Chapter 17: Moving in

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Aaron POV
Alex has been working on selling his house. He finally got a buyer about two weeks ago. In those weeks he's worked on packing up. Finally all his boxes are packed and Kian and I are here to help him take them back to the house. It's going to be a bittersweet moment for Adrian and Alex. Asher is already at the house but Adrian wants to say his final goodbyes. Once the last box is packed up in the moving truck, we get in the truck. We give Alex and Adrian a minute. They do a finally walk through of the house. We've all had great me memories in there. I remember that he was the first person out of us to get a house. We thought it was so cool. He didn't have to live with us anymore. We come all the time and go to parties or just hang out. He and Lauren always threw the best parties. I bet that Alex can do the same but just at our house. I applaud him for trying to move on and doing things that he did before, just without her. It seems so hard to do hard but Alex is a fighter and I know he can do it.

Adrian comes to the car in Alex's arms. He's wiping his own tears from his eyes. He was really sad about leaving. I'm sure Alex is too, he's just not showing it on the outside. Alex hooks him in the car seat of his car. He follows us to the house as the boxes get dropped off on the front steps. We thank the movers and pay them. We help Alex bring all the boxes in.

"Ok Adrian, you get first pick of the room you want" I say

"I want that one" he says and points to the room beside Rebel's. The kids stay on one of the hallways and the adults stay on another one. Alex chooses the one right front of Adrian's. There's one more bedroom left. That one belongs to Asher.

"Ok let's start getting your room ready" Alex says. I open the door to let them in.

"Already done" Roni says. In the room Nessa and Roni have made it all about Adrian. They must have done it as a surprise. It seems to be a good one because Adrian just says "wow" with wide eyes. He admires the room and rubs his hand against the dinosaur lined wall.

"This is so cool!" He says. He gives Nessa and Roni a hug. "Thank you Aunt Nessa and Aunt Roni"

"No problem" Nessa says

"Anything for you Adrian" Roni says "it's not done yet. You still have to put all your favorite toys in it"

"Oops I almost forgot" Adrian says. He drags the box with his toys in it. He places the ones that he wants placed. It adds his own little flare to the room. He puts all his belongings where he wants them. The last thing he pulls out is a picture of him and Lauren. He looks at it.

"What's wrong?" Alex asks. He sees the puzzled look on Adrian's face.

"Do I put it up or throw it away?" He's speech as gotten very articulate.

"I understand. I think you should put it up. It has memories and just because she isn't here anymore doesn't mean that you don't have to love her. You guys have had some great memories together." Alex say

"Mkay" Adrian says. He reminds me so much of Alex. He puts up the picture on the bedside table. We leave out to give him some space to explore his new room. Before we leave out I see him pull Adrian into a hug.

"I'm proud of you. You're handling this like a champ." Alex says. It puts a smile on my face. They're making it through it. It's not a surprise, but their doing it.

We decide to take the kids to the park while Alex gets done what he has to get done with his room. We offered him help but he said he didn't need it. I'm not going by to argue back and forth with him about that so we just held up our end of the offer.

The kids run out of the car as soon as we get to the park. They're so excited to get out and play. We have a big backyard but we don't have a swing set or anything. I guess we'll have to build that. We'll also be needing a bigger car to get all of us around at one time. With three more people in the house we're going to have a lot of needs. It's all worth it though. Even though it's going to be hard sometimes, I'm so glad that Alex moved in with us. He won't be so lonely, he'll have help with the kids,and we can all see him more often. I think it's going to be fun and it's going to be crazy with work. Our videos are going to be off the walls. It's a win win situation.

The kids finish up at the park. They're all pooped because of all that playing. We come home to Alex's room being fully him. It's cool. He has his one little work station and everything. The girls already took care of Asher's room. They did that so Alex wouldn't have to worry about it. He already had a lot to do. I look around Alex's room again before I walk out to lay the twins down for a nap. Something catches my eye. A picture of him and Lauren lays side ways on the outside of his drawer. I'm proud of him.

The kids get there quick nap and we go out for some lunch once they wake up. Before we leave we take a picture in the front yard. I post it one my Instagram and caption it "looks like we've got some new roommates"

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