"But Nee-chan, I didn't say anything bad." Daisuke whined.

Sakura gave him an incredulous look, shaking her head, she got up. "Alright, let's go get ready."

Sakura came down the stairs, decked in classy beach attire; wearing a black blouse with a white tank underneath and white shorts. Her sleeves were rolled up to her elbows as a starfish bracelet hung on her slim wrist. She had a matching pair of starfish earrings and necklace; her feet were adorn with black bowed flip flops. Unconsciously, a wide smile found its way to her face as she saw Sasuke waiting for her at the bottom.

As she reached the bottom, a voice from far off said, "Nee-chan, why do you always match with Nii-san?"

"Hm?" Sakura took a glance at Sasuke. True to his words, they did match. Sasuke supported a black dress shirt with sleeves rolled up to his elbows and oddly enough, white cargo shorts. "I guess…great minds think alike?"

"Sure Nee-chan," Daisuke replied, his voiced full of sarcasm. Oh, did he sound so much like Sasuke!

Sakura walked over and surprised the poor little Uchiha with a bear hug, lifting him off the ground. "Awww Daisuke you're too cute."

Sasuke watched with amusement as his favorite Uchiha was babied by the rosette. Crossing his arms, he leaned leisurely against the stair's post.

"Nii-san, help me!" Daisuke cried from the "clutches" of his new favorite Nee-chan. "Nii-san!"

"No one's going to save you Daisuke." Sakura sweet laughter filled the room, bringing life into the Uchiha household at the moment. "And Nee-chan is not planning on letting go anytime soon."

Sakura spun him in a circle and laughed as he held onto her neck tightly, demanding her to put him down. Deciding that Daisuke had enough fun for one day, he quickly grabbed the little Uchiha and made a sprint for the door. Leaving a smiling rosette racing after him, "Loser buys lunch for everyone."

The group had just finished their lunch and was currently taking turn upon opening their fortune cookies.

"The road to riches is paved with homework?" Naruto read the small slip of paper, then exclaimed, "YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING?"

Everyone aroused in fits of giggles and laughter at the thought of Naruto even graduating high school.

"It's o-okay Na-Naruto-kun," Hinata patted his back with a smile. "My t-turn. Y-your art-artistic t-talents w-will win the ap-approval and a-applause of others."

From across the table Tenten spoke up, "See? What did I tell you Hinata? You're an amazing artist!"

"I-I'm n-n-not that g-good." Hinata bowed her down, blushing at her friend's statement.

"Oh, you're Amazing Hinata-chan! BELIEVE IT!" Naruto gather her up in a big, tight bear hug.

"Ohhh, my turn!" Ino took a fortune cookie and cracked it open. "You will travel far and wide both for pleasure and business? What does that mean?"

"It means you're a traveling prostitute." Daisuke said like it was nothing as he ate. Followed right after the comment were muffled chuckles and snickering. Glancing up, Daisuke met a pair of intimidating emerald eyes.

"Daisuke," Sakura managed to say through her gritted teeth, "What did I say about that kind of language?"

"But Nee-chan," Daisuke whined as he didn't see what the problem was.

Intensifying her glare, Sakura spoke in a hushed but firm tone. "Don't you 'Nee-chan' me young man. You know exactly what you did."

"Nee-chan, I didn't do anything,"

The hushed conversation between the two began to catch the attention of others. The majority of the Uchiha family watched the two with interest; quite curious of the commotion.

"Daisuke, you shouldn't call Ino-Nee-chan that, it's not polite or nice." Sakura explained to the not so innocent Uchiha. Deciding to tease, Sakura smiled. "Hmmm...I'm guessing I can cross off someone's name off the list...oh that's too bad."

"Nee-chan! When did you become so mean?"

"Hmmm...I wonder...oh that's right! When you became foul with your mouth." Sakura smirked as Daisuke bowed his head down in shame. Taking a straw, she tore the wrapper slightly. Aiming it at Daisuke's head, she blew it, watching as it bounced off the raven head. "Cheer up Daisuke, don't be like your Nii-san."

"Hn, what's wrong with me?" Sasuke averted his attention over to the rosette.

"Well...it's a long list."

Sasuke glanced at his watch, "I have got time."

"Okay," Sakura let a soft laugh and smiled. "No offense, but you're arrogant, egoistic, gloomy, a bastard, annoying, weird, care too much about your dang pride, and a jerk. And what's up with your hair? It looks like a chicken's ass."




Tenten, Temari, and Hinata stared wide eyes at their pink haired friend while everyone waited for the young Uchiha's reaction. And the Sasuke they knew wasn't going to go easy about it either.

Sasuke sent glares of ice daggers in Sakura's direction, but to everyone's surprise, he stood up and walked out of the room with his hands in his pockets.

"Huh?" Naruto began rubbing his eyes furiously. "Is it just me or is it a fact that Sasuke just walked out and didn't kill Sakura-chan?"

"For the first time in your life, Naruto, yes, it's not just you." Tenten replied, half shocked, and half sarcastic.

"Whew! For a second there I thought I was going crazy-HEY!"

The table erupted into laughter at Naruto's slow reaction, while Hinata patted him on the back, smiling.

Sakura slipped out of the room as everyone's attention was on her blond friend, Naruto. She made her way outside, towards the balcony that overlooked the city below. This caused her to laugh lightly, 'These Uchihas and their places, overlooking the Konoha city."

Upon stepping onto the concrete, Sakura spotted the young Uchiha. Sasuke stood there in his cool style; hands in his pockets while looking in the horizon. Sakura walked over to the railing and leaned against it, "Nice view, ne?"

"Hn, you're here."

Internally, Sakura wanted to punch him square in the face but she decided to just roll her eyes at his blunt remark. "Hn, you're still a jerk."

"But you love me for that," Sasuke looked at her smirking.

"Oh, don't be full of yourself, Uchiha."


"Why you damn Uchiha and your stupid one word replies, I could just—"

This Girl's Name Is Sakura Haruno [Naruto Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now