Chapter 10: A Baby Is Born

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Roni POV
It's nearing around Lauren's due date and we want to make sure that we're all by her side. We giving her all the support she needs. Early this morning Alex and her arrived at the midwife place. Both of their parents flew into town. Of course we take Adrian so they can spend all their time with Lauren. Adrian is a bit older than the twins but not as old a Rebel. It's going a perfect blend in between. I don't mind babysitting him. It pretty cool to have all the kids together. They get along really well and it gave me an idea of what it would be like to have a bigger family.

"Are you excited to be a big brother?" I ask Adrian as I give him a plate of fruit like everyone else.

"Mmmmhm" he hums "mommy and daddy said that he's going to be able to play with me and that it's going to be fun"

"It is fun" I tell him as I clean up the area where I just cut up fruit.

"Alright, who's ready to go to with Uncle Aaron and Uncle Kian to the trampoline park?" Aaron says and grabs a water of the counter.

"Meeeee!" All the kids yell. Kian tosses keys in air behind them. Nessa comes up and snatched them.

"Why-" Kian says. Before he can get the sentence out she stops him. She almost reads his mind.

"You guys need the truck and as much as you want to look cool in the car, you have kids with you and your going to need room" she says

"YoUr GoInG tO nEeD RoOm" he mocks. This makes the kids laugh and start mocking her to.

"Look what you started" she complains

"LoOk WhAt YoUve StArTed" he says to make her smile. She smirks a little and playfully hits him.

"Ok parrots, go put your shoes on so you can leave" I tell them. Rebel And Adrian slip out of there chairs while Kian helps Vi and Vinny out of theirs. You can hear the Velcro of the shoes as they hurry to put them on.

"Make sure that Adrian and Rebel are in the first two seats and that the twins are in the back so that no one feels left out. Be careful. The twins are little so they need help jumping and don-" I say Aaron cuts me off.

"We got this, don't worry" He tells me "they'll be safe I promise you. We know how kids work" he says and tosses a water to Kian whose all the way across the room. He gives me a quick kiss and leads the kids out the car.

"Why did we marry them?" I ask Nessa

"At least he gave you a kiss. Kian left and didn't say goodbye or anything" Nessa says with her arms crossed. Kian runs back from the door and gives Nessa a kiss on the cheek and winks at her on the way back.

"Pray for us Jesus" I say

"We need it" she adds

While the kids are out with the boys, Nessa and I get some house cleaning done and we finish up our little basket that we made for Alex, Lauren, and the baby when they come home. Lastly we vlog a little bit so the boys have some content.

"So guys we're getting the house ready for some of Aaron's family to stay. We also just made a little basket for Alex and Lauren. Show them Nessa" I say to the camera.

"Here it is" she holds it up and tells them what's inside.

"Ok see you guys when we meet up with the boys and the kids" I put my hand in the lens so it can be a transition later on. We finish doing everything that we need to around the house. We put our makeup on and head out to meet up at a restaurant for lunch. We call the boys to see where we're meeting up.

"Where are you guys" Nessa says. I fit the camera on the tripod.

"Uhhh Aaron's driving but we're just leaving the jump place" Kian says

"Guys I just got and update from Alex. They baby should be here any minute now!" I say.

"Exciting, but I would love for you to keep your eyes on the road. I'm not trying to die today" Nessa says.

"Let's just go get lunch and head back to the house until we get further update. We can go to the hospital when their ready for us to come" Aaron says

"There's Aaron with his logical ness" Kian says

"That's what I'm here for"

"Ok see you guys at the pizza place" I say and hang up. We pull up and get the pizza customized. The boys finally make it and the kids devour it. They're all sleepy after jumping for two hours and talking about it. We let them nap and when they wake up we get the good news.

Asher is finally here. He was born at 2:45 this afternoon and he weighs 7 pounds.
Alex texts. He sends a pic.

"Awwww look, he's so cute!" Nessa says

"His little face is so adorable!" I say

"Y'all are so extra" Kian rolls his eyes

"Says the guy who cried like a baby when Rebel was born" Nessa teases

"Aaron don't you dare say anything" I say "I know you remember those tears rolling down your checks when the twins were born"

"Why you gotta call me out like that?" He complains. We laugh and get the kids in the car so we can go see everyone. Adrian seems excited to be a big brother. When he sees Asher he smiles. Alex carefully puts him in Adrian's hands. He looks a little scared because he doesn't want to hurt him or drop him. Finally he sort of warms up to it.

"I love you little brother" he says. Everyone says awww. Lauren hugs up to him, Alex, and Adrian. A complete family.

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