'Oh My God!!! I'm going to be father!!! Oh My God!!!!'

"Really?", I asked her pulling towards my chest. "Yes", she whispered.

"Can we proceed the marriage ceremony?", the priest asked smiling at us. Me and Annie ended up laughed along with everyone present in the church.

We turned to the priest and he proceeded the marriage.

"Nicholas Coleman, do you take Annie Evans to be your wife? Do you promise to be faithful to her in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love her and to honor her all the days of your life?", The priest turned to me.

"I do", I said smiling at my little wifey.

"Annie Evans, do you take Nicholas Coleman to be your husband? Do you promise to be faithful to him in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love him and to honor him all the days of your life?", The priest turned to her direction.

"I do", saying she jumped on me, letting her lips on my own. I smiled at her bold action and carried on kissing so passionately.

'I love you, baby and my upcoming baby girl. Yess Girl!! I want a girl like her mother'

5 Years later

Annie's POV.

'Where did Cassie hide this time?'

"Baby! If you don't come to me, then I won't take you to Aunty Lily's home", I used my secret weapon. She loved to play with Hayden, elder triplet of Lily. Hayden was her weakness.

She ran towards me with teary eyes. "Mom please, don't do that. I want to meet Hayden. I'll be good girl. I'll eat all the breakfast", she said wiping her tears. I picked her in my arms and kissed her cheeks. "I love you my little girl. I won't do this again. Uncle Nate will take you there. I have to company Aunt Kate to hospital", I said feeding her breakfast.

"Did I hurt you when I was there?", She asked pointed ay stomach. I laughed and kissed her cheeks again. "No baby. You were obedient", I said.

"What's going on here?", A voice filled happiness in the atmosphere. "Daddy", my little girl called out. Nicco, my hubby came towards us and kissed me on my lips and kissed our baby on her cheeks. He threw his coat away and picked Cassie up in his arm.

"Baby, I'm sorry for leaving you for 3 days", Nicco apologised to Cassie. Cassie said kissing her father's cheek,"You're forgiven if you take me to Amusement Park".

'Give and Take policy again'

"But you're not old enough for Amusement Park, baby", I interrupted the father-daughter conversation. She pouted but let it go. Nate came and took her with him.

"Still wanna play with Hayden?", Nicco asked taking off his clothes. "Yeah.. I think she loves him. I'm so happy for them. Lizzy starts to ship them up", I said chuckling. "Hey!!!! What are you doing?", I asked as he stared at me like a predictor. He encircled his arms around my waist. "I missed you so much. I love you, my little wifey", he whispered against my neck. I moaned feeling his lips on my neck. He left my neck and attacked my lips. I moaned encouraging him.

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