Chapter 6

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"Alright Mangle, you can wake up now," said a voice that Mangle could recognize. She felt stiff, unable to move, she wanted to move, but it felt like she was being held down. Until a hand started nudging her shoulder. Mangle opened her eyes and shot up and looked around.
"Woah! Take it easy, you feel alright?"

Mangle turned to look at Springtrap, she smiled, "Springtrap! Am I fixed?"
"Look for yourself!" Springtrap grinned. Mangle looked at herself through the mirror, she looked exactly how she remembered. Her metal skin was shiny and white, the pink heart showed on her chest, and both of her eyes were fixed, she noticed her brand new tail wagging excitedly. She looked perfect, not a single mistake was made.

Mangle looked at Springtrap again with gleaming eyes, and hugged him tightly, almost making him fall. Springtrap jumped, surprised, but caught her.
"Alright, alright! You're welcome! I'm really glad you're happy, because this took me a couple of weeks! Y-you're crushing me-" Springtrap choked. Mangle released him and blushed nervously, "Oh, sorry!"

Springtrap held on to the shelf for support, "Okey, everyone has been DYING to see you, so let's go before they start trying to break the door down."
"I can't believe I get to walk again! I can't believe any of this right now! This has to be a dream! I'm gonna faint!" Mangle squealed.
"Don't, 'cause I really don't wanna have to carry you out there," said Springtrap.

Mangle giggled and hugged him again before following him to the door. Springtrap slowly turned the knob and swung the door open, everyone immediately came running towards him, asking about Mangle.
"Where is she?"
"Did you fix her?"
"Is she okay?"
"Relax, guys! She's alright! She's just fine! Take a look!" Springtrap stepped out of the doorway so everyone could look at Mangle, as they did, they all gasped.
"Mangle, you look so beautiful!" Chica said as she stepped closer to look at her friend.
"You look just exactly like how I remembered you!" Toy Chica said with tears in her eyes.
"Woah, it's like you were never broken in the first place!" Freddy looked over at Springtrap, "Springtrap, this is so amazing! How did you-?"
"Oh, I, uh, found a box with Mangle's suit in it, it a party room, sticking out of the wall. I dont know how it got there, but I'll show you..." Springtrap lead Freddy, Golden Freddy, and Puppet to the room, while everyone else continued looking at Mangle.

"This is incredible! I was afraid he was gonna mess up..." said Toy Freddy.
"I was too, but I'm so glad you turned out great, why did he decide to do this?" Chica asked.
"Well, he felt bad for me, and he said he was a really good mechanic, so I trusted him, I wanted to let him try," Mangle replied.
"Well, he did amazing, I'm so glad you can walk again," Toy Chica hugged Mangle, so did Chica, and B.B and J.J.
Foxy pushed by everyone and looked at Mangle, his eyes widened. "Wow! Mangle, you look, really pretty!"
Mangle frowned, "Oh yeah, because I looked so ugly when I didn't look like this." Her friends gasped and looked at her, surprised.
"Mangle! Don't say that! You've ALWAYS looked pretty! The only person that ever said you weren't was Foxy! But he's just a jerk, you shouldn't pay any attention to him," Chica told her.

Foxy walked closer to Mangle, "Mangle, I'm really sorry for being horrible to you, I can be different! I promise I will! Just give me another chance!"
"Why are you saying that like we're some couple in a bad relationship?! Would you be different if I was still torn apart? Would you have ever apologized? You're full of crap! I can see it!" Mangle was close to crying. Chica and Toy Chica quickly hugged her.
"Just go away Foxy, you'll only make things worse!" Toy Chica said to him.
Foxy glared at them, "Whatever, I'm only telling the truth, if you don't believe me, then that's your problem."
When Foxy walked away, Toy Freddy sighed, "Don't mind him, he's always been a jerk, you've known that. He's just trying to sound innocent now because you've been fixed, and you're getting all the attention."

Everyone comforted Mangle until Springtrap, Goldie, Freddy, and Puppet came back.
"Alright guys, don't worry about that hole in the wall, we'll fix it," Golden Freddy told everyone.
"How's Mangle?" Puppet asked.
"She's fine, but Foxy decided 'Oh, maybe I should apologize and stop being mean to her now just because she's all fixed and pretty!', but we made him leave, so you don't have to worry about him," Bonnie told them.
"Good. Foxy really needs to grow up," said Freddy. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"So, who wants pizza?" Chica asked. Everyone started shouting with excitement.
"I'll take that as a yes, come on Toy Chica and Bonnie," Chica said as she left and went to the kitchen. Toy Chica looked at Mangle, "You wanna help? It's fun, we can teach you."
"Uh, yeah, I'll be there in a sec, you go ahead," Mangle replied.

Toy Chica nodded and followed Bonnie to the kitchen. Mangle hugged Springtrap tightly, "Thank you so much, I haven't felt this happy in such a long time! You're so nice, you deserve something in return!"
"What? No I don't, I'm fine, your happiness is enough. Now go help them cook, and don't even think about tearing up," Springtrap grinned at her.
"Alright, alright. I'll be back," Mangle smiled and walked off to the kitchen.
Springtrap sighed, "I could've sworn I heard footsteps...but it could've been my imagination. It's not a big deal, I'm probably just hearing things..."

Mangle and Springtrap sat on the roof, looking up at the sky.
"I love being up here, I usually come here when I'm sad, but I wanted to bring you here to show you how beautiful the outside is," Mangle said to Springtrap as she ate her pizza.
"It is nice, thanks. I haven't gotten to look at it in such a long time, I started to forget what it looked like. Haven't you ever been seen, though?" Springtrap asked her.
"Nope. Not a lot of people are out here at night, it's mostly just me. I like how quiet it is up here, it's just me and the sky, but now you can be here too, if you want!" Mangle smiled.
"Heh, yeah, maybe. Does anyone else come up here?" Springtrap asked.
"Yeah, Chica and Toy Chica, and sometimes other people in the pizzeria... Were you ever sad? You know, whenever it was just you and Goldie at the time?" Mangle looked at him.

Springtrap nodded, "Yeah, whenever we got in fights, but it didn't happen a lot, we mostly got along. Whenever we were sad, we would go on the roof too, and we either talked it out, or we just ignored it like it never happened. I hated that it was only me and Golden Freddy in the pizzeria, there wasn't anyone else to talk to, it was just us. I'm glad things are different now, there's a lot more of us, it's not as lonely or boring anymore. Not that we never had good times- we did, a lot, but now we get to have new memories with new people."
Mangle smiled, "I'm glad you like it here. We do get into arguments at times, but everything always turns out fine in the end. Foxy does try to start fights at times, but that's just one person, we can handle him."
"Yeah, but...why is he such a jerk all the time? Does anyone know why?" Springtrap asked.
"Well, um...not really, but we think he could just be trying to get attention, that's all he does anyway. He just likes bothering people," said Mangle.
"Oh..." was all Springtrap could say.
They sat in silence for a few minutes. Springtrap looked at the sky and noticed it was about to be daytime. He stood up, "Hey, we should go inside, it's almost day."
"Oh, okay," Mangle stood up and they both got down and went inside...

Christ, it's been FOREVER since I've released a new chapter! I finally decided to not be lazy and finish this one! I've been sleeping a lot, and I've been doing other stuff as always, I've been forgetting about finishing this story, looks like it's gonna take a while, since I can't stop screwing up my sleep. It's not that I DONT want to finish it, I'm just tired and lazy a lot, I'm not gonna give up on this story. Don't think I'm giving up, cause I'm not.

Springle part 1: I'm Mangled for You!Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя