Chapter 62: Good Old Times

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Roni POV
While Aaron's back home we want savor the moment, so we decide to have a little game night just have fun like we did back in the old apartment. We have a board game and the boys are going to play a nice friendly game of basketball. We know their game's always turn out to be more competitive then they started out to be so the odd are that a "friendly" competition will start.

The boys taught us how to play basketball years ago but Nessa and I never really played. Maybe Alis will know how to play too and we can start a little game too. Speaking of Alis, Alex has been hinting at bringing someone to the game night. Nessa has been dying to know who it is. I urge her to wait to the time is right and he'll definitely tell. She doesn't know that I know, so she just sighs it off and thinks that I want to know equally as bad as her.

We stop at Target to get things to make the cool little snacks and diys and get some more games. I remember doing this with Lauren. It was actually one of the first Vlogs of Aaron's or Alex's I appeared on. It's cool that we've made it this far. We've lost and gained some people on the way and it's cool to go back and see where we've come from and how much stuff we're been through.

After picking up everything that we need we head back home but not without getting what our signature order from Starbucks order.

When Nessa and I get back we clean up the house a little bit before we start setting and making things decorative. The kids and dogs go between sitting in the house and running and playing outside. We don't have to worry about having to make sure they don't run out of the yard or get taken because the backyard is fenced in.

While I place out the snacks and games Nessa goes to change. She wants to get in something comfortable because she's getting bigger and it's more important for her to be comfortable. She 7 months along and the baby is close to being her so we're all excited.

The boys come in from their errands and come sit down in the living room where we're going to play. Alex and Alis come in. They've spent the whole day together with the kids so they can be comfortable with each other and game night isn't the only time they're meeting. We get introduced and we start.

We family up for teams with the games. We have the kids whisper answers and roll the dice to us so they can participate.

Alis starts to warm up to us and she has a great personality. She's very sweet but she's not extremely bubbly. She has the perfectly balanced personality. We end up playing like three games and multiple rounds of uno. It was really fun. We take a couple of photos of all of us. We told Alis and Alex we wouldn't post them yet but they said they were ready to go public since she has met the kids. I'm so happy that he finally found someone that compliments his personality and he has moved on. He's doing big things because I know I must be hard for him to do. He was in a committed relationship and had been cheated on so it was hard getting his trust up. I'm just glad that he doesn't have to feel left out when we have couples things and stuff.

As we get to know Alis, the boys get ready to play basketball. The kids play in the corner.

"So do you guys do this often?" Alis asks

"Nah, but we used to. It a was a just something to reminisce old times and take a break from all the shenanigans going on in this house" Nessa says

"This whole basketball is a regular thing for them though" I add

"Trust me, Alex has told me" She says. We laugh and talk some more. She tells us more about herself. She's interested in us but not closed minded about talking about herself. It's an equal amount. She's cool and we like her. She's a person that we could get used to.

The boys call us over to play with them. We go over the basics one more time. Alis gets a lesson because she's not really a basketball person. She's more of a skater. Alex sort of pulls her to the side and teaches her how to shoot properly and crossover. It's going to take us all more that one lesson to learn but we stop in the middle of ours to watch them.

"Aww they look so cute" Nessa whispers. We make sure to stay quiet and not disturb them. As they start to finish up, Adrian runs over and wants to try. They give him a turn and cheers for him when he makes it. Alex and Alis must have seen us watching them from their side vision, because they turned around, cleared their throats and blushed. We smile at them and we go on with our game. Halfway through all the girls go and sit down. We watch the boys as they go down the court. Alex is clearly playing his best game because he had his own personal cheerleader watching. Alex and Kian don't stop his mojo. They let him go because they know he's trying to impress. They have no reason to show off so they let him win. It wasn't like he would've lost if they didn't step their game down, because he was playing really good today. A smile forms across Alis's face.

"Does he always play like this?" She asks.

"Yep" Me and Nessa cover for him. We know it's not true but he deserves to be happy and she seems to like it. We end the night off and send Alex and Alis off. We clean up and relax on the couch, just like the good old times.

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