Chapter 3: Emergency

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Aaron POV
I go through my normal routine in the morning. I head out to the gym. This time Kian won't be joining me. He left for Vidcon with JC. Nessa went with and they got Paul and Wendy to watch Rebel. We're leaving tomorrow. It's three days early but we have to take a flight North Carolina to drop of the twins. We would leave them with the Merrell's but they already have Rebel and we don't want to overwhelm them. They said it would be ok but we also want the twins to spend some time with their other grandparents. They haven't seen them since Christmas which was like three months ago. We'll stay one night in North Carolina and we'll leave the next morning for the Philippines. I might not have mentioned that we're going to Vidcon Philippines. The regular Vidcon in California is not for a couple of months. Kian and Jc are guest stars but Roni, Nessa, Alex, Lauren and I are featured creators. It's pretty cool that we're icons to people. I never thought I would be here. I remember starting as a struggling actor. One day when I discovered YouTube everything changed and now look where I'm at. My brother and I are basically partners in business. I met my beautiful wife through this. I earned two amazing kids through this. I get to live with my best friends through this. It's amazing.

I'm getting ready for the gym when Roni runs up to me with the twins in her hands. She looks frantic and her facial expression is worrying me.

"What's wrong?" I ask her.

"I don't know. They were a little drowsy this morning when I woke them up. They didn't eat as much breakfast as usual and they had a fever. All of a sudden they got pale and they started throwing up" she's says. I can hear the worry in her voice.

"Ok. Let's get them to the doctor. I'm sure everything is going to be ok. I'm going to grab some bags for them to throw up into, some water, and their stuffed animals and blankets to make sure they're calm. I'll be right down" I reassure her. I'm worried to but I can't let that shine through because I don't want to make anyone else worried.

"I'm going to put them in the car and call the pediatrician to let her know that we're coming" she says. She carefully carries the sick babies downstairs while I get all the stuff that I listed and hurry downstairs. I make sure Guppy is in his cage before I leave and I head outside. I wrap the twins up with a blanket and give them their soft toys. I hope in the drivers seat and pull out while Roni's on the phone.

"What did she say?" I ask

"She said that she can take us in forty five minutes" she sighs

"Traffic is going to be backed up because people are going to work. It'll take us like thirty minutes to get there so that's going to pass time."

"Hopefully everything is ok" she says

"Don't worry" I tell her and put my hand that's not on the steering wheel on her leg. We make it down the highway. The car ride is silent except for low playing radio. The kids are quiet to. Roni keeps a constant check on them. They fall asleep and wake up because they're uncomfortable. Eventually when traffic is backed up and the car is completely stopped, she transfers into the middle seat between them so she can take care of them. She helps them when they need to throw up or they need water. She's being a great mom as she always is.

"We might have to cancel Vidcon Aaron" She says

"I hope not but if we do it's ok. Their more important, but let's not assume that until the doctor tells us what's wrong"

"You're right. We just gotta stay calm. We never know what it could be and freaking out is not going to help." Roni says

"Perfect" I says. We're in the highway for about ten more minutes, then we're there within a couple of turns. We take the twins out of the car and sit in the waiting room until the pediatrician comes out to come get us. She takes us into a room and does all the regular check up stuff. Then she asks us about some of their symptoms. She says that they all relate to a one or two day stomach bug. She says that they would have to get a shot and be fed antibiotics medicine everyday for a week. You can see Roni and I's worries deplete. We're so glad that they're ok. Our next battle to fight is giving them the shot. We know they're definitely not going to like the shots. When the nurses come in with them we distract them. We tell them things that they would like to hear and they still while they got the shots. Roni asked about Vidcon and she said that they should be fine to travel but she would advisers not to go until the day after tomorrow. It throws a small wrench in our plans but it's important that the kids are ok. We take them home and the sleep all the way there and for pretty much the rest of the day. Roni and I take turns checkin in on them and making sure they're ok. We have to make them eat crackers and drink water and that's a bit of a struggle, but they like the taste of the medicine so that's not bad. It was just a scare. It's a scare that neither me or Roni want to happen again. I may not have showed it on the outside but I was scared. I've never been a parent before so that was a very scary moment. I'm just glad that we're all ok and that the twins will be back to their normal selves in a day or two.

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