Chapter 3

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Perries POV:
Jades lips were so soft against mine I was in a deep trance kissing her until a flash of light came into my vision. Oh no. "Shit sorry" I said pulling back and tucking the loose strands of hair behind my ears. "No it's ok we have to leave now though" she grabbed my hand and we walked into a car park where there were only about 3 cars parked. We got in her car and she sat in the car and sighed not even starting it yet. "Jade it's ok" She hit her steering wheel "IT ISN'T THOUGH IS IT" I flinched and she breathed heavy gripping the wheel. I wasn't sure what to do. Should I comfort her or will she shout again. "Come here" she said patting her lap. "Jade I- perrie come here" it felt a bit awkward me sitting on her lap. I shuffled over and sat on her knee. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to get angry it's just annoying I don't want" she swallowed hard and I could see tears glisten in her eyes "I don't want to loose you ok" I felt so much sympathy for her. I saw a tear roll down her cheek I hugged her quick and she moved her head into my chest crying. "No don't cry you won't loose me ok" I threaded my fingers in the back of her hair and she gripped my jacket. "It's ok baby" she sniffed and wiped her eyes. "I love you perrie" she hooked her arms around my waist "I love you too jade" she smiled up at me. And that's the moment I fell in love with her. "Wanna come back to mine" she nodded and kissed me smiling "I'd love that beautiful" I smiled and got off her lap sliding in my seat.
"You sure about this I mean isn't it too early" jade said looking at my house fidgeting. "You know to say your a big tough football player your seeming rather sensitive at the moment" she shook her head. "This is different it's your family" I grabbed her jaw and pulled her view away from the house "right it's me Ellie Leo and the twins ok Lydia talks to anyone lucy is a little shy Leo loves you and Ellie will embarrass me that's it" she sighed out "ok." Me and jade got out the car and walked up the steps I'd only been gone around 4 hours. I walked in with jade trailing behind me. "Hello" I called out and I herd a few shouts and all the kids came running in. "Mummy" they shouted and all put there hands up wanting me to carry them. Leo looked at me and pointed to jade. "That's jade she's in our house mummy" I smiled and she waved at Leo. "Hi Leo" he hugged her legs and then Lydia did too. "Lyd stop copying me" he whined and Lydia stuck her tongue out. Lucy hid behind my legs looking up at jade. "Mummy who that" I knelt down and tucked her hair behind her ears. "That's jade it's mummy's friend she's very nice and special to mummy so we need to be nice ok" I tapped her nose and she giggled. "Hello jeed" she laughed and waved "hello your lucy right" she nodded and hugged my leg blushing.
It was now night jade and Ellie were officially best friends. Lydia and Leo were in bed and Lucy was sat on my lap playing with my hair. "Come on lucy loo it's getting late" she shook her head and cuddled into me. "Lucy how about you come and lay with auntie Ellie" she cuddled into me further and kicked her legs. "Ok well that means no cuddles for a week" she looked up and gasped. "No mummy" she put her hands on her cheeks with her mouth open. "Yep no cuddles" she jumped off me causing me to spill my red wine on jade. "Shi- shoot sorry babe" Lucy looked at me all sheepish "sorry jeed" jade smiled and wiped it causing it to spread further "it's nothing now I think you should listen to mummy" she nodded and kissed my cheek then Ellie's and stopped at jade and hugged her awkwardly. "I'm going to bed you too have fun" Ellie said picking Lucy up sending a wink my way.
Once Ellie and Lucy had gone jade was still busy wiping her T-shirt down. "It won't come out unless you wash it now" I said moving over. She took her t-shirt off revealing her gray Calvin klien sports bra with 6 amazingly toned abs underneath her bronze skin. I couldn't help but stare. "Wow you are beautiful" I breathed out and she smiled."you know I'd love to see you with your top off" she'd had a lot of bear so I wasn't sure if she was aware what she was saying. "Maybe another time I'll put this in the wash" I said walking into the kitchen. She followed behind me. "I should get going" she said kissing my cheek. "What no please stay" she smiled and nodded "I was hoping you'd say that. so where should I sleep?" I bit my lip "maybe my room" she nodded. She leaned against me with her hands on my hips. "Your so beautiful" she said into my neck. "Thank you babe" she smiled and kissed my neck. It's been ages since anyone has given me this much affection I missed it to be honest. "Mummy" a tired looking Leo said from the stairs. "What's jade still doing here" jade took her hand off my hips and moved to the side. "She's just having a sleepover buddy come on let's go to bed. "No mummy" he shouted. "Leondre do not shout at me" he stomped up the stairs and slammed his door. "God sake" I huffed. Jade came up behind me and rubbed my shoulders it was so relaxing. "You seem stressed did you want a massage" I smile and nodded. She sat down and I laid across her legs. I started drifting to sleep until I felt something poke my stomach. I looked up at jade and she was blushing. Omg yes the secret she told me I remember now she has a certain thing down there. "Are you ok" she nodded slowly and covered the now visible bulge in her jeans. "Why are you so hard all of a sudden" she gulped and sat me up "well it's just when I was massaging you well umm you like started moaning and my mind wonders you know" i nodded "I have s game on Sunday will you come" I nodded and trailed my fingers a long her shoulder "and Leondre and Lucy and Lydia can come" I smiled and pecked her lips. "I love you just do you know" she nodded "I know I love you too"

