Chapter 58: Old Days

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Roni POV
We spend the last two day just exploring New York. Soon it was time to leave. I don't want to leave, but we have work to do. The baby showers is in like two days so that's something we definitely have to be home for. I can't wait to see the surprised look on Kian and Nessa's faces when they see the big party I threw for them.

The flight back was somewhat easy but definitely harder then the one here. The twins weren't as sleepy and weren't getting distracted by the tablets. The whole time on the flight I'm trying to keep them from being to fussy or loud while trying to keep myself from having an anxiety attack. I really struggle with flights on my own and that's why I go to sleep on them. It's is a huge struggle when I can't go to sleep and I have to help the twins. I sigh. This is what I signed up for when I became a mom. Although this is difficult, I wouldn't trade being a mom for the worlds

Finally when we land back in LA, I could almost kiss the ground. We make it home and immediately I drop the bags in our separate rooms. I know that when the twins are sleeping I'm going to want to unpack. I don't want to make to much noise when I bring the bags upstairs. Maybe I am even get a nap too.

It doesn't take that long for the jet lag to hit the the twins. They we're sleeping in their play area in seconds. I pick them up and put them on the couch so that they can get comfortable while their sleeping. They look so cute while their sleeping. They look cute when their awake but sleeping is on a whole other level. I get over it so that I can unpack.

I unpack quickly and relax. I'm almost asleep when Kian walks in.

"Hello" I say.

"Hi, I just wanted to hang out and talk a little chill because it seems like we're just strangers living in the same house." He says.

"I guess we can talk" I tease. We start talking just talk and I gain the experience of him being shown as a big brother to me too. I think I just need to slow down in life and appreciate things like this because I just realized how cool Alex and I'd and Kian and I's relationship is. I miss when things weren't so fast pace and this was a regular thing. Spending Nights with Aaron, Alex, Kian, Nessa, and Lauren in the old apartment was fun. It was like our foundation for where we are now. I think we should start going back and doing that.

"Hey Kian, what if we just all play games and hangout like we did in the old apartment. It'll be like good old times." I say.

"That would be amazing. We can play some basketball and just go back to how we were when we didn't have so many responsibilities. Just wait till Aaron gets back and hears about this. He'll definitely be down." He says. He gives me a fist bump and leaves out to let me get some rest. I nap on the thought that we're bringing it back to when we all started.

I wake up when I hear the baby monitor that I put down stairs to watch the twins or see if they make any noise. I go down to check on them. They weren't awake but I would have to wake them up so that they can go to bed at a decent time. I make them some snacks. I really want to take another nap but I have to wait until they go to sleep again.

I wake them up around 4:00 and let them eat. They still don't have a lot of energy but they aren't super duper tired. I let hem play around for awhile and heat up a pizza in the oven for them. While they're playing I go up to Alex's room.

"What about if in a couple of weeks we had a day like we did when we were in the old apartment. Maybe you can invite that girl that we were talking about." I say as I peek my head around the doorway. He has Asher in one arm and Adrian on the other side of him, sleeping, blocked by pillows so that doesn't fall off of the bed. He's scrolling on his phone.

"We are getting a little serious. Maybe I'll invite her to it if it's ok." He contemplates.

"I'll let you think about it" I say when I hear the oven timer go off. I take the pizza out and let it cool. I cut it and then serve it to the twins. Their still complaining that their tired so I give them a bath and let them go to bed for the night. This gives me time to text Aaron and ask him about his day, eat something, watch some tv, shower, and go to bed for the night. I am really excited about doing the things like we used to. I never believed the saying that time waits for no one until it didn't wait for me. I didn't know that putting my business aspect of things in fast forward and play would pause and reverse my family life. I always thought it would just put a pause on it, just so I could come back to where I left off. That never happened. There is n coming back to where you left off. You can barely even pause it. I realized that the hard way and trust me when I say that I wish I didn't. I think this time that I'm going to keep both things playing so that I won't lose my spot, because where I am seems alright with me. I'll even stay for the commercials too.

Long time no see😬
I promise I'm finishing this book and I'm trying to do it fast. I lost interest and my next book will be totally different but will still have ronron.

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