VOL.2: Chapter Osam

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Chapter 40———Field Trip to The Rescue Garden [SPREAD OFF]

By father's beard——Why are there villains here?! Regis thought after he warped four-hundred feet from the entrance. Usually the young prince always planned ten steps ahead, but now cluelessness overtook him as villains raided the place and started to destroy everything in their path.
He couldn't perceive the ulterior motive of the empire, having a dreadful feeling in this stomach.
Regis threw a sword quickly and teleported to the hill where he could see anything.
Warping on the mountain gave him an advantage:
Hundreds of villains and more soldiers than usual.... Regis thought before teleporting back to his teacher to tell the wrong news.
"Sir, there's a lot of—"
"This isn't Somnus!" Sora yelled at his student by smacking him on the head. He was under extreme pressure as every second the hordes of evil creeped towards his class.
I appreciate it, though. Still........I can't have any of you die on my watch, so apologies for the smack. Sora carefully thought before thinking of a good plan.
All he did was watching Sora Minami, his rational-thinking second teacher, performing one of his world-renowned techniques.
"What the fu—-"" Sanda was the first one to be teleported by a spilt-second followed by the students were sent to the entrance along with Bubble-Dive. He did  this to protect the kids.
"Yami...You stupid idiot.."
Sora muttered under his breath, he took a good look at her accomplices.
The three accomplices whom Sora had heard about.
Her generals were three males and one girl.
The girl was Beowulf—the General of the Shinrai Empire.
She was slim-built with healthy thighs, silver hair and red eyes, he noticed that she actually had let her silky hair down for once instead of having it in her usual ponytail.
Her skin was still the same the last time he saw her two years ago; a beautiful beige like color where it was smooth to the touch.
Her attire consists of a full silver torso armor with a long skirt Black Metal gauntlets covered her arms while metal greaves and sabatons covered her legs and feet her armor.
She carried the Lupus Regina—a rapier that oozed with raw Aether and the hilt was black. She's a workaholic——taking her duties to the upmost care as a General. Beowulf has the most loyalty out of the four people with Shinra, Sora could tell it.
Not to mention: Beowulf used to date Brandon Lewis for four years before they broke up on how their political
Well.....I guess she handled pretty well....
The second one was a distinguished shinobi named Vaniguzu.
Was the man Japanese?
He gave his name and risen it to new heights simply due to boredom.
Nicknamed the "Hellfrostbitten", He could freely use fire and ice at his disposal without any repercussions.
The man was short; however as he stood at five foot and six inches while Sora and Brandon were much taller than him. His muscular build left an impression on them and the ink that came with it. His left arm having diamond-like tattoos on them and the other one bright red flames. An oni, a Daemon that lives in Japan skull rested on the left shoulder, his attire was a red ninja robe that was well kept and the sleeves were fairly trimmed with teal armored boots and gloves to go with.
The hood of teal was sharp at the tip and his silver mouthplate contained the kanji; Ice and Fire. His eyes was that of a deranged, dangerous lunatic—smaller than the average folk.
He had his arms folded, analyzing the scenery around them: Watching the chaos unfolding it as the third one was the one that spoke.
I heard about this....man from a friend on the Shinobi Force, that the victims he killed were left all decayed—blackened. Other than that, that's all the information I have about this villain.....
Lastly, there was a black child levitating while holding a pillow. While he was the same age as most of Class-C2, he was lanky and tall. The boy wore a red hoodie, some expensive pants and expensive Jordan's on.
His silver eyes were mischievous; curious of what mayhem he will wrought to the world.
Those four——those four are here for someone.... Sora realized on what they came here to do.
They're here to kill.
To kill Chief Apex. They're going to try and kill him. They really are gonna try.....
He dreaded the idea of a good man getting killed as
samurai themed soldiers came through the gate more and more, Beowulf reported back to Shinra by bowing down towards her superior.
"We have 900 soldiers warped across the Garden. Do you want me to send more soldiers?"
"So many? Then send more low-lives to deal with them. This incursion is to show that my empire, is not be trifled with. This, my dear friend, is a declaration of war."
She said coldly, her eyes were glued on Nevaeh——The primary teacher of Class-C2.
He wasn't backing out from this fight.
Yami Shinra wasn't, either.
She pulled out her sword——the menacing Murasame with extreme joy. It was eight-feet-long, weighed about two hundred pounds and forged out of pure Bucraycium. The burgundy handle felt good in her hands, she swung it like a weak stick of wood people used to play fetch with their dogs.
Wanting to know on why she, of all people was here, Brandon Lewis asked her in a diplomatic tone while maintaining his stance. "Why are you here? The faculty of Surwick did their very best in the location not being-"
"Leaked?" She started to burst out in laughter after interrupting him. Beowulf, Vaniguzu, the child didn't laugh but the beige monster did. It chilled the spine of the teachers. "It's funny——that Surwick lacks the ability to comprehend that you shouldn't insult an Empress so discreetly. I'm smarter than I look.
"Funny—that you lack the understanding of your ramifications of this ambush!" Sora insulted her intelligence with steam coming from his mask. So, in retaliation, she slung her blade at the speed of thunder but not too fast for Sora. The black two-handed sword and the katana clashed together with Nevaeh struggling, the Empress smiled arrogantly and threw him away from her.
Waiting for the perfect opportunity, the Psycho Ninja used this moment to throw some knives at her; to weaken her. As he did this, six knives soared gracefully towards her. It was only an inch away from her eye before vanishing into thin air.
What the hell....He started to fear of what was to come as he felt six sharp knives puncturing his arm.
It felt numb as he tried to move it around to no avail: his arm was paralyzed from the finger down. It was bloody—he used a small amount of Aether to transfer onto the knives.
Finally, the beige monster spoke again after scaring some children. "HE'S FINALLY RUNNING OUT OF STREAM." His voice was very distorted and abnormal, as if he was not from this world. That statement alone creeped out the teacher, followed by the child with the Empress asking him so. "Are you sure, Mr. Infusco? I'm pretty sure that knives didn't have any energy in them..." He was childish but special—something was wrong about the kid.
"Sorry. I can't let you spill information like that! This isn't Dragon Ball Z!!" The light-using hero proudly declared, the general of the army came charging towards him while brandishing her Lupus Regina. Once two of their blades crossed paths, followed by the beige monster lunging at the black clad knight.
He dodged by the last second, and landed on his feet flawlessly while Beowulf lunged at her Ex.
Sheesh....I told you I was sorry about the breakup, Wulfie!!!!
He got into a swinging position, he had his sword above his head as it gleamed brightly. Here it comes....

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