Chapter 1: Christmas Morning

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Violet and Vincent wake up. They barely got any sleep because of how excited the were. They only reason they forced themselves to get some shut eye is because they knew Santa wouldn't come if they didn't. They climb out of their cribs. They walk past rooms as the open their mom and dads door. They climb on top of their parents bed and the start jumping on them.

"Wake up! Christmas!" They both chant. This definitely gets the attention of Veronica and Aaron. Veronica stumbles her hand on the night stand to check her phone for light and for the time. She knows it's her babies from the sound of their voice. It's 8:00 on the dot.

"Good morning Vi and Vinny" She says. Her voice goes from groggy quickly as she realizes that this is their first real Christmas. She shakes Aaron a little. He quickly gets the memo as he wakes up.

"Look who's awake" He says and flashes a smile at them. They giggle. Aaron and Roni each take a twin as they start a morning routine. The sit them on the bathroom sink counter as they all four brush their teeth. They head downstairs quietly so they don't wake everyone else. The whole family is staying in town. Their house is definitely big enough for them. They all decided to start a tradition for them to stay in the same house for Christmas.

Roni starts on some hot chocolate. It's an old family recipe. It's a Mexican hot chocolate and the family loves it. She sticks a candy cane inside and throws some marshmallows on the kids. She leaves it in the microwave so who ever wants some can warm it up. The kids sit in their high chairs as they look at the Christmas movie that's on TV. Aaron moves their chairs to the living room and he and Roni sit on the couch behind them. Although Aaron and Roni have seen the movie a thousand times, it's a whole new experience seeing it with the twins for the first time. They're so excited.

Nessa, Kian, and Rebel come downstairs. They look more tired, where as Rebel looks like a ball of energy. He's ready to go. He's almost four but he has the energy of a ten year old. This is not a good combination with tired parents.

"It's some hot chocolate in the microwave if you want some. You guys might have to add some espresso to yours" Roni says from the living room.

"Sugar. The last thing he needs" Kian groans. It's to late though. Nessa already warmed up the mug and Rebel has drunken half of it.

"Where's your Christmas spirit? Paul asks as he walks downstairs.

"In the bed, where I should be right now" Nessa says. Roni and Aaron giggle.

"Don't worry, I gotcha" Aaron says and brew Nessa and Kian a big pot of coffee. "Full caffeine this time" Aaron says

"Thank you Jesus!" Kian says "I don't know if I could have s half decaf cup today"

The rest of my of the family slowly stars coming down. Soon the Burriss family and the Merrell's are all downstairs.

"Well if it isn't my favorite twins" Issac says as he scoops up Vi and Vinny.

"Hey!" Roni and Nessa say at the same time.

"Don't worry, you guys are a close fifth" Issac teases. They took their eyes as the youngest set of twins squirm out of Issacs grip. Adrian singing carols fill the room. Aaron's mom passed out the hot chocolate and gives the kids the cookies that Santa didn't eat last night. There's twenty different cameras out. They have one shooting b roll film, Alex and Aaron vloging, Roni and Nessa getting content for Paul, and not to mention the new found vlogger, Andrew. They all put their cameras away because this time is for family, plus they're ready to open gifts. The Christmas tree that is higher than two stories bares a good amount of gifts. Aaron, Roni, Nessa, and Kian were up late last night wrapping half of them. The kids were so excited to have Santa come that they we're willing to give up a little bit of sleep to make their dream come true. They finished around 2:00. It was a struggle but seeing the excitement and smile on the kids face was definitely worth it. They pass out all the presents. The kids go first. The rip the wrapping paper to shreds before it could reach their hands. There's all smiles on their faces when they get the latest new toys that they wanted. Everyone else opens their presents. It's a lot of vlogging supplies, clothes, socks, and body wash. Way different from the toys that the kids got. They had all taken a trip yesterday to donate some toys to a local shelter.

The kids play with their presents as the adults clean up the mess. Mrs. Burriss starts on the dinner. Technically there's three Mrs. Burriss's but the og one starts cooking. She loves doing that. Dinner takes awhile to make anyway and it's almost one o'clock now.

They kids take a small nap because they were excited this morning and woke up early. The boys take this as their time to run free and do the dumb video things that they planned to do. As always Alex bets big amounts of money for people to do things. The boys l end up all wet and cold. They hurry to dry off and get in blankets. The kids wake up and they all do the usual watching Christmas marathons as food cooks in the kitchen. The smell of fresh made food fills the house. When they hear that it's ready they all rush to the table. They have a great dinner with over twenty people at the table. It's not chaotic and it's just what everyone wanted.

Soon after dinner the kids become sleepy again. All the parents go bathe them and tuck them into bed. They all want to have one toy with them for the night. It's Christmas so how can the parents deny it? They let them all sleep in the same room with a movie on. They'll come to check on them ever so often.

The adults finish the night off with hot chocolate with a little bit of Christmas "spirit" in it. They can all agree that this is the best Christmas they've ever had.

That was the first chapter! I hope you guys enjoyed! Let me know if you did. My next chapters will be POV style.

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