Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Sakura lay on the ground, trying to catch her breath. She was covered from head to toe in yogurt, her once silly hair felt sticky and gross but it didn't kill her mood. She was enjoying the moment too much to care.

Sasuke plopped down in the grass next to her. They watched the blue sky slowly change into a majestic purple, announcing nighttime had fallen over Konoha. The stars came out one by one, lighting up the dark sky. All around them the street lights began to flicker on.

"Hn, I totally blame you for this."

"What? My fault?" Sakura shouted.

"Aa, you're the one who started it."

"Oh whatever, you have to admit that you had fun." Sakura stuck her tongue out knowing that the answer was yes.

Hating to admit it, Sasuke sighed, "Aa."

Sakura jumped up," Ha in your face Uchiha."

"Hn, quite down before you awaken Kami and she'll make it rain."

"Like I care!" Sakura shouted with a smile. "I just beat the oh-mighty Uchiha Sasuke!"

"Hn, seriously, shut up."

"Nope." She ran around the park screaming 'Uchiha Sasuke just got beaten up by me, Sakura.'

Sasuke shut his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose.

'Never give her sugar again.'

He tried to catch her and tell her to shut that loud, crazy mouth of hers but it was no use. She would easily wriggle out of his grasp with all of that sticky substance all over her.

"Hn, shut up."


"Hn, don't blame me when it rains,"

"It's perfectly ni-," Sakura was cut short of her sentence as she felt a water droplet on her cheek. Looking up at the sky, more droplets fell, before you knew it, it was down pouring.

"It's raining!"

"Hn, told ya." Sasuke said smirking not believing that it was going to rain either.

Sakura let out shrieks of glee as she began twirling in the rain. She lifted her head high in the sky and let the rain drops hit her face in a soothing manner. Sasuke just stared at the girl and one thought crossed his mind.

'She's not your typical girl, far from one.'

Out of the blue, Sasuke was slammed to ground by a certain sugar high rosette. Her angelic laughs filled the rainy night.

"This is so much fun!"

"Hn, it's time to get you out of the rain and let you calm down from that sugar rush." Sasuke stated in a commanding tone, leaving no room for an argument. Sakura pouted but never less got up.

In the distance, a clap of thunder was heard as lightning split through the sky, lighting up the dark night. As if being snapped out of her daze, her bubbly personality dropped in an instant.

"Uhh…I should get home."

"Hn, about time." Sasuke rolled his eyes at the obvious.

They began walking down the road, not seeming to care that they were soaking wet.

"Hn, no more sugar for you," Sasuke stated. "Ever."

"Whatever," she scoffed.

The down pour had gotten worst over the span of five minutes.

This Girl's Name Is Sakura Haruno [Naruto Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now