Chapter 22: The Twins Birthday

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Roni POV
The twins second birthday is today and what better way to celebrate it than having a personalized birthday party for them. Vi really likes unicorns and Vinny really dinosaurs, so one half of the party is unicorn themed, and the other half is dinosaurs themed. It's difficult planning a party for two people who are no where close to being a like. I had to make it work someway and that was the best I could do.

The twins woke up this morning and they were excited. They were snuggled up to each other when we walked in. The smile on both of their face went from ear to ear.

"Happy birthday my babies!" I say

"Guess who's two?" Aaron says

"We is!" They cheer. They've been excited about their birthday since the day I told them it was happening.

"Are you guys ready for your special breakfast?" I ask. They vigorously nod their heads yes and grab their toys before we take them downstairs. On the table are their birthday pancakes. Vinny's is shaped like a dinosaur and it has green sprinkles and green icing. Vi's is a heart and it has rainbow sprinkles and white icing. All that sugar still doesn't stop them from dumping a buttload of syrup on it. I have to take the syrup bottle out of Vinny's hand or else the whole container would be on his plate.

They're eating their plate of syrup drowned pancakes when Nessa, Kian, and Rebel come down to say happy birthday.

"Happy birthday Vi and Vinny!" Rebel says and gives them a big hug. I made him a pancake to, how could I not?

"You're two! You've grown up so fast!" Kian says

"I remember when you first came home. All I did was blink my eyes and now your two!" Nessa says

"We big now" Vinny says

"Please stop growing" I tell him. He shakes his head no. They keep devouring their pancakes and Kian, Nessa, and Rebel head out to the park area that we had their party at last time. We're having it at that same place. Aaron gets all the plates and does the dishes while I go get them ready and take them to their grandparents house. I want the venues decoration to be a surprise but I also need everyone's help decorating and getting everything ready, so that was the best solution I could come up with. They love going to see mom and dad anyway. They ask to go all the time.

I load the twins into the car and Aaron hops in the driver seat. We drop them off at my mom and dad's and we go to party city and get some more stuff for the party, then we go to pick up the cake from Rossana. It's half of a dinosaur face and half of a unicorn face. Just what they wanted. I give her our thanks and gratitude and move on to the venue to start decorating.

We finally finish with the help of Kian, Nessa, and Alex. Mom and Dad show up with the twins.

"Wow!" Vi says

"Cool!" Vinny says

"You like it?" I ask them. They both nod their heads yes. They look around a little bit more then people start coming. Their friends from daycare and our friends kids start playing with them. They're all having fun just playing around. We have a ball pit for them and a blow up jump house. We have a popcorn station and an ice cream station. The food is being catered. It's Viva Chicken. We've learned that the twins love that place. They're constantly asking for it.

Everyone's having a fun time. We had good food, lots of things to do, and some gift bags and things to take home. We made a little station for pics and a trampoline that has straps where you go high in the air and you can flip. It's an all around fun time.

Since we've told the twins that they get cake, they've been asking for it over and over again. Finally it's time to cut the cake because it's nearing the end of party. The cake is in a box so that it can be a surprise for Vi and Vinny. Aaron lifts the box up. Their eyes both open wide and a smile forms on both of their faces.

"Dinosaur!" Vinny says

"Unicorn!" Vi says. I start lighting candles on the second tier of the cake, which is the highest. Everyone pulls out their phone and starts singing happy birthday. Vi and Vinny look a little confused but then I hear them start humming it under their breaths. It makes me giggle a little.

"Make a wish" Aaron says softly to them.

"Don't say it out loud or it won't come true" Kian says from the background. He's teasing them but it's a tradition that everyone does. Nessa nudges him a little. The twins close their eyes and make their wishes. They try really hard to blow out their candles. Vi is struggling and didn't get to blow out one. Vinny has one left so he lets Vi blow that one out.

"Awwwww" Everyone says. We pass it the cake and the twins are shoveling it into their mouths before it can even get on their plate good. They have their little sugar rush and by the time that the party's over and cleaned up, they're fast asleep in Aaron's arms. They were and still are blessing over these past two years and I wouldn't change that for the world. The smiles on their face made up for any of the pain the world could have caused me. When they smiled with Aaron in pictures it made me realize I would die to see those smiles everyday. It made me so much more grateful for what I have. When I lay them down that night and I hear them say that they love me and they loved their party I want to cry tears of joy because I made them happy. That's all I can ever ask for in life.

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