Chapter Sedamnaest

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It was down pouring buckets of rain just minutes after I left my dead friend's body. A coincidence, since it looked like nature was mourning for a nature lover like himself. Oh, how he loved the nature so dearly.
People abhor us because we represent the unpredictable nature of mankind and the damage we can wreck. We are the mistakes of the greedy masters that controlled us, trying to snuff us when they try to save themselves.
Those bastard deserve to die———Rampart; I want him the most to be buried under the cold ground.
Officer Lewandoski, on the other hand, seems to be controlled by his supreme officer.
Maybe he wanted to do good before he was tempted by that pig-hearted incubus. I felt sorrow since Lewandoski was stuck in his predicament, yet he killed for vengeance.
The hatred in his eyes——It was as if he personally experienced something with one of us. Lewandoski
I know that hate.
I have seen his type many times in my past:
I would like to do to Rampart like he did to Batsaikhan.
"You shouldn't be thinking like that, Ryoji!" Igneus said while manifesting into a physical form to interact with me, he was annoying me.
Stubbornness is one of the many vices I have, it can be either good or horrible. It can be an incredible weapon, as I have used it beneficially over the past years.
My bullheadedness has kept me alive and it shows.
"I can and I will. I have the right to free will, free speech and free assembly here in the N.U.S.N." I argued back. I held my head up high because I needed to look for directions.
I've never been to this part before.
As I entered Avignon, it was a different way via by a boat first then I entered to Memorios Beach and then to the city. Must have not been that big deal if I did not remember it....
It seems I made Igneus a bit stumped, as I could tell he was looking for a way to counter my statement. It was nice to not hear him blabbering on how I was being an ass or being rude.
Does it really matter?
Does it?
I feel cold right now, but I shouldn't feel that way. I'm should be used to all the death.......Why am I still hung up on his? Why am I experiencing the feelings that our captor took away from us?
Never mind that...I shook my head while Igneus looked at me with his green eyes that are larger than life. I stopped walking because I knew Igneus was going to ask me a question.
He gasped frighteningly, he must have figured something about me. ".........I need to ask.....Even though I've been with you the whole time——Have you," He bit his tongue. "been in the Assassin's Guild your whole life?"
"My whole life..." I answered silently. "So was Uncle Zanko, Babel, Castillo, Ebony and thousands of more..."
"Isuse Maria......."
"He's not going to help us not now, or later......"
I'm sorry for that statement, to those who believe in a God. I honestly have no care in one, either.
When I entered Houndspire, I could see why Babel brought an apartment: It was so beautiful.
The N.U.S.N was the reimagining of how the world can be beautiful yet cruel at the same time. The hard work they took and manage to put every detail in every structure here.
Despite him being French, Babel was always enamored the architecture from the Victorian era. Before he was ostracized, he would always talk about how he wanted to visit the N.U.S.N. He was always so curious about the world around him and how they worked, Babel would always once read in the library whether he came back from a mission.
The Magpies did not like this. Babel has the highest I.Q. in the Orpheus unit and while he was also a clone; he did not share the same level of anger his predecessor had.
Jebi ga..........
Just when I thought my day was bad enough, it had to become even worse than before that I found out that the only way to get your apartment, Babel, there is one way: Public Transportation.
And it's by a street car. I have unpleasant memories of street cars.
If it was a train, it would be less cluttered and I would be able to move.
I would be able to traverse a bit more in this rain
People weren't drenched in this weather as unnatural weather phenomenons occurred here for some odd reason.
People my age and older were jubilant to play in the rain, prancing and singing as they
Happiness is the absence of pain.
I heard that once from my good friend Babel. He said he got it from some pointless graphic novel. I didn't bother on remembering the name of it: I'm not much of a reader, books never save me life.
It makes sense: My pain will never be absent.
I have too much agony.
Too much anger.
I'm just an angry child, after all. Until I'm eighteen years old, I'm an angry child ex-assassin who will be executed by the police if they found out about me.
On my own, I can't ruin my shot towards my dreams, goals and redemption.
That is if my idiot Heart that I am bonded to, ruins that shot for me.
I stopped in the middle of the street while awaiting for the street car, preparing myself for people looking at me. I know I am quite appealing for the eyes.
I'd appreciate it if you kept quiet. I spoke to Igneus with a harsh tone again, he did not say anything then.... I remembered another thing. And try not to be out in public; Some of these people are scared of Heart-Bonds and never seen one before........Stay hidden..
"That....I will try to do!!!!" He promised with glee in the end, I felt as if he let out a chuckle I couldn't hear but I knew he did.
Igneus pointed out something, appearing out of my body and pointed out, "Look, Ryoji, It's Sera from school!" He yelled outside my body, and he was right: That is indeed Sera; standing a few meters from me, waiting for a street car just like me.
What are the odds?
Don't be so loud always!! I shouted mentally at him.  What happened to "stay hidden"?
