Chapter 14

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WARNING: This chapter has some violence and gore in it, if you don't like that, just skip through it.

Purple Guy and Mangle stared at each other, confused. His eyes started glitching again, they switched from purple to grey. He looked down at her and said in Springtrap's voice, "M...Mangle?" He started having flashbacks of all the times they shared together, the time he met her, fixed her, protected her from Foxy, and just hung out.
Purple Guy shook his head. "No, stop!"
Suddenly, he was thrown off of Mangle and onto the floor. He sat up and tried to crawl back to her, but Springtrap pulled him away forcefully.
Mangle quickly crawled away from him and stared at him. Purple Guy sat on his knees and held his head, yelling, "I SAID STOP!!!"
"NO! GET OUT OF MY BODY!!!" Springtrap yelled in his head.
Purple Guy yelled and fell on his hands and knees, shaking. His eyes glitched nonstop.
Springtrap forced him to stand up, he grabbed his chest and started digging his hand inside.
Purple Guy yelled in pain. "NO! STOP! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"
"SAVING EVERYONE!!!" Springtrap growled, voice glitching.

He slowly ripped his chest open, blood and oil spilled out, dripping all over the floor. Mangle and Puppet watched in horror, Golden Freddy woke up and watched what was happening, his eyes widened.
"Y-YOU'RE KILLING US!!!" Purple Guy screamed. Springtrap dug his hand in his own chest and started ripping out Purple Guy's heart, Purple Guy gagged and coughed out blood.
"Y-you can't d-do this..."
But it was too late. The second his heart was ripped out, Purple Guy's soul flew out of him and disappeared into a huge puff of purple smoke.

Springtrap stood there, covered in blood, his eyes went back to normal, blood poured from his body. Mangle, Goldie, and Puppet watched him in silence. Everyone else came out seconds later and stared at him in shock.
Springtrap dropped the heart and fell to the floor, not moving.
"SPRINGTRAP!" Mangle screamed. She ran over to him and held him in her arms. Golden Freddy and Puppet went over to them and took a look at Springtrap.
"S-Springtrap? Wake up!" Goldie said, shaking his brother. His eyes filled with tears.
"We need to take him to the service room, quick," Puppet ordered.
Goldie, Puppet, Bonnie, and Toy Bonnie picked up Springtrap and carried him to the "Parts and Service" room. Freddy and Toy Freddy followed behind.
Everyone else stayed in the main area and looked at each other.
"I-is it over?" Chica asked.
"Um, I...think so..." Bonnie replied, looking down.
"Uh, we should probably clean this mess up..." said Toy Chica.
"Uh, yeah. I'll go get the cleaning supplies for us..." Bonnie said before walking over to the closet.

Chica and Toy Chica looked over at Mangle. She just stood still, not saying a word. They walked over to her and hugged her.
"It's going to be okay, Mangle. They'll fix him," Chica said as she stroked her hair.
"Yeah, let's just clean this mess up while we're waiting. Do you wanna explain what happened?" Toy Chica asked her.
Mangle slowly shook her head.
Her friends nodded. "Alright, that's fine. Let's just...clean up," said Toy Chica. When Bonnie came back with the stuff, they all grabbed a mop and started cleaning. Toy Bonnie came out a few minutes later and helped them. Foxy just sat down and watched them, since he couldn't really do anything with one arm. B.B and J.J stayed in the arcade room.

3 hours later

Everyone was sitting down, eating pizza and talking, until Puppet and Golden Freddy came out of the service room.
"Is he gonna be alright?" Freddy asked, turning to them.
"Um, yeah. He has several stitches, but he'll be alright. He's still asleep," Goldie replied. He and Puppet grabbed their own slice of pizza and sat down with everyone.
While they all ate, Mangle explained to them what happened.
"Wait, he RIPPED out Purple Guy's heart? How did he know that would work?" Freddy asked.
"He must've figured it out, I mean, it makes sense. Purple Guy's spirt was trapped inside of Springtrap, and so was his body. So, the only way to kill him was to take out his heart, because when he was possessing him, he had a body to control, so his heart was beating again. How did I not figure this out before? I guess I was too afraid of what was going to happen to all of us that I couldn't concentrate..." Puppet told them.
"Well, we're all alive and okay now, that's all that matters," Freddy told him.

After everyone was finished eating, Freddy, Bonnie, Foxy, Toy Bonnie, and Toy Freddy hung out in the arcade room, B.B and J.J played around in the party rooms, Chica and Toy Chica went to go clean the dishes, and Puppet went to his box to get some rest. Mangle went in the "Parts and Service" room and saw Golden Freddy, standing by the work table his brother was laying on, looking at him.
"Uh, hey. Can I be alone with him for a few minutes?" Mangle asked him.
"Uh, sure. Let me know when you're done," Goldie said to her before walking out and closing the door.
Mangle looked down at Springtrap and sighed, "I guess we're back here again..."

She sat in silence for several minutes, looking at Springtrap. She was about to leave, but then she noticed him sitting up, groaning. "Oh man...what happened?" He said, rubbing his head.
Mangle gasped, "Springtrap! You're awake!"
He looked at her, surprised, as she hugged him. "W-What? I'm alive? How?" He asked.
"The others were able to clean you up to stop the blood from coming out, and then they stitched up your wounds and bandaged you up! You were close to dying..." Mangle told him.
" Purple Guy gone? Is everyone okay?" Springtrap asked her.
"Yeah, he's gone forever, he won't be coming back. And everyone is fine, you did hurt some of us, but they're bandaged up and fine now," Mangle replied, smiling at him.
"Oh..." Springtrap looked down and put his face in his hands. "Well that's just great, everyone probably hates me am I going to live with this? I just hurt my friends...they probably don't even want to be my friends now, after what I've done..."
Mangle frowned. "What? No! That's not true! We all still love you, we're GLAD you're okay! We just wanted Purple Guy gone, and you've gotten rid of him for all of us! We wouldn't be alive right now if it wasn't for you! If anything, we love you! We're happy you're okay and that Purple Guy won't be bothering you anymore! We still want to be your friends...why would you say those things?" Mangle asked, confused.
"Mangle, I just hurt my friends! I almost killed them! I let Purple Guy hurt them! This is MY fault! How can you guys still love me after that? Yeah, I saved everyone, but you guys were still close to being killed! I should leave, I should be kicked out..." Springtrap said, looking down.
"No. Springtrap, look at me!"
Mangle pulled his face closer to hers and looked at him straight in the eyes. "We will NEVER kick you out, you wouldn't make it out there! Where would you go? Golden Freddy would be so upset if you left, I would be upset! What happened, happened, it's all over now, he won't come back again! Purple Guy is gone, he can't hurt us anymore! We know you're not a monster, you're one of the sweetest friends we could ever ask for! We're glad you're part of this family, you deserve it, you deserve to have a life, just like the rest of us. You didn't let Purple Guy kill us, you STOPPED him from doing that! We're all alive and okay now, that's all that matters! Why can't you see that we all still love you? Why are you thinking negative thoughts? You're NOT a monster, and this ISN'T your fault. If nothing I say will change your mind or make you see, then I don't know what will..." Mangle kissed him, and then she left, shutting the door. Springtrap's eyes widened and he blushed like mad.
He ran his hand through his hair and sighed. "Crap..."

Springle part 1: I'm Mangled for You!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant