Chapter 8

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     Mangle, Chica, and Toy Chica sat on the roof, making bracelets for each other.
"I'm almost done with both of yours, what about you guys?" Toy Chica asked them.
"Uh, I'm getting there," Mangle replied.
"Yeah, me too. How are you so good at this?" Chica asked her.
"It just takes lots of practice. But it won't take long until you guys are on my level," T.C smiled at both of them.
"What should we do after this?" Chica asked.
"Well, we have to go make dinner for everyone in an hour. But while we're still up here, let's talk about boys, because I have no idea what else to talk about," said Toy Chica.
"Alright. I just watched Toy Freddy almost beat the crap out of an arcade machine when he lost, it was funny," said Chica.
Toy Chica laughed, "Wow, he sure is something. Toy Bonnie won a cupcake plushie in the claw machine and gave it to me, he's so sweet."
Chica nodded, "Yep, he is. I'm glad Bonnie is sweet too, he's amazing."
Toy Chica held up both of the bracelets she finished, "Welp, I'm done. Here you guys go."

She gave Chica her bracelet, which were yellow and purple pieces of string tied around each other with white beads on them, spelling Chica's name. The other bracelet made for Mangle was made with white and pink string with grey beads on it spelling her name.
"Thanks, T.C, it looks great," Mangle told her.
"Yeah! So pretty!" Chica said as she started putting it on.
"Thanks. I can see you two are almost done too," said Toy Chica.

She looked over at Mangle, who went quiet again, she'd been quiet for the past few minutes.
Toy Chica spoke up, "So been thinking about Springtrap lately?" Mangle perked up, "No..." she lied, she actually was.
Toy Chica grinned, "You sure? I can see you blushing..."
Mangle's eyes went wide, she quickly covered her cheeks with her hands, "Um, I don't know what you're talking about..."
Chica and Toy Chica both laughed. "Oh my gosh, she IS blushing!!!" Chica giggled.
"Sh-shut up..." Mangle mumbled.
"Oooooooo, you liiiiike hiiiiim," Chica grinned, trying to keep from laughing, but Toy Chica couldn't hold it in.
"N-no I don't!" Mangle turned her back to them and put her face in her hands. Chica and Toy Chica scooted beside her.
"Oh come on, Mangle! It's alright! We're not making fun of you!" Chica said to her, putting a hand on her shoulder.
"Yeah! This is great! You could actually have a chance with him! And, I think he might like you too!" said Toy Chica.

"How?! How could he possibly like me?" Mangle said as she lifted her head up.
"Mangle, he almost strangled Foxy, he threatened him not to hurt you again! That shows how much he cares!" T.C told her.
"Yeah, and he even worked his butt off for days just to fix you!" said Chica.
"He only did that to be nice! He would do the same for anyone!" Mangle argued.
"Maybe, but I just know somewhere deep down that he does like you-"
Mangle cut Toy Chica off, "And what if he doesn't? I just don't see how he could like someone like me...I'm too quiet! I'm shy!"

"So what?! Why should he care about that? There's nothing wrong with that, he still talks to you! And why wouldn't he like you? You're nice, pretty, adorable, and understanding! If he didn't care, he wouldn't have fixed you, or save you from Foxy, that's not JUST being nice, that's being protective and caring!" T.C told her. Chica nodded. Mangle didn't say anything.

Toy Chica sighed, "Mangle, look. There's nothing to be sad, upset, or ashamed about, it's completely normal to have these feelings. Even if he doesn't like you in that way, he would still want to be your friend! Now, if you do want him to like you, stop sitting here then. Get up and go talk to him! Just hang out or something, find something to do. If he's busy, then that's fine, just come back to us! You don't even have to help us make dinner, just go hang out with him, I'm sure he'd be glad to see you."

"Yeah, don't worry about us, just go be with him!" Chica said, patting her back.
Mangle sighed and got up, "Alright, I'll go..."
"That's the spirit! Now go have fun, and don't be nervous!" said Toy Chica. Mangle smiled at both of them before climbing down the ladder and entering the pizzeria.

