Chapter 73: Home Sweet Home

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Roni POV
Aaron gets home today. I haven't told the twins yet because I want it to be a surprise. They always miss their dada and to see those adorable smiles on their faces as he walks through the door. That is one of the highlights of being a mother. Your kids are so easily happy and surprised and it feels so good to see them happy. That smile will always make my day.

I get breakfast ready in the morning in arrest mood. Alexa plays done of me in the twins favorite songs. Vi and Vinny we're both blessed with beautiful voices. That must come from me because Aaron's voice isn't quite there. It's crazy that you can hear that the twins can hold a note. We hum our tunes and eat our homemade French toast sticks with fruit. Guppy and Moose huddle under us just waiting for the twins to drop something. Vi has gotten better with not making a mess but Vinny hasn't. It's ok though because their still kids and kids will be messy.

We move on through our day and get dressed as we always do. I never try to make anything a task for them. I always make it fun and try to smile even if I get flustered. I think it's just going to help them as they get older. If I start making it not a task or a chore but something they don't mind doing now, then it won't be such a pain to get them to do it when they get older. We make up our bed as I'm trying to teach them how to do. It's a Saturday so no work for them and the rest of the kids in the house so we're all downstairs just playing on tablets or with toys. Alis stops by and her, Alex, Adrian, and Asher go out for the day. Asher is trying to walk around and be more independent and Alis is really becoming close with kids so she's living it.

Were all sitting in the living room even we hear the doorbell ring. The twins heads pop up really fast. They are very nosy and this is a regular thing that happens when the doorbell rings. I ask Nessa can she get it and play it off as if I don't know who it is. She opens the door and smiles. And he walks in. Vi is the first to notice and goes to hug him. Vinny runs to hung him to and beats Vi to him. He swoops them both up at the same time and another them in kisses as he says that he missed them. They're just giggling away as the melt into his arms. He throws the across his shoulder and dumps them on the couch. They just giggle waiting for more.

He comes up to me and gives me a big hug. My legs kick up and he spins me around. I drop out of the hug and him a kiss then I hug his torso. The kids grip onto his leg and hug it. Nessa smiles at us.

"Dang, can I get my hug in?" She asks. We all unlatch from Aaron and he gives Nessa a big hug too. "My big brother is finally home" she sighs

"We missed you here" I add.

"Well Aww wasaewwwwwwwwwwsssssssszzzzzz you won't have too worry about missing me again because that was our last filming section" he says.

"Really?" Nessa ask.

"Yep. I'm surprised Roni didn't tell you."

"Yeah Nessa, Aaron's last week filming was this week" I say

"Yeah, that's a little to late now." She says. I had totally forgot to tell her. She knew he was coming home but didn't know he wouldn't be going back. "But I'm glad your back" she says and grabs her yogurt and goes up to her sleeping kids.

The kids go blabbing on about their day and what they did while he was gone. He listens intently totheir every word. No matter what their talking about, he listens. They could be speaking in pig Latin and he would still give them all his undivided attention. It's so cute.

As I watch them I prepare lunch for them. I'm just making some Mac and cheese, a parfait, and some grilled chicken strips. I know Aaron is super tired of eating sandwiches on set so I made some thing different. Tonight I have some thing else a little more special planned. I'm making something that will give him a taste of home.

"Ok you two, give dada a break so all of you guys can eat." I say. They run over and I put them in their high chairs to get started eating.

"I made food for you too" I say coming close to Aaron and I give him a kiss on the cheek. I go upstairs and get some clothes to change into after they play outside and get some stuff ready for them to take a nap. I do a load of laundry and by the time I dump them in the washing machine the kids are done eating and are ready to go outside. Aaron's already helping them put on their shoes and getting the outside. Rebel and Echo come down too. They eat some lunch and play. Soon they're all tired so Kian, Nessa, Aaron, and I put them in some clean clothes and put the down for a nap. Kian and Nessa take this opportunity to go grocery shopping. (corona doesn't exist in this world 😂) Aaron and I catch up. Just laying there in the couch talking about what we missed and what we're going to do. Just a deep talk. We end up falling asleep. I wake up just in time to make dinner for him. I making Adobo. It's the simplest Filipino dish that I know. His mom taught it to me and I just want to give him a taste of home.

When dinner is ready the kids are awake and Alex is back home. Alex enjoys his food too.

"It's not quite mom's, but it's delicious" He says. I think him and we just have fun for the night until we get tired and go to sleep. I'm just glad to have Aaron back home.

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