Chapter 10

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     Mangle sat with her friends as she ate a slice of pizza. They all looked at her worriedly, it started to annoy her, they've been sitting in silence for ten minutes, too afraid to talk about what just happened three hours ago. Toy Chica sighed and put her arm around Mangle, "It's too quiet, we need to talk about something..."
"Yeah, like what the heck just happened in the hallway a few hours ago!" said Bonnie.
Chica looked at him, "Bonnie, no! The situation has already been handled, and Mangle probably doesn't wanna talk about it."
Toy Chica nodded, "Yeah, Foxy is locked in the back room again, and Puppet and Golden Freddy are still fixing Springtrap. And Mangle is here, all bandaged up and probably traumatized now..."
"So no one is wondering why Springtrap just went full on savage on Foxy? That's not normal, none of us would do that, he shouldn't have done that. Foxy did deserve to get the crap beat out of him for hurting Mangle, but not nearly KILLED," Bonnie told them.
Everyone was quiet, but then Toy Bonnie spoke up, "Wait, didn't Foxy go savage on Mangle too? He nearly bit her arm off and completely tore Springtrap's eye out!"
"Yeah, he did! But that could all just be because of anger, you know. But we won't know for sure until Goldie and Puppet talk to us about it," said Toy Freddy. Everyone nodded.
Mangle sighed and stood up, "Alright, I wanna go see Springtrap now..."
Chica looked at her, "Mangle, Puppet said no one can visit him until he's fully repaired and okay, which shouldn't take much longer, so you'll still have to wait a few more minutes..."
"But I've been waiting for over three HOURS now! I can't stand sitting here in more silence! I just wanna see him!" Mangle cried.
Suddenly, the door to the "Parts and Service" room opened and Golden Freddy and Puppet stepped out, all sweaty and covered with blood and oil. Mangle ran over to them, "Is he alright???"
Goldie sighed, "Yep, he'll be alright, but he'll have to wear an eyepatch for a while until we find the other box with more extra parts, somehow it got lost and we can't find it...but he'll still be fine. We were able to fix his wounds and bandage him up, but he might be asleep for a while, but I guess you can still go see him, if you want."
Mangle ran in the room and shut the door without saying a word. Puppet looked at everyone, "Is...she alright?"
"She's worried..." T.C told him.
Bonnie approached him and Goldie, "So is there anything you're gonna tell us about Spring and Foxy going full savage on each other, or is there literally no explanation for what happened?"
"Well, I wouldn't say there wasn't any explanation for what happened, we all know there was...but, we don't really know why or how they changed...we're guessing it's because of anger, but that can't be the only reason...we'll find out when Springtrap wakes up, we'll talk to him and Foxy," Puppet told everyone. Everyone looked at each other and nodded.

     Mangle sighed as she looked at Springtrap, who was lying on the table, unconscious. "I'm sorry this happened to you, I'm sorry any of this happened... but I didn't know what to do in that situation he put me in, I could've just walked away from him and ignore him, but what good would that do? He would just follow me...I was stuck. I just wanted to go see you, that's all, but he just had to ruin it...But don't worry, Springy, I'll make sure this doesn't happen again, or at least try's my fault anyway, I should've been more careful...I'm sorry, I'm really sorry... just please be okay." Mangle was close to crying now, she looked down in shame.
", it's not your fault..."

Mangle looked up and gasped as she saw Springtrap sitting up awake, looking at her. She jumped up from her seat and hugged him tightly, "SPRINGTRAP!!! YOU'RE ALRIGHT! ARE YOU OKAY?!"
"Unh, not r-really, you're k-kinda c-crushing me a little, it hurts..." Springtrap told her. Mangle quickly let go, "Oh, I'm sorry! Are you okay now?"
Springtrap rubbed his head, "Uh, yeah...w-what happened? Why am I here?"
Mangle frowned, "You...don't remember what happened? A few hours ago, I was gonna go see you, but then Foxy came to me and wouldn't leave me alone about forgiving him and loving him, and then I yelled at him and tried to walk away, but he grabbed me and I slapped him. He attacked me, and then you came and attacked him, you both started fighting, Golden Freddy and I tried to break the fight, but Foxy bit my arm and scratched Goldie, he took your eye out and put those scratches on you, and then you lost it and almost strangled him to death...he's been locked in the back room again..."

