Chapter 12

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  WARNING: This chapter has a lot of violence and some gore in it, if you don't like that, just skip through it.

It had been a few days now, but Springtrap wasn't sure how much longer he could last without knowing when Purple Guy would come back. He wasn't even sure how much longer his sanity could last, he was still hallucinating and hearing things, but he took Puppet's advice and continued ignoring them. Springtrap tried to stay happy and brave for everyone, but it was hard though, especially when Mangle hasn't been around a lot now. She seemed to have been the only one that helped him stay sane, other than Golden Freddy. A part of Springtrap regretted telling her to keep away from him, but he didn't want to hurt her, or anyone, it was for the best.

He started avoiding everybody, except for his brother and Puppet, he needed to check up on them every once in a while to see if they've found a way to get rid of Purple Guy. So far they haven't. Springtrap started growing more impatient, but he tried staying calm, so no one would notice that he was slowly starting to change, it was already bad enough that a dead murderer was following him around, getting on his nerves. He didn't really want anyone to know about his problem, other than Puppet, Goldie, and Mangle, but he didn't want anyone to NOT know that they were about to be in great danger soon, either. Even Puppet couldn't tell anyone, he just couldn't build up the courage to. He didn't want everyone to worry, but they were already starting to find out, after Mangle had told T.C and Chica.

Puppet was sitting by his box, thinking, when Toy Freddy suddenly came over to him and asked, "Is Purple Guy coming back? Toy Chica told me he was..."
Puppet sighed, "Yeah, he is...but please don't freak out about it, make sure everyone else is calm. I really am trying to find a way to stop him, and so is Golden Freddy, but...I don't know, things are complicated right now, just give us some more time. Go ahead and tell everyone else, and let them know we're trying to keep him away..."
Toy Freddy nodded and left him alone.

It was true though, Puppet really was trying, he used his powers to seal off the exit and entrance and all the windows, so Purple Guy wouldn't escape if he was possessing Springtrap. Golden Freddy had to stay by Springtrap's side at all times, so Purple Guy wouldn't try to get in contact with him if he was ever alone again. But that didn't stop him from messing with Springtrap's mind, though.

Springtrap and his brother were hanging out in the "Parts and Service" room, eating pizza, while they talked about Purple Guy.
"So are you still having those hallucinations and hearing things?" Goldie asked him.
"Um, yeah...but I've been doing better, though..." Springtrap half lied, he actually had been doing somewhat better at ignoring Purple Guy's existence lately.
"That's good...Oh, Foxy's suppose to be let out of the back room today, so Puppet can get you two to talk about what happened and try to get over it, maybe forgive each other. Puppet believes that Purple Guy will try to get you to kill Foxy, since you hate him and you're mad at him, and then kill everyone else...hopefully Puppet's plan will work, but a part of me can't help but doubt that it would ever work. I mean, let's be real here, no one would ever forgive someone who just ripped their eye out and attacked one of their friends," Goldie told him.
Springtrap nodded, "Yeah, I don't think I'll be able to forgive him for what he's done, but MAYBE there's still a chance, a SMALL chance we could make up for it and be friends, and just forget it ever happened...I mean, I want that, but I don't know if HE does..."
"I...yeah, I don't know either...but if Foxy wants Mangle's, and everyone else's forgiveness, then he'll have to stop acting like an attention-seeking brat and start being NICE, that's all! It's not that hard, just be nice and respectful to everyone! How hard can that be?" said Goldie.
Springtrap sighed and got up, "Welp, I'm done. I'm gonna go throw my plate away."
"Alright, I'll come with you," Golden Freddy got up and they both left the room, on their way to the kitchen.

When they came back out, Springtrap noticed Mangle sitting with her friends at their table, talking and eating, she didn't notice him though.
"Great, now I wanna talk to her, but I can't go anywhere near her..." Springtrap thought as he looked away from her.
He turned to Goldie, "Hey, I'm gonna go try to sleep for a bit...I'm getting tired..."
"Oh, okey. I gotta go talk to Puppet for a minute anyway, I'll be quick," Goldie told him, and then he walked off.
Springtrap went back to the service room and walked down the basement, he shut the door behind him and locked it. He sat in a chair in the corner of the room and put his face in his hands.
"I can't do this, I can't just sit here and wait until he comes, the waiting is unbearable, I need to do something...I have to keep everyone safe..."
He noticed a small piece of glass from the mirror he broke that was on the floor across from him. Springtrap was starting to think about taking his own life, so Purple Guy wouldn't possess him, he wouldn't be able to use a dead robot.

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