Chapter 14

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Perries POV:
I'd put the twins in nursery for the day and took half the day off work. I'm getting Leo tested at the doctors, me and jade both think he has ADHD but Alex is settled on the idea of him being fine. I picked him up from school and he was excited to be leaving after only spending half the day there. "Where are we going mummy can we get ice cream" he said as we walked back towards the car him holding my hand "we're going to the doctors we can get ice cream later ok" I said and he nodded and ran towards the car. I moved his booster seat into the front and picked him up and did his seatbelt up. I walked to my side quickly and we drove off. "Did you have a good day at school" I was trying to test him myself I had the music on low because one symptom is that people who have ADHD struggle to multitask. He didn't say anything and carried on singing along to the music. I turned the radio off and he looked at me "did you have a good day at school" he nodded "what did you do" he shrugged "don't know" I nodded we drove to the doctors once again.

We sat in the doctors office with Leo sat next to me. "Hello miss Edwards i'm dr Turner" he stood out his hand and I shook it and then sat back down "so why did you come to see us" he sat down at his desk "well I think that my son Leo has ADHD" he nodded "and has anyone else in your family got ADHD" I nodded "my brother" he wrote it down "well ADHD runs in genetics so it's a possibility that he does have it we'll run a few tests you should wait outside it might distract him if your in here" I nodded and kissed his head walking out. I rang jade whilst walking to get a coffee "hi babe" she said down the phone. "Hi how are you" she said and I picked up my coffee then a cold drink for Leo. "Good I'm just at the hospital getting Leo tested and Alex has the kids tonight so I was thinking that you and me could watch a movie or something" she hummed I could tell she was eating "yeah sure did you want me to pick the twins up" she said a mouth full of food "yeah ok then thanks that would help" I carried the coffee back and sat in the waiting room "right I gotta go pick them up see you later babe" she said "see ya later" I hung up and put the phone in my bag.

Eventually the dr came out "miss Edwards" he called out and I stood up walking in. Leo was sat on the floor playing with some toys "so after the examination me and my colleagues have decided that Leo does have adhd" I nodded looked over at Leo. My poor baby boy. "So what now" I said "well there's 5 medications he's going to have to take and we'll organise some therapy for him too" I nodded "do you have any questions" I nodded "so will this affect his behaviour at home or school" he nodded "he'll be more defiant and aggressive he might refuse a lot more when you tell him to do something and he might have emotional outbursts when he's asked to do something he finds challenging" I nodded "so you'll get his prescription next week from your local pharmacy" Leo sat on my lap picked up a car "can I take this home dr Turner" Leo Said holding it up "Corse you can" he said snd Leo kissed my cheek "mummy look" he said and I smiled "wow that's great now let's go home ok me and jade are having a movie night so I think your staying at grandmas house ok" he nodded and jumped off me running out I thanked dr Turner and we walked out driving home.

Once we got home Leo packed an overnight bag and I packed the twins one as well. I kissed the twins then Leo and waved goodbye walking back in. "Right dinner time" jade said and put a bowl of pasta in-front of me "thank you" I said as she leaned over my shoulder and gave me a kiss. She sat next to me and we had a chat whilst eating.

Me and jade were both now in pjs well jade had on some boxers and a large t shirt and I had the same but obviously not boxers though. "Leo has ADHD then" she said and rubbed my leg. I nodded "I honestly don't know how I'm gonna cope I'm absolutely knackered with him already and he's not even started hitting the first stages of it properly" I sighed and she kissed my hands. "You'll cope with me and your mum ok" I smiled and nodded. She came close to me "I love you" she whispered and rubbed her nose against mine. I love you too I said pecking her lips and kissed her softly.

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