"Ohh....Yeah." He sheepishly said while he was disappearing into my body. "I forgot about that and look at that: Sera's coming close to us and probably wanna talk so don't be a douche!!" His mouth
His stupidity got her attention, her hair was fluffier than ever as she managed to get closer to me and Igneus. She wore an attire from a company called 'Versace', yelling out, "Ryoji and his Heart!! What are you guys doing? Are you two waiting for a tram?" This girl didn't know about respecting personal space.
Now is the time to be normal, especially with her. I can tell on what she wants to hear. "Igneus and I are just visiting an old friend I knew from Switzerland. He's on Chaplin Street." And the tram slowed down in front us and a crowd that was enjoying the weather.
We both entered, I entered last since it was chivalrous to let the girl go out of respect.
"Chaplin Street?" Sera said as her eyes gotten bigger, finding a pole to hold on as her and I were close.
"That's in Nottingmouth, the first stop in that city. It's just north of where I need to go—Gartham. My mother has a press conference and has ordered me to be here to be an actress: To be her little 'damsel-in-distress'." She said in a lower pitch, she really thinks of her mother in high regards.
Igneus was out now fully, standing next to me as she looked down on him and smiled.
"You've every right to be scared. I was scared too-"
I stopped talking as I found out she was paying attention to me. Instead: She was caressing Igneus's hair, grooming it as he was enjoying her caressing. His tongue become longer in ecstasy and she wasn't creeped out by his behavior, this whole day has been crazy. "What shampoo do you use?"
"A bunch of mint, honey, ginger and fresh milk all mixed together. Let it soak for thirty minutes and then wash it with bleach."
"Maybe Head & Shoulders will do the trick."
"Eww!!!" He grimaced, he hates body parts to the upmost. "Is it actual 'Head and Shoulders'?"
She quickly dismissed his confusion. "No, it's a shampoo product that smells really good on the hair!"
"I have to give you something." I said to her as sternly as possible, regaining her focus. "Here: Take this." I offered her my whip, handing the one weapon that has helped me so much in my lifetime.
"A whip?" Sera looked at me, puzzled by my reaching hand. "What is it for?"
"Back during the fight with the Reaper," I began to explain to her as gently as possible, "I protected you once even though it was a severe risk. When you're out of Aether—You wouldn't be able to cast Magic spells. When that happens—you need to defend yourself."
She reluctantly grabbed it out of my hands with her silky smooth hands but I noticed a small scar on her exposed on her arm, maybe she's hurting herself or not.....She studied the whip a bit while no one in the tram was paying attention. "So.........All I need to do is.....use my wrist to whip it hard?" She analyzed her new gift, looking on how the whip had a crust of blood.
I wasn't a tad bit worried if she started asking about it. "Whoever made you irate to hit them with this; they had it coming." She approved the whip, putting it back into her exquisite backpack. "Thank you for the whip." She's nice for a Bishop..I heard worse things about her mother, Pearline. I thought
"They sure did." Shit. I wasn't supposed to confess to her like that. I slipped. It seemed like Sera lit out a pleasant chuckle. It was brief, pleasant nevertheless.
"Can I tell you something, Ryoji?"
"I miss the rain." Sera also confessed, she looked like she was about to cry. "I miss it how wet the raindrops were when they poked my face. The rain is unnaturally dry here in the N.U.S.N. I thought at first that, the clouds were Virga clouds; but then my mother told me that all of the people's powers affect the weather so much that the ecosystem is different here than the world. Even when there is snow here: It doesn't freeze me like Takeo's cryomancy does......The government and ZiON say we're killing our lands——our planet."
There was a silence between us, not an awkward one.
Just the sweet sound of nothingness.
The tram stopped suddenly and I peered through the small window behind me and Sera: A sign that said 'Nottingmouth'. I need to exit now.......
I wanted to go but Sera tugged me by the sleeve, reminding me that this step. "This is your stop: Chaplin Street—that's where you need to see your friend. Head on south and you'll get the apartment complex in no time."
I didn't repeat what she said, Sera was still on the tram, she seemed to be in a better mood now since we were together. "See you at school and tell Joseph I said hi!" She sincerely said her goodbyes, waving as Igneus waved back at her while I smiled a bit.
Right........I forgot: My friend also works for the mega pharmaceutical company ZiON.
He's an linguist expert for ZiON.
Another reason why I forgot was because I did not inherit the usual eidetic memory that few Ravens had. Walking on these cobblestones were quite the hassle and different.
"She smells nicer now than she did earlier."
You can smell her a few days from now......
"And her nails," He began to obsess with her nails. "They are the perfect shape! They're not too witchy and not too bitchy, either....."
You can eat them if you love them so much
"You like her nails, too, don't lie, Ryoji!!!!" His voice hit a squeaky sound like a squeezing toy would.
I don't have a fetish. You're the one with the weird fetishes.......
There's the apartment complex: All baby blue and Victorian style mixed to get an very appealing-to-the-eye building.
It was a rather tall building with probably over sixty floors and he was on the forty five floor.
Babel always had a thing for baby blue. Just any shade of blue really.
His future house if he was following American
Suburbia: The paint of his house would be blue with white windows,

(Discontinued) CORHEIM Year One Volume 1: The New Heart in TownWhere stories live. Discover now