diner just a few miles away from where my house is now. The owners nice his names pops. That's the diners name too. It's quite popular. I was delivering some food to a table and pops called me over. "Yes pops" I said and he held out the phone "I think it's about your son" he said handing me the phone. Oh no. "Hello is this miss Edwards" I hit my lip nervously "yes this is she" I said "your son Leondre Edwards has been in a serious fight at school and we think it's best that you take him home" I sighed "ill be there right away" I said and put the phone down "pops I gotta go Leo's been in a fight" he nodded "ok you'll still get your pay" I smiled and hugged him "thank you" he smiled and hugged back.

I got to Leo's school and he was sat on a chair for in the office with a frown on his face. He had a ice pack on his hand and a bruise under his eye. "Hello miss Edwards" I shook the principals hand and sat down "now today leondre got in a fight were aware of his condition but we don't tolerate fighting here so I'm issuing a weeks exclusion" I nodded "I just want to say I'm sorry for him causing trouble I know he doesn't mean it" I felt so guilty. I left the office with a guilty looking Leo behind me "mummy I'm sorry" he said and I ignored him I couldn't look at him I was so mad "mummy I said I'm sorry I didn't mean it" he said pulling in my hand "Leondre get off I'm not in the mood for you" I saw his bottom lip trembling and I felt so bad. I sat him in the back of the car and drove back to work.
I'd sat Leo in the break room in the back of the diner and gave him some water a sandwich and a book and told him not to move. Jade had a game tonight so she won't be home till late. We're moving in together which is exciting. My house is very small and jades never at hers so we decided to both sell and get a bigger one still in America though. It's cramped in our house now with me jade the three kids and 3 dogs and a 2 cats it's pretty mad especially with me and jade wanting are own space.

Jades POV:
I got in trying to be as quiet as I could. Perries mum had taken the kids tonight so I crept upstairs and into the bathroom removing my joggers and t- shirt. "Hi baby" Perrie said sitting up and rubbing her eyes "hi beautiful" I said and got in bed and sighing "long day?" She said running her fingers a long my stomach. "Yeah we won the game though that's the main thing how was your day" she rolled her eyes and shook her head "that bad" she nodded "Leo's been excluded for a week for getting in a fight and the boy he had a fight with hit his head and now because of stupid things I did in the past the social worker will come now and take him off me" by the end of her explaining it she was crying. I hugged her tight and she cried onto my shoulder. "I think you need to relax ok everything will be fine promise did you want me to get you a glass of wine" she sniffed and nodded "the bottle will do" I nodded and gave her a kiss. I've gotta look after my girl.

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