VOL.2: Chapter Dvadeset

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Chapter 51———A Week Before the Skirmish

The week before Skirmish resumed life in the N.U.S.N, and classes resumed where anyone was tired from the classes.
Life before the Skirmish was...Hyping the entire Festival up. There was no ulterior motive to the N.U.S.N, this was bigger than the Superbowl. Many heroes were looking for an opportunity to pick up future sidekicks.
The remaining heroes wanted to continue this dark age of superheroes, yet none wished to start a new generation of heroes.
It was a weary Monday, with Dakarai sleeping while one of his teachers lecturing about negotiating with villains and doing what was right. Explaining that one must remain calm and understanding of what the villain wants in return. Eventually, his other teacher, Brandon Lewis, found another way to wake him up.
A benevolent way of doing so.
"Is that J.Lo?" Brandon looked up slyly as he tricked his student. Although He didn't like lying and deception, Brandon knew that napping would cause a dip in his grades. So that he didn't end up like his other friend...The one who betrayed the school.
Dakarai immediately woke up, asking and looking around for the celebrity's callipygous body before realizing the cold truth. "Where...Oh, hot damn! I was lied to!" The whole class snickered behind his back.
Even Sora Minami, the stoic of the duo, smirked a bit underneath the mask. He was wrapped under bandages and is expected to make a full recovery in two weeks.
Ryoji was laughing as well to impersonate the dumb, energetic kid for his cover. Despite him playing the part, he was pondering on who was this "J.Low" woman. Is she an athlete? I wonder what sports people play so I can play my part better...I need to find out more...
"Wow...Can you believe he thought...Aki?" Marcus stopped his chuckling and tried to gossip with his adopted sister...Yet, he couldn't get her undivided attention.
As her mind was somewhere elsewhere.
Akina's attention was directed towards Cecilia while blushing slightly at her winged classmate, who looked at her doodles. Akina never had the patience in perfecting the style of an artist. The way she looked at her paper, the way she was in her little world—All of it was...Poetic.
It stirred an emotion she never felt: It was a romantic feeling.
He shook her arm a few times before Akina snapped out of it, even looking at him strangely about it.
Like any big brother, Marcus was concerned about her. "Aki...Is everything okay? You seem off."
"Nothing! It's nothing-g..." She brushed it off while her one-sided nemesis, Jordyn Himasaki scowled at her from her seat.
If Akina was going to the top from the looks of her training and Chief Apex looking over her. I'm praying that I can burn her ass at the festival! Jordyn clenched her fists under her desk as she stared at her victim for a while.
Marcus gave Akina a look of doubt before resuming listening to the lecture. This morning, he dipped his tips a maroon color for the Skirmish. He was ready to give it his all.
"Enough of the boring stuff and let's get into the juicy stuff," Brandon fixed his glasses before beginning to give the good news. "Ever since the incident, the identities of Class C-2 need to hide to keep you safe. So, the board has decided to give the younger classes like C-1 and C-2 masks to hide your identities from the public...."
The whole class beamed triumphantly about the news. They were going to create their names for the festival, they were kids and they were doing the things their older classmates from other classes are doing.
This was the best news the class has had since the year began: We were getting your hero names. Funka was being optimistic in the moment and her thoughts intertwined with everyone else. For the first time, Funka all felt like a kid.
Doing kid stuff.
"However, the Shinobis and Hunters will not be creating their names. Sorry." Sora hated to be the bearer of bad news...He just had to do this just a bit longer before he gives Lino his resignation letter. In the first week of January 2019, he'll give it up to Lino and turn his back on the school he once loved.
Sora took over and finished this with a more positive turn. "Before the festival begins, we will give each one of you different domino masks that have patterns or creative designs made from the minds of you guys. So...Get to it!"
"How are you guys gonna be able to do that if it's already Monday? Doesn't that shit take more than a week to manufacture?" Kadoku brought up a good point to his teachers. "This is Surwick, Haritoka. It'll take a day and a half." Sora answered callously, a side of him surfaced from all the bullshit that came with the school.
The students should start to come close to figuring out that Surwick is not what it seems to be.

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