Chapter Twenty

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"Akame," Sasuke repeated himself again. His patients for the girl was slowing running thin. "What were you doing my phone?"

Under the calculating gaze of the young Uchiha, the girl began to fidget with the hem of her skirt. Akame averted her eyes so that they don't come in contact with his. Biting her lips anxiously, she let out a forceful laugh. "Oh, I was just checking my email. You know how Daisuke loves to send emails to me. That kid is too plain cute!"

Onyx orbs narrowed down to the girl. "Daisuke only emails one person in this world, Sakura. Other than her, he hates emailing, for it's easier to call or text. Not to mention, he is currently in Africa, a city where there is no internet. He's on a safari field trip with his class."

"R-Really?" The girl was stumped. If she didn't find any way to buy herself some time, she would be eaten alive by none other than Sasuke himself.

"Now tell me the truth, Akame. What were you doing with my phone?"

All of a sudden, Ino came stomping in, her face twisted with pent up anger, ready to be unleashed at any second from now. The blonde was a human time bomb at the moment. In a few short strides, Ino slammed her hand down on the table, making the contents of their drink slosh onto the table. "What is the meaning of this, Akame?" Each word came out short and hard through her gritted teeth. Ino's usual bright, baby blue eyes were a stormy ocean blue. "Why did Sakura get a text from Sasuke telling her to meet him on the rooftop? Oh, wait. Did I forget to mention that, you had someone there ready to push her to her death? And that it was the same person that attempted the rape on her? Explain yourself bitch!"

Akame stared at the girl with wide eyes, frozen in place. She tried opening her mouth to retort back that it wasn't her, but her ability to speak was useless.

Silence came over the three like a thick wool blanket. The only audible sound was the clinking of glassware coming in contact with another as waiters began cleaning up for it was closing time. If they strained their ears hard enough, they could even hear the soft whispers of the wind calling.

Sasuke let out an agitated sigh. Seeing that the conversation was going nowhere, he pushed his chair back and got up. He gave Ino a curt nod as he buttoned up his suit, and left without another glance at Akame, leaving the paid bill on the table.

Once he reached the door, Sasuke heard Ino incoherently growling at the girl.

Three knocks on her bedroom door caused her to snap out of her trance, "Come in."

Sakura opened her eyes and turned her head to the direction of the door. A small smile made its way to her face as she saw Sasuke enter. The boy had no idea what kind of effect he had on her. He could turn her any frown into a smile, and that's exactly what happened right at that moment.

The said boy leaned down and placed his hands on either side of her head. His eyes searched her own; they were looking for something within her own. "You alright?"


"No, you're not."

"I'm fine Sasuke. Seriously, I'm fine."

After staring at her for a moment longer, Sasuke decided to drop the subject. "Alright, come on. We're going for a walk."

Before she could even mutter a single a word, Sasuke was already heading for the door.

"Wait! In this?" Sakura exclaimed.

Not even bothering to turn around, he muttered, "I don't see why not."

Looking down at her sweats and t-shirt, Sakura sighed. "Hey Chicken-Ass, hold up!" Sakura began stripping off her night time garments and exchanging them for a nice pair of jeans and a white v-neck underneath a navy blazer. Throwing the door open, Sakura rushed outside.

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