Springtrap took a minute to try to remember everything, and when he did, his eye went wide.
"What is it? Do you remember now?" Mangle asked him.
"Uh, eyes weren't, PURPLE...were they?" Springtrap asked hesitantly.
"Uh, I think so...they were black and, that bad?" Mangle asked nervously.
"Oh no..." Springtrap put his hands through his hair and then covered his face.
"Springtrap, is it?" Mangle asked again.
Springtrap sighed and looked at her, "Um,'s really bad..."
"W-what? How? Why? What do you mean?" Mangle asked him worriedly.
Springtrap sighed again, "Mangle, I haven't been honest with you and everyone else here...there's something I haven't told you guys for a while..."
Mangle leaned closer to him, "What is it?"
Springtrap took a deep breath and let it out. "It's Purple Guy, I think he's back..." Mangle's eyes widened.

Springtrap continued, "Puppet told me that this would happen if he ever possessed me. My eyes would turn purple and black and my teeth would grow sharp. Then I, or HE would attack you guys and try to kill you, so he could be free to do whatever he wanted with me, which is murder and torture people. Puppet knew this because he'd been having dreams and hallucinations about it, Purple Guy actually appeared in his dreams recently and warned him that this would happen, and he almost won. He could've killed everyone if Freddy hadn't knocked me out, but that won't just fix everything. He'll probably come back again...and, whenever you guys asked if I was alright whenever you noticed something off about me, I always lied and said I was...I wasn't. I've been seeing and hearing things a lot for about a week. I never told anyone because I didn't want you guys to worry, and I wasn't sure if any of it was even real, I just kept ignoring it instead, I just wanted to live a normal life again...I would hear things like whispering, footsteps, and even the wind, but every time I turned around, nothing would be there. I think it got worse when I kept trying to ignore it, I started to see things that weren't there, like little dark shadows that would be hiding, or rushing past me before disappearing...Puppet also told me that these things would usually happen before Purple Guy would come back and try to possess me and take over my body...and I think he may try to come back again..."

When Springtrap was done explaining, Mangle gently hugged him close, "Oh Springy, I'm sorry you've been going through really should've told someone...but now I'm really worried for you, I don't want anything to happen to you, I-I don't wanna lose you..."
Springtrap looked at Mangle and noticed she was about to cry.
"Wa-Mangle..." Springtrap held her close as she sobbed into his chest.
"Mangle, don't...don't cry, everything will be alright, I won't let him control me and take everything from me! As long as I have you guys by my side, I'll be able to fight back...Just...stop crying, you're making me sad!"

After a few minutes, Mangle stopped crying and wiped away her tears,
"S-sorry...I just..."
Springtrap caressed her bandaged cheek, "It's alright, it's fine..."
Mangle sighed and laid her head against his chest. "But...why does he still want to get rid of us?" She asked him.
"Because Freddy and his friends replaced me and my brother on stage, it wasn't anyone's fault, but he still won't get over it. But it's also because Puppet and the kids' souls trapped him inside me. That's what Puppet told me..." Springtrap replied.
"Oh, well I'm not gonna let him take you away," Mangle hugged Springtrap again.
Springtrap sighed, "Mangle...can I ask you something?"
Mangle stopped hugging him and looked at him, "Sure, what is it?"
"Are you in love with me?"
Mangle froze. "W-what?"
"You heard me," Springtrap told her.
Mangle blushed, "Uh, would you ask that?"
"Mangle, it wasn't really that hard to notice. I can tell you blush and smile and giggle a lot when you're around me, you want to be around me more, I know you do. Just answer the question, do you like me or not? I just wanna know," Springtrap said while looking at her with a straight face.

Mangle was quiet. "Uuh, um...Ugh, alright, fine! I like you-no, I LOVE you, alright? Happy now?" She crossed her arms and looked away from him with embarrassment.
Springtrap sighed and looked away, "Ah, I knew it..."
"A-are you mad? Is it a bad thing?" Mangle asked, looking a little scared.
"No, I'm not MAD...but...I'm not really sure if it's a GOOD thing that you like me though..." Springtrap said, feeling a little nervous.
Mangle's ears went down, "W-why? Do you...not like me back?"
Springtrap bit his lip and sighed.

"Mangle, I can't be with you..."

Springle part 1: I'm Mangled for You!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum