Chapter 11: Not So Celebration

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Aaron POV
Today is the Fourth of July. Of course we're going over to Alex's house. The girls are excited to go because of all the things Lauren does. She always has the artsy snacks and decorations. For them it's plenty of photo opportunities. All the parties at their house are fun. Alex has such a wide range of friends that it's pretty cool when they're invited. We do all sorts of crazy stuff. The kids always have plenty of stuff to do. It's just all around a fun time.

I'm in charge of getting the twins ready while Roni is getting ready. I can do a lot of things with twins but getting the dressed is not one of them. I can barely pick out a good outfit for myself, let alone two kids. Roni set out some options the night before. They're all red, white, and blue. I just take one of each of the outfits that Roni picked out and put them on the twins. That wasn't so bad. The part that I don't know how to do is Vi's hair. Vinny's hair is easy. All I have to do is tussle it a little. It's not even considered doing his hair. Vi's hair is a different story. It needs styling. It takes me thirty minutes and a lot of focus but I manage to put it in two ponytails with the festive bows that Roni left out. I help them with their shoes and we're done. I give myself a pat on the back because they look good. I did a great job on the hair for it being my fist time. Roni walls in and seems to disagree.

"Aaron, what's going on with Vi's hair?" She asks

"It's in pigtails. What's wrong with it?"

"It's a little messed up. How long did this take you?"

"Thirty minutes" she starts laughing at me. "I tried" I sigh

"It's ok. I'm just going to redo it. It won't take me thirty minutes" she teases

"Wait I put my blood, sweat, and tears in that hair"

"It sure doesn't look like it"

"Whatever" I say "Vinny and I are going to put some stuff in the car and let guppy out before we put him in the cage to go." I say. I pick up Vinny, who's super excited to let guppy out. All the kids love guppy and his birthday is coming around. Ever since I mentioned it the kids won't stop talking about throwing a party for him. Poor old guppy just has to deal with them playing aggressively with him and Vi trying to put makeup on him. He's a great dog though.

"Guppy! Guppy! Guppy!" Vinny chants

"Hold on bud. I promise you he'll be waiting for you" I say. That still doesn't stop him from chanting. I take guppy out of the cage and let him run free in the backyard. Vinny doesn't trail to far behind him.

"Don't get dirty bud because mommy is going to get mad at me." I tell him. He nods and starts playing tug of war with guppy. Sometimes guppy lets him win but that looks like it's not happening today. Guppy snatches the toy and runs. I let them play for a little while longer until it's time for me to tie a bandanna on Guppy and bring him in. I put him in his cage and carry both him and Vinny outside. I would let him roam free in the car but it's too many people to do that. I hop in and wait for Roni. To my surprise Kian is already in the car.

"Kian, what are you doing out here?" I ask him

"Nessa was taking so long getting Rebel dressed and doing her makeup that I just decided to wait in the car"

"Looks like we're in the same predicament" I was gonna I say

"Seriously, what takes them so long?"

"Don't knock it to you try it" I say "I tried getting the kids dressed today"

"Vinny looks fine to me" he says and looks back at Vinny.

"It's Vi I had a problem with. It took me thirty minutes to do her hair. I did it in two pigtails with bows. I thought it was cute and I thought I did a good job. When Roni came in there she started laughing."

"It was that bad?" He asks me

"I guess so"

"I'm glad I don't have a girl. I could never do her hair. I can barely keep mine from falling off"

"Maybe you should stop dying it"

"Your right. It's been bleached way to many times. I'm starting to think that the next time I run a comb through it, a clump is going to come out." He jokes. I laugh.

"Finally" I say. Roni and Vi comes outside. Vi is carefully stepping over cracks because Issac was trying to scare her told her that if she steps on a crack she'll break her momma's back. She been avoiding cracks ever since. She gets in the car and buckles Vi in.

"Omg where is Nessa! Could she take any longer?" Kian complains

"I'm right here" She says and gets in the car. "I was making sure that we had everything"

"Alright lets get this show on the road" I say

"Spoken like a true dad" Roni says. Kian pulls out and drives halfway to Alex's house, when Nessa taps his shoulder.

"Babe can we stop at the grocery store and get something for the party" Kian groans a little bit and pulls into the nearest grocery store. The girls go in a grab some stuff really quick. They get back in the car and we finally make it to Alex's house.

"I know we came here early but why is there only one car?" I ask

"Strange" Roni says. We come up and ring the doorbell. No answer.

"Somethings wrong" Kian says. I lift up the rug and get the spare key.

"Get the kids and play with them in the yard just incase something is happening" I say. Roni and Nessa grabs the kids and distract them. I unlock the door and walk in.

"Alex!" I yell. No response

"Lauren!" Kian yells. No response. I listen closer and I hear faint crying. I don't know if Adrian, Asher, or Alex. Kian and I hurry upstairs and see Alex sitting in the floor, crying with a piece of paper in his hand.

"What's wrong? Are you hurt?" I say and grip his shoulder. I try to remain calm. The words he say make a hundred emotions run through my head.

Cliffhanger tingz

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