Chapter Četiri

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Damnit, first day and I'm already getting in trouble.... I'm supposed to enjoying Surwick—Not fighting this asshole!
The Heart-Bonded protagonist thought as he dodged the swiftest attacks he had ever witnessed in his entire life. Unlike the thugs, this kid is really good at fighting!!
Takeo threw punches and kicks, one punch landed successfully with a result of Ryoji being punched in the face.
Ryoji spits out blood and executes a perfect drop kick to Takeo' head, but counters it with a strong uppercut which Ryoji was flying across the beige street. Ryoji grabbed Takeo's arm and punched him three times before Takeo head butted him.
Staggering, the demon weasel-fox boy saw this as an opportunity to knee him in the stomach. Ryoji countered it with a fierce helicopter kick, the impact of Takeo turned out to be a Doppelgänger. What?!? He knows Doppelgänger Jutsu?!? I thought that technique was just a myth! Darn, that'll mean that he on top..... Ryoji couldn't finish his analysis as Takeo dropped a large ball of hail on his head, the crowd booed at him; saying vulgar language.
"Be gentle on him, ya asshole!"
"Whoop Naruto' ass, new kid!"
"Git him, Will, Git him!!"
"You suck d***, Orphan!!"
"Come on, Kishaun!!"

Wait, who the hell is Kishaun?! Ryoji asked himself before Takeo tried to ambush him! He dodged it sluggishly in exchange for a quick punch to Takeo's stomach.
He went back on his feet, he saw the overconfidence of Takeo flowing through his body. "You're decent, Ryoji, but..." The demon lynx-fox boy threw a barrage of shurikens, "I'm better than you, ya fake!!"  He shouted as the shurikens were hurdling towards Ryoji, who manifested fire on his arms and feet.
As he swung all of his arms and legs, Takeo took all the hits. Takeo grabbed his foot and threw him across the ground, rolling and hurting his shoulder in the process. Hundreds of students cheered the Heart-Bond and the Coldest Hearted Ninja on as the skirmish continued.
Ryoji's felt he was in a gladiator arena, and he was a gladiator fighting for his life. All the yelling, the cheering, Ryoji had never felt the thrill of the fight. When he fought the Middle East, he only fought for survival, but now; his heart pounding faster and faster as Takeo yelled out; "Wow Ryo, you lasted long than I thought you would!! But I'll end this fight right now!! Behold, my powerful technique that I developed myself!" His very own fist turned blue, his entire arm was shaking from the pure force that he fabricated as Ryoji was too tired from dodging all of Takeo's attacks.
The demon boy rushed at the speed of sound, the eyes of our faithful protagonist couldn't perceive on where his opponent was moving from. About fifteen doppelgängers followed and surrounded him.
Where would he be at?
Is he attacking on the right side or on the left side?
Up or down?
Is he the right one, or a fake?
All of the students saw was Takeo uppercutting Ryoji and jumped vertically, shouting out; "AISUURUFUAPPA!!!" Ryoji flew across the horizon, and finally crashed on the ground. He didn't move.
He was unconscious, not hearing Akina's plea to get up and fight; all of what he saw was pitch darkness. He looks to get out of the blackness, yet couldn't find a way to exit.
"Hello? Anybody there?" Ryoji voice echoed, he facepalmed himself, thinking; of course not, I'm such a dumbass. That boy, I let my guard down. Not only he has incredible strength, he's also cunning; like a fox. No matter how I attack him, I don't know his attack patterns, I don't know if it's a Doppelgänger or the real him. Not just that, it seems that he knows when I pull an arm or two. Ryoji analyzed while he felt a sharp pain in his arm, alas did not show it because it would bring him shame if he did. Assassin never showed how much pain they are: his former guild had taught him this ideology. Damnit, I don't have anything on him. My blades I used while I was an assassin were stored away in a location I cannot really remember: I could easily finish this fight under thirty seconds with them. But I guess I gotta rely on my fighting skills. His fighting skills are really good, what to do. What to do. I don't have a trump card.... He felt as if he drifted into an unexpected slumber.
"You do; its me, asshole." Someone answered, Ryoji turned to see who it was; it was none other than his Heart; a short, bipedal, red-orange Tyrannosaurus Rex with a short stout. His head was big as, if not bigger than his body. He stood about 4'2, and on his head there was feather-like hair of the colors: dark blue, amber yellow, and maroon. His eyes were green as a skin of an avocado, and had a short horn on his nose. He also had spikes running down the spine of his 2 foot long tail. His arms were flattened, with four broad claws on each hand, his pectoral muscle were quite distinctive and a long scar ran across it. He had his arms folded, like an ordinary human would when frustrated about a co-worker; in this case, upset that Ryoji hadn't paid attention to his Heart in so long. His nose flared, he frowned at him as Ryoji looked at him reclusively.
"No way, man! I'm not going to synchronize with you!" Ryoji yelled at his Heart, the reptile responded rudely; "You know what's the irony in this? You want to become the first Heart-Bonded Protector, but you don't want to synchronize with me, your very own goddamn Heart! Why are you so stubborn, huh?!" Ryoji stood there, quite for a while.
"What's wrong? T-Rex got your tongue?"
He's right, how can I become a Protector if I don't get along with my own Heart?
"Fine. Let's synchronize together.." Ryoji hesitated, Igneus's eyes sparkled with such glee as he held his hand out for him to do a handshake, "Then-say my name, and you will feel the power of gods.
"On one condition: You will follow my lead this time! Last time, we merely killed a person!"
"He was a bad guy!"
"I don't care if he was a bad guy or a sleaze bag—We don't kill people. If you try to get control of me or you don't behave while we're in Bonded mode, you won't be able to get out of the mental cage. But if you do follow and be a good boy, then you'll be allowed to see the world for the first time."
"Really? This isn't a trick now, is it?"
Ryoji nodded no and added; "No, but it will be if you're not an asswipe when we're in Bonded mode. You will follow my every command. Understand?"
Igneus gulped and performed a Heart's Release; all handshake in which most Heart-Bond utilize to synchronize one another. The Heart's Release started with a signature fist-bump, which is indescribable as it is complicated to illustrate. Say my name echoed inside Ryoji as he revealed his Heart's true name.

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