Chapter 42: Rare Arguments

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Roni POV

After finding out that Nessa is having a baby we've been going all out to prepare for it. The boys have told us multiple times that we have at least five months before the baby gets here and that we don't have to go ham on getting a bunch of stuff right now, but it's not stopping us.

All this shopping has put me in a different mindset though. It's kind of giving me baby fever. I know that both Aaron and I have strongly expressed that we're not ready for any other kids yet. We both have a lot on our plates but I think we can handle it. Vi and Vinny would be great siblings and I think we would be great parents again. It'll be a challenge but I know we can handle it.

My mind is racing thinking about what I'm going to say to say to Aaron. I don't want to start an argument but I also don't want my point to go unheard. I just push it to the side of my mind. I still have to get some things done around the house and check on the production of clothes for our store. I can't let a thought impede on my work even though I'm really anxious about it.

Finally Aaron gets back from dropping the kids of at mom and dad's house and working out. I give him a hug.

"Something must be up because I never get hugs when I'm sweaty" He says

"Hmmm maybe" I say

"Explain" he says. His hands are still around my waist and mine around the upper part of his torso from the hug.

"Well I want to have a conversation but it can wait until after you take a shower" I say

"Is this conversation good or bad?" He questions.

"It depends" He looks at me with one eyebrow raised. He lets me go and goes to take a shower. It was only a five minute shower and it took him like five more to get dressed but it felt like the longest ten minutes of my life.

"What do you want to talk about?" He asks as he takes my hand to lead me out side.

"Are you sure you want to hear it?" I ask

"I'm all ears" he says calmly. It makes me a little less nervous.

"Ok, well since Nessa having a baby and the more we hang out the more I wanna, you know" I say

"Don't tell me you have baby fever" he says. I nod my head yes. "Ok, I'm willing to talk about it. I'm not ready now. I already feel horrible about missing some moments in the twins life. I also don't want to leave you here pregnant with two kids. I feel really bad leaving you alone with two kids while go to work. You would have to take care of them when you should really be taking care of yourself. I don't want to put anymore stress on you. That's putting more stress on our relationship." He says

"Ughhh, I know you would say that. I got it, I know I do. I can do it. I've been taking care of two kids and myself. It's stressful but I do it, I do it. I'll add another kid, I'll be fine" I argue

"I don't wanna do that to you. I know you can do it but that's a lot of stress. I already feel bad doing that now, it would just be even worse adding another child. I don't want our kids to be neglected because we have to work."

"I give time to Vi and Vinny. I NEVER neglect them! You wouldn't know because you're not here!" I yell

"I never said you neglected them! All I said was that I never wanted them or you to feel neglected! You just proved my point, I'm not here so what makes you think it would make it better with another child and I'm still not here!" He yells back.

"Think about how I feel!" I yell. I leave him out there and slam the door behind me. I stomp up to my room and slam that door behind me too. I knew I shouldn't have brought that up. That still doesn't justify that he wasn't thinking about how I feel. I want another kid, what's wrong with that. I know I can deal with it. He tried to pull the pity card on me and say that his feelings were the reason why, but I knew they weren't. I don't understand what's wrong with what I want. I'm so mad I could punch something.

I take a shower to think things over. I still can't believe that he responded like that. The more I'm thinking about it, the madder I get. I'm definitely not talking to him tonight. He said that having another kid might put a strain on our relationship but this is putting a strain on our relationship. This is our first actual fight. Of course we've had some altercations but we've never really ever actual fought. We had a small argument over this before but it wasn't like this. I start thinking about it more. Maybe this argument was stupid. Maybe I shouldn't be so mad. Maybe I need some more time thinking about how a should've reacted and how I should further react. I sigh. I think about it as I go to sleep. What are these feelings? I guess I'm feeling this way because we never gotten in a fight before. I never felt like we've lost love for each other like this before. I sigh and just think about it. I really need to figure this out because right now I'm mad, but I know by tomorrow I'm going to be missing his hugs, kisses, cuddles, scent, and overall presence. I My last thought that troubles me before I fall asleep is "Am I the one in the wrong?"

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