Chapter 5: Vidcon Day 1

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Aaron POV
We leave first thing in the morning. It's 6:00 when we leave. We have a long flight so we have to leave early. We call an Uber and sneak out making sure not to wake anyone up. I make sure to text everyone and let them know that we left and not to be worried that we're not there. The flight is eighteen hours. Roni falls asleep as usual on flights. She has bad anxiety with stuff like that so I'm completely ok with her just sleeping on a flight. In fact I want her to sleep on a flight just so she doesn't have to go through the feeling of having a panic attack. Flights aren't so bad for me. I stay up for a little while and then I go to sleep. I keep an eye on the time and all the flight attendants to make sure if they're bringing something or asking something. It feels good to be in a secure relationship. I remember when I used to be with Sarah and she would get mad when I would stay awake on flights. She thought I was checking out other women, when she knew I would never do that to her. Luckily Roni knows that, so I know that I don't have to worry about that. Who would want to cheat on people anyway? Not me.

We finally get there after what seems to be the longest flight of my life. Roni and I Uber to the hotel. As soon as we put down our bags Roni says she's hungry.

"When are you not?" I tease. She playfully hits my arm.

"I wasn't hungry a couple days of hours ago, thank you very much" She says matter of factly

"Ok fine. Of course I will get you some food, we're just going to have some trouble finding some where to eat. It is almost one o'clock in the morning."

"Taco Bell is always open" She says. I knew she would pick Taco Bell. Tacos are one of her favorite foods. I call an Uber after we just got out of one and we get a ride to get food. We order our usual and eat there. The smile on her face when she eats the taco is hilarious. It was worth the extra Uber trip.

We make sure to make it back to the hotel room in enough time because in the morning we have to check into Vidcon. We both have panels coming up. I'm knocked out in the first thirty minutes while Roni stays up a little while longer. She not tired because of that extra long nap she took.

The next morning we get to the convention center by 8:00. We get our schedules and our own room kind of place that we can get ready for the next event that supposed to happen. They give us a tour of the place and let us rehearse what we're supposed to do. That takes us about two hours. We still have another two until guest the first panel. We grab some boba tea and catch up.

"Our flight was horrible" Alex complains

"It just took way to long and it had no air conditioning for the first two hours" Lauren adds

"Can't relate" Nessa says

"Me neither" Kian, Roni, and I say.

"Our flight was good" Roni says

"Yeah we slept most of the time" I say

"Our flights was ok but we took two so it wasn't that long" Nessa says

"That was one of the best decisions I've ever made in my life" Kian says

"Sorry to interrupt your conversation but the fans are starting to come in and you guys are out in the open. We just don't want you to get mobbed. Your first panel will start soon so we would advice you to come inside your room" An official says. He has on the Vidcon badge and microphone attached to his headset. We oblige and come to our room. We get ready for our panel. We get all mic-ed up and head back stage. We soon hear some faint talking that must be loud from the front of the stage.

"Let's hear it from the crew you've been waiting to see. Out big time creators from LA. This years biggest attractions, Aaron, Alex, Kian, Lauren, Veronica, and Vanessa." The announcer says

"That's your cue" A guy says. We all come out holding hands with our significant other. I e unlink hands and high five the up close crowd.
Once the cheers start to die down we sit on the big couch. The mic is passed to me first.

"How's everyone doing today!" I ask enthusiastically. The crowd cheers. "I'm sure you already know our names but we're going to go through them once. I'm Aaron" I say and pass the mic.

"I'm Veronica"
"I'm Vanessa"
"I'm Kian"
"I'm Alex"
"And I'm Lauren. Now let's get this thing started" She says. We go through some questions. Some good ones pop up and some personal ones pop up. Some we do get a little uncomfortable with but we keep a smile on our faces. After about two hours and a half we step off of stage. You can still hear the crowd cheering as we walk behind the curtains. It's surreal. I knew that we were popular on YouTube. All of our videos have been on trending at least once. We've gotten loads of support. At one point we even struggled with gaining views, subscribers, and likes. It was a humbling experience. It's crazy seeing your fans in person. To hear them cheering for us is crazy. I never thought this day would come. A big grin is across all of our faces. I can tell we all share the same train of thought on this. I can't wait until day two, but right now we have the rest of the day to go. We keep the same smiles on our faces when we go out to our meet and greet. We try our hardest to showdown grateful we are on the inside on the outside because the fans truly deserve it.

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