Chapter 16: No More Secrets

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Roni POV
After that scare everyone been on edge about the situation. We don't know what we can say or do that won't remind him of Lauren. We don't want to show any PDA so he doesn't feel left out. He's barely seen the kids because we don't want him to see Lauren in them. It's like walking on eggshells and I know he doesn't want that. None of us do. It's definitely not going to help him move on. We're going to stop doing that, especially because today is the day the he's getting out of the hospital.

We're getting all the things ready for Alex to leave the hospital. While he was there Kian, Nessa, Aaron, Alex, and I all made the decision that he's moving in with us. We have plenty of room for him and the kids, he won't be so lonely, we can help him with whatever he needs, and the kids can have some type of motherly figure. We haven't told Adrian and Asher yet. We'll leave that to Alex because we wouldn't want to tell his news to his kids. I'm sure that's not helping.

Aaron goes to pick Alex up from the hospital. He picks up some food on the way back and they're finally here. Adrian runs up to him.

"Hey bud, I missed you" He says

"Me too. Daddy I had so much fun, I wish you were there" Adrian says

"I'm here now, who says that fun has to end" Alex says and puts Adrian down. Nessa brings Asher to him. He take the baby and gives him a kiss on the forehead. Asher immediately starts smiling. We could barely get him to smile earlier, but it's almost like as soon as Alex comes he wants to grin from ear to ear. He hands him back to Nessa. We all give him a hug.

"Do you guys mind if I go and take a quick shower?" He asks when we pull away the

"That's cool" Aaron says and tosses him a bag of clothes, a cloth, a towel, and some basic toiletries. He catches them. The bandage that the hospital to cover the IV scar shows.

Alex gets out the shower and comes downstairs looking like a whole new person.

"Now I feel like Alex again" He says and pops the collar of his shirt. "I almost look better than Aaron" he teases. Aaron puts him in a headlock and gives him a noogie.

"I just did my hair" Alex complains. He slicks it back a little again.

"Ok, what are we going to do today?" I ask

"I think I want to break the news to everyone today" Alex says. We all look at each other.

"Are you sure?" Nessa asks

"Yeah that's a big deal" Kian asks

"Yep, I'm ready"

"We'll be right her to support you" Aaron says and wraps his arm around him.

"You can use our camera until you get yours" Kian says and gives him their spare vlogging camera. Before Alex can go outside and set up the tripod, Adrian tugs on his sleeve.

"Daddy, can we call mommy now? Is she off work?" He asks. My heart hurts for the next answer.

"Adrian, buddy come sit with me for a second" Alex says. Here it comes. "Mommy isn't at work and we can't call her. Mommy left. She was having a hard time being herself. She loves you with all of her heart, she just had a lot of things going on. It's ok to be sad about it, you can even be mad, but understand that mommy loves you and she will never stop loving. None of this had to do with you. Uncle Aaron, Uncle Kian, Aunt Roni, Aunt Nessa, and I will take care of you. We all love you so much." Alex says. One tear falls down his cheek. Adrian crying hard. He buries his head in Alex. Alex rock him back and forth. He rubs his back and says "it's ok" to comfort him when he cries. It makes me so sad. It heartbreaking to see the damage that one person leaving has caused. Adrian moves his head and sniffles up some tears. Alex wipes Adrian nose and tears.

"What are going to do?" Adrian asks.

"Well we're going to sell the house. You can go to the same daycare and have all the same friends, but we're going to move in with all your aunts and uncles. You'll get to see them, Vi, Vinny, and Rebel everyday."

"What about Asher?"

"He'll be right here with us" Alex says. Adrian sits on the couch and thinks about what just happened. I think he's still in shock. Who wouldn't be? Rebel, Vi, and Vinny see him crying. Whenever one of them cry the other one tries to make them feel better. You can see them thinking about what to do to make Adrian feel better. They all grab their favorite toy and Adrian's favorite toy and bring them to him. They give him a big hug.

"Don't cry" Rebel says

"Happy" Vi says

"Smile" Vinny says. Adrian hugs them back. Everyone says awwww. I think that's the best out come that situation could have had. Adrian comes running up to us.

"Thank you for letting us stay" He says.

"You very welcome " Aaron says and gives him a big hug.

"We promise you'll have a lot of fun here" I says and give him a high five.

"I'll take care of you and Asher" Nessa says and gives him a kiss on the forehead.

"And I'll help you do all the things that these three say you can't" Kian says and winks at him. I can already see the crazy stuff they're going to do. Alex stands up and goes to start to shoot his video.

"Daddy, don't leave too" Adrian whines.

"I won't. I'm just going out side to make a video. I'll be back in two episodes of spongebob" That's Adrian's way of telling time.

"Ok" he says and goes to sit down and watch TV with the others. We help them get situated while Alex starts his video. Adrian ends up falling asleep. Crying must wear you out. I scroll through my phone and see Alex's video. No crazy thumbnail, no ads, and barley any editing. It's titled no more secrets. I pop an air pod in and watch it all the way through. As always he ends it with a smile, even through tears.

"If your not smiling, your doing it wrong" he says and shuts the camera off. I don't even bother going through the comments. I just know that he's strong.

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