Chapter 71: Me Time

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Roni POV
Being a temporary single mother is tough. I know it isn't as difficult as being a full time one so all my condolences go out to those who are. It's especially difficult when you have a career while doing it and you have to do that by yourself. I also have a lot of things to do around the house. I never want it to sound like I'm complaining about my life, because I love it and there are people that are way less fortunate then I am, but it is pretty difficult to juggle all this and I just need a day to myself. A day to live my best life and rejuvenate is not just need, it is absolutely necessary.

I go and greet my little angels in the morning. It's my favorite part of the day because because there's no complaints about waking up and we're genuinely happy to start our day with each other. We go through our morning routine as usual today. We all get some giggles out of each other. That's another reason why it's my favorite part of the day. We have breakfast and enjoy it with each other.

As I'm cleaning up the twins go and play with each other in the play room. I had already let Guppy and Moose out and they're playing with the twins too. As I'm finishing up Vinny comes up to me and hugs my leg randomly.

"I love you mama" he say. I smile hard.

"I love you too Vinny" I say and pick him to give him a big hug. That really made my day. The twins are growing up on me and Vinny's getting taller. I know that he's going to get Aaron's tall gene. He's going to be towering over me and it'll be different. It's not going to be his little hugs it's more like my little hugs. I'm going to miss these little hugs so I'm just going to get as many of these now as I can.

I love their hugs and so do their grandparents and that's who they're going to spend the day with. I always try to let them see mom and dad at least four times a month. They always come back wired up. I know they a lot of fun at their grandparents house so I don't feel so bad leaving them there. I don't know how I'm going to send them off to kindergarten because I'm really going to cry especially if they cry. I don't even want to think about it because I'll probably start crying too. Don't judge me, I'm sensitive about my babies.

I take some time to myself. I go out and shop, which I rarely do. I can't help myself because I get matching onesies for Aaron, the twins, and I. I end up going home and changing into some undergarments and putting on a robe. I slap on a face mask and put my hair up with a mask. I give my self a manicure with the new acrylic set that I got off of amazon. Lastly I give myself a pedicure and while my nails and my toes dry while watching old movies and eating a tub of edible cookie dough. As I'm watching a marathon the Star Wars series comes on. I quickly flip to different channel because I can't watch Star Wars with Aaron, Nessa, Alex, Kian or Dad. They're my go to buddies for that and I can't wait to show all of our kids the movies.

I dread getting up to go get food but I'm really hungry. I just order some food so all I have to do is open the door and go. Thats the only outside human interaction I want to have today. I order my food and when I get the notifications that it's five minutes away a go downstairs. I guess Nessa had the same idea as me because she's downstairs in a robe with a face mask on two. We have the exact same look with our hair in the same color twisty towel. We truly look like twins now.

"Hey! You copied me!" With both say to each other. I facepalm.

"We're really twining today." she says

"We rarely even match unintentionally, now we're speaking in unison."

"Weird." She says. The doorbell rings and and we go collect our food. Look like we had the same idea with that. We end up just going up to my room to watch TV. Kian went out with JC and Rebel and Echo went with them to visit Chelsie and JC's kids. We eat up in my room under blankets.

"This is a blessing" she sighs with her mouth full

"Why?" I say. We're so comfortable wit with each other and have seen each other through our worse that manners don't even matter anymore. Our mouths could be stuffed and we wouldn't care.

"Because my room is a hot mess and I didn't feel like cleaning it. I was just going to leave until I finish eating."

"I don't blame you" I sigh. We converse more just like we did when we were teenagers. We laugh to much and joke around. This really did make my day and was done well needed time. We end up napping and just chilling for the rest of the day. The kids come home and Kian with them and we go to sleep for the night. For the first time in awhile I can say that I'm ready to start my new day tomorrow by being refreshed and ready to go. It feels good to reclaim that time for myself and and get to take a break before going back to doing the things that I love and caring for the people that I love. I feel that a needed break will help everyone and help me deal with the world. It's just an overall good thing. Sometimes me time is needed.

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