Jades POV:
The next morning I woke up with perrie next to me her hair fanned across the pillow. She had on an oversized T-shirt on and her tanned legs were against mine. She had her makeup on still. I hope one day she'd get confident enough to be bare faced around me. I grabbed my phone and it said 6:37 am. I rubbed my hands down my face looking at her ceiling. I leaned over and kissed her cheek seeing that she had Lydia cuddled into her. She was such a great mum better than anyone I've ever seen. Lydia was the perfect match to her tanned skin blonde hair and blue eyes with a face full of freckles. And obviously Lucy was the same because well there twins. Leo had mixed race skin with curly brown hair and blonde in the top where it had been died. And freckles along his nose going across to his cheeks. The door opened and a little figure appeared in the door. It was lucy I knew that because she had shorter hair than Lydia and a few less freckles. She looked at perrie and ran around the other side. "Jeed" she whispered patting my face. "Mhm" I said turning on my side. "Can't sleep anymore can you make breakfast" I smiled and nodded causing her eyes to sparkle and smile.

Me and Lucy had really bonded that morning it was amazing she told me all about her school and lots about perrie she really admires her. Leo had come down about an hour after as well he didn't talk much to me just a few words. "Jeed look what I drew mummy" lucy said as she held up the paper which had a few colourful scribbles on and her name with the C the wrong way round. "Wow that's amazing lu"

Perrie came down later on with an oversized gray hoodie and her glasses on. "Heya babies" she pulled Leo's hair back and kissed his head and did the same with Lucy. She came over to me and kissed my cheek. "Morning" I smiled. "Mummy wheres Lydia" Lucy asked looking for her twin. "In bed she's got a cold baby" Lucy pouted and perrie picked her up. "Go and pick your cloths you too Leo" Lucy ran off and Leo jumped off the stool walking upstairs. Perrie came over and kissed me slowly. "I have to go" I had training in an hour. "Right now" I nodded and put my hands around her waist. "I'll get someone to pick you up tomorrow for the game I love you" she smiled and hugged me. She walked me to the door and opened it stepping out as well. "So tomorrow alright text me" I nodded and pushed her up against the door kissing her again but harder this time. She smiled and held my shoulders "now get gone before I keep you here" I nodded and flung my bag over my shoulder walking to my car. I looked back and saw her smiling wide with her hand against her chin. "Oh and perrie I love you" she blushed. "I love you too see you tomorrow" I got in my car and drove off leaving my princess at the door.

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