Chapter 9

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Perries POV:
I hated this. I sat in the waiting room they were still running tests. I couldn't stand it I just want my baby girl back. The kids were still asleep and the clock ticked by. I was so worried tests usually don't take this long somethings wrong I can sense it already. The nurse came in and I shot up wanting to know what was wrong with my child "miss Edwards you may want to sit down" no somethings wrong "we ran the tests on Lucy and it isn't looking good" anxiety hit me "we found a malignant tumour on her appendix" it didn't sound too good "well what does that mean" I probably sounded stupid but I didn't know what he was on about "it's cancer in the appendix" I needed someone here. My world crumbled. I didn't know what to feel I felt numb inside I crumbled as well as my world my hands shook as I raised them to my face. "The operation to take out the Tumour will be difficult because of her age and it's started to spread so we have to act quickly" I wanted to see her "when can I see her" she needs me "well she's still waking up from the tests so not quite yet but we're sure you can see her soon" I thanked him and shakily picked up my phone dialling jades number. She picked up "hey babe I'm just driving back from the airport what's up" I tried to stay strong because Leo and Lydia had woken up "Umm can you come to the hospital please baby" she said yes and came. I need her.

Jades POV:
I got to the hospital and walked up to the reception "hi can you tell me where my girlfriend is her names perrie Edwards she's blonde blue eyes 3 kids quite young" I tried to describe her the best I could. "Ahh yes perrie Edwards with Lucy Edwards is on the children's ward" I nodded and followed the signs to the kids ward. I saw her sat against the wall with Leo and Lydia in the 2 chairs next to her. She had a messy bun on the top of her head with one of my jerseys and some grey sweats on. She'd been crying I could tell. "Perrie whats going on" my heart was rushing "wheres lucy whats wrong" I ask and she burst into tears I comforted her straight away I hugged her tight and she cried into me. "Baby what's going on" she sniffed "L L Lucy" she stuttered and gripped onto my back. I remembered her side was hurting. "Baby what is it? Is it her side?" She nodded and I cuddled her close. I've never seen Perrie in so much pain at all you could see it in her gorgeous blue eyes. "T t the doctors said they found a tumour on her appendix I haven't seen her yet they said it's c c cancer" she stuttered out and I didn't know what to do. "Aww fuck babe I'm sure it'll be alright she'll get the help she needs ok I'll talk to the doctors I promise you she'll get better. After all she is an Edwards and if she's anything like her mummy she'll get through this ok all of us will. It'll be hard but we can do it I know we can ok" my words must have meant something because she sniffed and nodded. Life is shit sometimes no way should this happen to a child any child she's so young she has her whole life a head of her and whoever the fuck runs the world is taking this off her. I've gotta be here for her now It'll be a long journey but I know one thing I'm not gonna leave this family. My family.

The widower Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon