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olxxxiv. grodd's return


"OH, HEY, I know I keep asking, but have you read any reports or anything recently about a Birdman attacking anywhere?" Cisco asked Caitlin and Chloe again, making the redhead laugh.

"Cisco, as I've said before, no-" Chloe laughed, as Caitlin smiled in amusement telling the long haired man, "Theres no such thing as a Birdman, Cisco."

"Okay, like that's a stretch." The man held his hands our, "In this city?" He held up a hand, "Look, I know what I vibed. It was a man with these big, wide wings. It was crazy." Suddenly Caitlin got this look on her face, it going still as she stared straight ahead.

"What if it was an angel?" Cisco questioned, not seeing the look on Caits face. He laughed, as Chloe looked to the brunette woman concerned.

"It was an angel." He smiled, before it dropped, both him and Chloe asking, "Caitlin?" She didn't respond, as Cisco held his hands out again, in a slight shrug, "Okay, come on, like that's a crazy idea."

Suddenly she turned and socked Cisco in the face, making Chloe jump back exclaiming, "What the hell?!" Not paying attention to the redhead, the woman walked away as Cisco called, "What is wrong with you?!"

Soon, Chloe helped Cisco up and they made their way into the cortex, seeing Barry in his wheelchair. Cisco held his face, "Did Caitlin come through here?" He questioned.

"No." Barry shook his head.

"She punched Cisco for no reason." Chloe added, Cisco finishing, offended, "And then ran away!"

"YO!" There was a sudden shout, Joe running into the cortex, yelling, "Grodd!"

"What?" Both Cisco and Barry questioned, as Chloe let out a, "Huh?"

"Grodd's back." Joe told them, worried.

"Caitlin. That must be why she was acting like that. She was being mind controlled." Cisco started looking through the cameras.

"Wait- Whats going on?" Chloe questioned, arms crossed.

"When you- When you were kidnapped and Snart was here looking for you, Grodd made an appearance." Barry explained, hurriedly. The redhead had completely forgotten about that with how much had gone on.

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