Chapter 33: Getting In Shape

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Aaron POV
The girls got back home about a week ago. That came in clutch because this week is going to be busy for me. It's grind time. Filming is happening in two months and I need to change my lifestyle up. What superhero do you know that's not jacked? That was one of the requirements that they said would have to happen. It's all part of the job.

I start in my meal plan and do an intensive workout. The workout room has been renovated since the whole Sarah and Ethan incident. I spend about two hours in there. I lift weights. I normally do those but not to this degree. I definitely don't bench press everyday but I'm going to have to start doing it.

I'm running in the treadmill when Kian comes downstairs.

"Having a workout I see" he says. I take one of my air pods out to hear him.

"Yeah, gotta get these gains"

"Mind if I join you?" He asks. I shake my head no and he gets in the treadmill right beside me. We run in silence for a little while.

"You wouldn't mind if I did this, would you?" He asks. He leans over and turns my treadmill up a notch. I don't know if he's trying to challenge me or help me. Either way I know it's going to be difficult.

"Nah, but you wouldn't mind if I did this, right?" I say and turn his up. We look at each other. We're sweating but not to the point we're soaking wet. That's when the war starts. We start turning each other's treadmills up. We're almost flying off by the time we get to the last notch. We move on to the other parts of the workout. I'm just going to do some things twice. It can't hurt, it might just help me. We add weights in each other's bars to challenge ourselves. At on point while we're weight lifting Kian decides to be tough.

"Is that all you got?" He asks as he throws down the one hundred fifty pound weight. He struggled a little.

"Nah" I say. I add another hundred pounds and step up to lift it. I struggle some but I do it and throw it down just like Kian did. He's not in here as much as I am so he's not as experienced as I am. I slide to the side to give him room to try it. He steps up and adjust his position to start. He puts his hands on it and gets a good grip. He lifts about two inches.

"Nope" he says and drops it back down

"Ok Mr. Strong Guy, we know you can't do it" I say

"Damn, I for sure thought I had it in the bag."

"Come down here more, I bet you'll be there soon if you do. It's actually pretty fun and relaxing" I tell him.

"Maybe I will" he admits as we walk up the stairs and back into the living room area. We go out separate ways into our rooms. I flop down on the bed.

"Aaron" Roni wines.

"Hmmm" I ask, to tired to speak words.

"You're all sweaty and you're on the place that we have to sleep" she says with her arms crossed in the doorway.

"Fine, I'll do the laundry right after this, so we'll have fresh sheets"

"Deal" she sticks out her hand to do our handshake. When we finish is hear little footsteps running up the hallway. It's Vinny.

"Hey bud" I say as he climbs up on the bed.

"Hi dada" He says and gets closer to me. "Stinky" He pinches his nose. I hear Roni laughing from the closet.

"Come here you little stinker" I say and lift him and throw him in the air. As he goes up and I catch him he laughs. I place him down as begs for him to do it again. I do it a couple more times until I'm sure it's enough. I put him down so that he's not sick to his stomach.

"Awww, my favorite boys having a fun time" Roni says. She snaps a quick pic. "You think he's as good as Vi when it comes to fashion?" She asks me.

"Nah, but you can try" I tell her and hand her Vinny. She rest him on her hip.

"Ok, can you help mama pick out her outfit?" She asks. He nods his head yes. He skims his hands over her clothes. He picks out some green sneakers, a red shirt, a purple leggings, and a gray baseball cap. I start laughing before he can even finish the outfit. Roni holds up the outfit.

"I'm sorry bud but you definitely don't have the fashion sense that your sister has, but you have other skill sets" I tell him. He looks at me, looks at Roni, shrugs, and wiggles himself down and walks back to the doorway then he turns around.

"What happened?" Roni asks him.

"Vi sleeping, me don't wanna wake her up" he says.

"That's very sweet of you bud. You can stay in here with us or go downstairs until she wakes up or you get sleepy"

"Ok" he says and curls up in the bed. I go and take a shower. After I get out I wash the bedding and give Vinny another blanket. I watch TV with him and Roni while everything is washing and drying and then I go get them. When I come back I'm welcomed to a very sleepy, Vi, Vinny, and Roni all curled up together watching TV. They make room for me as we're all wrapped up in blankets. It buys a big smile on my face. I give them all a kiss on the forehead as they drift off to sleep. I could be exhausted from work, a workout, or anything in between, but I wouldn't give up this moment for anything in the world.

Sorry for such the late update. This weeks been super busy and I'm super tired.

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