Chapter 8

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*2 weeks later*
Jades POV:
It'd been 2 weeks I was flying to the state of Georgia tonight for a game so I had to leave Perrie here. Leo wanted to come with me but he couldn't he had school. Perrie has been really scared recently and a little depressed. I was afraid she'd go back to self harm so I kept an eye on her. Lucy hadn't been well recently as well she kept saying her side hurt. She was asleep on perries legs in bed. Lydia was running about chasing Leo. Her family's mad. I got my stuff together. And put it by the door. "Wheres the three muscat tears" I shouted into the living room. Two out of the three came running in. I hugged them. "Leo look after mummy auntie Ellie's coming round ok and Lydia just be a good girl ok don't drive mummy mad ok look after Lucy" they hugged me and Leo kissed my cheek and they ran to the food cupboard. I walked upstairs and perrie and Lucy were asleep I stroked perries hair and she woke up. "Baby I've gotta go ok" she nodded and rubbed her eyes picking Lucy up. Lucy squealed and woke up crying "mummy side hurt stop" Perrie put Lucy down and kissed her head "I'm so sorry baby girl I'm sorry" I rubbed perries back and kissed Lucy's head "get better soon beautiful" she smiled and rubbed her eyes. Perrie walked to the door and smiled weakly at me. I hugged her tight and she hugged me as tight. She seemed so sad it's really upsetting "I love you baby" she smiled and kissed me. "I'll miss you" i love her so much "it'll only be a few days baby you'll be fine."

Perries POV:
Lucy wanted to sleep with me so I let her all the kids were in bed and Ellie was out. I walked into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror and sighed. I felt so empty recently I looked like shit to be honest. I looked thinner paler and exhausted. What does jade even see in me in such an ugly broken person. I picked up a razor and looked at my wrist I placed it on my wrist and Lucy started screaming from next door. I dropped the razor in the sink and ran into my room. She was holding her side in pain. I knew something was up straight away so I picked her up and put her in the car then got Lydia and Leo in as well. I drove as fast as I could to the hospital which was easy because it was 4 in the morning and the roads were basically empty. We got there in 5 minutes which is good because it usually takes about 10-15 depending on traffic. I woke up Leo and he tried to keep up with my running so did Lydia. I got in and a nurse rushed over and I explained her side had been hurting and she took her to the ward. "We're going to run some tests miss Edwards" I nodded and Lydia hugged her twin.they took her away for the test and I finally had a chance to breath. We waited in her room Leo asleep and Lydia cuddling me. Lucy and Lydia's bond is so strong they never like being apart especially with them being twins you can sense when they miss each other. I played with Lydia's hair and she cuddled into me "is Lucy gonna be ok mummy" I kissed her head "I don't know baby" and that's the truth I didn't know what was to come.

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