Springtrap sat in the office, looking through the cameras. Suddenly, he noticed Mangle walk in.
"Hi," he said to her.
"Hi... What are you doing?" Mangle asked.
"Just trying to find the exact date of when the hole was made in the wall, so I can find who put it there, but it's kinda hard. Puppet told me he tried to find it too, but it just showed static... What are you doing here?" Springtrap asked.
"Oh, I um...just wanted to kinda hang out with you for a while, because I'm bored..." Mangle blushed a little and looked down.
Springtrap blinked, "Alright. Um, there's no other chair to sit in, but you can just sit on the desk or something..."
"Um, a-alright," Mangle moved some stuff out of the way and sat on the desk, she looked at the cameras with him.
Springtrap peered over at her, "Uh, this is kinda boring, you don't care?"
Mangle shook her head, "Not really. So have you guys got some of the wall fixed?"
"Apparently, it's gonna take even longer now, because more bits of the wall fell off...Freddy and Golden Freddy are fixing it right now, I just came in here to try to find whoever did it..." Springtrap told her.
"Oh, that must've sucked..." said Mangle.

Suddenly, the cameras started glitching and making static noises, and then they all shut off. Springtrap tried to turn them back on, but nothing worked. He sighed and stood up, "Well, guess I won't be finding out who did it then..." He suddenly started hearing whispering again, he looked around. Mangle looked up at him, "What is it?"
Springtrap looked back at her, "How did she not hear that?" he thought.
"Um, I need to go tell Puppet about this, let's go," Springtrap said, ignoring her question. Mangle got up and they both left the office.

After dinner, Springtrap thought about going to help Puppet with the cameras, but he noticed Mangle sitting at a table, being bored.
"Eh, I guess I could take a little break..." he thought. He walked over to Mangle, who looked up at him.
"You wanna go play video games?" He asked, holding out his hand. Mangle smiled while nodding and took his hand, he helped her up and they went in the arcade room. Seconds later, they were already having fun.

"Woah! This is awesome, I can't believe I never even bothered playing these games!" said Mangle.
"I can't believe it either, what's wrong with you?" Springtrap grinned, they both laughed. When Mangle finished the last level, she jumped up and squealed with excitement. "YES! I did it! Finally!" She said as she shook Springtrap.
"Pff, yeah, you finally did it. What took ya so long?" Springtrap laughed, Mangle playfully pushed him. "I guess I'm a gaaaamer now," she grinned.
"Yep," said Springtrap. Suddenly, he noticed something peeking from behind an arcade machine. Springtrap frowned, Mangle noticed and asked, "Uh, you okay?" Springtrap shook his head, thinking, "Its just my imagination..."

"Yeah, I'm fine-"

But then he started to feel light headed, he almost fell, but Mangle caught him and helped him stand up, "Woah! Springy, are you really okay?"
Springtrap stood up right, "Y-yeah, I am, I guess I'm just tired...sorry..."
"It's alright! Just go get some sleep," Mangle told him.
Springtrap shook his head, "No, I'm fine. I'll be alright, really."
"I don't think you will, come on," Mangle grabbed his hand and took him through the "Parts and Service" room and into the basement.
"Alright, just rest for a while, it's almost time for everyone to sleep anyway. Do you need anything?" Mangle asked him.
"No, I'm good. Thanks," said Springtrap.
"You're welcome, I'm always here to help. I'm gonna go now, see ya," Mangle left the room, closing the door behind her.

Springtrap sighed and sat against the wall. "What is wrong with me?"
He put his face in his hands. "How am I gonna tell Puppet and Goldie this? I don't want them to freak out, I can't even tell if this is all in my head or not..." Springtrap noticed that there was a plushie a few feet away from him, placed against the wall, it was a plushie of Mangle. Springtrap reached over and grabbed it and looked at it.
"Huh, that's cute..." he thought. There was a note taped on the back of it. He took it off and read it.

"This is for you, Springtrap, from Mangle. Thanks for helping me from Foxy, he's a jerk, but maybe he'll change someday, we'll never know. I know you would say Oh bUt I dOnT dEsErvE aNyThiNg iN rEtuRn, well I don't care what you say, I think you deserve something. This was all I could really think of, I hope you like it, but if you don't, you can just throw it away or put it back in Prize Corner. You're a great person and I appreciate you a lot. Thanks. :)"

Springtrap smiled. "Yeah, like I'm gonna throw this away..."

Springle part 1: I'm Mangled for You!Where stories live. Discover now