Chapter 1

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Springtrap was curled up against the wall in the basement, asleep, when suddenly, the door upstairs opened and his brother, Golden Freddy, stepped in, walking down the stairs carefully. The steps weren't strong enough to hold a bunch of weight, they were rusting and slowly wearing off, almost breaking, because of how old they were. Golden Freddy walked over to his brother and shook him awake, to which he awoke with a jerk, he looked up at Goldie, looking tired.
"Hey," Goldie smiled at him.
Springtrap gave a half smile, "Oh, hi..."
"Sorry to wake you, but Freddy, Toy Freddy, and I were gonna fix you
up some more, you still have some holes and cuts showing. You wanna have something to eat first before we fix you?" Golden Freddy asked him. Springtrap nodded and stood up, "Yeah, sure..."

*Before I continue with the story, I'm just gonna say real quick that there's going to be some ships in here that some of you might not agree with or like, and that's fine if you don't, but if you don't like it, then don't say anything mean about it, just leave without saying anything. I'm not gonna put up with that crap, I'm making this fanfic to entertain the people that DO wanna read this. Now on with the story...*

Goldie lead Springtrap to the "Parts and Service room" and Spring sat down on the table, while Golden Freddy went to get pizza for him. Springtrap hasn't met anyone in the pizzeria yet, only Freddy and Puppet, Goldie wanted it to be a surprise for everyone when Springtrap showed his face. It's been about a week since Springtrap was brought back by his brother and Puppet, they had to use almost half of their powers to wake him up. He was very new to this new place and new routine, it would probably take him a while to remember everyone, and all the rules, but Springtrap just hoped he wouldn't have a hard time here...
When Golden Freddy came back with their pizza, Springtrap took his piece and ate it like a shark, Golden Freddy wasn't surprised, Springtrap always ate like that, he was always hungry, but after thirty years of no food or drink, it would take him a few days to get better from an empty stomach. Springtrap remembered when he woke up, he was starving and thirsty, he felt completely empty, and when they gave him pizza, he ate the whole thing, almost choking.
When he was finished eating, Golden Freddy threw the paper plates away and came back, with Freddy and Toy Freddy behind him. Springtrap never met Toy Freddy, when he saw him for the first time, he looked just like Freddy, but with shiny metal instead of fur, he had red cheeks too, and he was shorter by a few inches. Toy Freddy smiled when they made eye contact.
"Huh, so this is what you look like! Nice to meet you, Spring, I'm Toy Freddy," Toy Freddy held out his hand for a shake, Springtrap took it and shook his hand, smiling back.

"Alright, so are you okay with being awake while we stitch more of your wounds?" Golden Freddy asked him.
"Yeah, i'll be fine...I'm used to the pain," Springtrap shrugged. Golden Freddy smiled, but looked nervous when he said that.
"Okay, then let's get started..."
He took out a box with a needle and some thread, and then some bandages and rags. Freddy held Springtrap's arm while Goldie stitched another hole that hid in his fur, quickly wiping off the blood with a wet rag as it started coming out. It did hurt, but Springtrap held in his breath and sat still, while he thought about his past with Golden Freddy when they were brand new and used to perform on stage. Springtrap was used to the pain, he felt a lot worse than this before.
As Goldie and Freddy continued stitching more holes on his body, while Toy Freddy cleaned up the blood, Springtrap thought about what everyone else would think of him when they would meet him. Would they like him and accept him as a friend? Or will they be disgusted and scared and push him away? Springtrap would never know, he only had to find out for himself. But he was starting to feel afraid... he didn't want to be pushed away again, the first time was painful.
"Alright, all done!" Said Golden Freddy. He, Freddy, and Toy Freddy stepped back to take a look at Springtrap. Spring looked at himself, he looked a little better, but the bandages on him made him look like he was in a car wreck. He was surprised that it didn't last long like last time, but he was glad he didn't look like a torn up chew toy anymore.
"I'm pretty sure we got all of them, but we'll leave your ear alone for now, I'm sure we'll find the other half of it, hopefully. But if we don't find it, well, you'll still be fine without it," Goldie told him. Springtrap touched his torn ear, it still hurt a little, but he could care less, he was just glad his brother did what he could. Springy smiled and hugged him, "Thanks, man..."
"It's what brothers are for," Goldie smiled back blushingly, hugging his brother back.

"You ready to meet everyone?" Freddy asked, patting Springtrap's back.
"Uh, yeah. Let's go..." Springtrap smiled nervously. Toy Freddy opened the door for the four of them. Springtrap peered at the other side, feeling more it waited for him patiently...

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