Chapter 4

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     When Springtrap entered through the office, Puppet and Golden Freddy were sitting in front of the desk, facing each other, they looked over at him.
"You're here, great. Take a seat beside us," Puppet told him. Springtrap pulled out a chair near him and sat down facing the two of them.
"So what are we talking about?"
"Well, it's about...Purple Guy..." answered Puppet. Springtrap frowned, "What about him?"
"It's not anything bad, well, unless something does go bad..." Puppet fidgeted with his hands nervously.

"What he means by that is...we just want to let you know that if you start seeing, hallucinating, or hearing him, or feel his presence, then you need to come tell us, because you've been awake for a few days now. Nothing bad or strange has happened, but we have a feeling something might. Since you're awake, Purple Guy might have a better advantage of roaming the place. He's still stuck inside you, we don't really know for sure if he could be alive, but there's a possibility he could. If he isn't alive, then that's great. But if he is, then we're gonna have to do something about that...but I don't know what..." Golden Freddy explained to him.

"Yeah, it might've looked like he died in your suit, but there's a chance he could still be alive, you never know. I had a dream about this the other day and I needed to tell you guys...just in case something like that does happen...but we're not sure yet..." said Puppet.
Springtrap nodded, "Alright, I'll be sure to tell you both, but I haven't seen anything weird lately. Is that all?"
"Yeah, we just wanted to talk to you about that for a bit. We don't know if he'll really come back, or how he will, but we're gonna try to get prepared for that," said Puppet. Springtrap nodded and they left the office, on the way to the main area with everyone else.

*In this story, Fazbear's Fright never existed just an FYI. And there's other things in the story that are different than from the games. I mean, it IS a fanfic.*

When Springtrap went to get a slice of pizza, he noticed Mangle sitting with Chica and Toy Chica at their own table, eating and talking. Mangle sat across from them, all tangled up on the seat, wires hanging down, some touching the floor. Springtrap thought it looked a little funny, but didn't say anything, he still felt bad that she was like that.

Suddenly, while Mangle was talking to them, Foxy snuck over behind her, reached his hand out and snatched up her pizza, which she didn't eat yet, and shoved it in his mouth, eating it very grossly. The girls gasped, Chica and Toy Chica looked at him with disgust and anger, but Mangle just sat there, upset, not saying anything, as Foxy laughed hysterically, pizza still in his mouth.

"FOXY! What is wrong with you?!" Toy Chica yelled at him, she was about to get up and get Mangle another piece. But Springtrap walked over to Mangle and gave her his piece, he glared at Foxy before walking away, not saying a word. They didn't get a chance to say anything to him, they just stared at him, surprised.

Mangle blushed a little, but ate her pizza before Foxy could take it. Springtrap walked past them with another slice of pizza, and sat down by Golden Freddy, Puppet, and the rest of the guys. Foxy glared at the girls before walking away.
"Well, at least Springtrap is nice!" said Chica.
"Yeah, you're lucky the pizza's not all gone, Mangle..." Toy Chica told her. But Mangle wasn't paying attention, she slowly ate her pizza as she thought about what just happened.

Springtrap was in one of the party rooms, looking at the drawings that kids drew years ago.

"I wonder what those kids could be doing now, are they even alive?" Springtrap wondered.

He knew that six kids died here and were stuffed in Freddy, Chica, Bonnie, Foxy, Goldie, and Puppet, because of Purple Guy. But other kids here actually got to live out their lives, and some of their drawings are still hanging up around this place, untouched. They're lucky they didn't get killed and trapped in a pizzeria, they're lucky they never got trapped in a dark room for thirty years...with claustrophobia. They could still be alive right now, being happy with their lives, but they'll never forget about the things that happened here.

Springtrap remembered what Golden Freddy and Puppet told him about the kids, how they were set free, and instantly left after Purple Guy died in his suit. Freddy and his friends were broken, so they were replaced by the Toys in the new pizzeria, but this place shut down a year later after night guards kept dying here, it's been sitting here, boarded up and rotting for years. The night guards kept dying here because someone tampered with the toy animatronics, making them kill. Broken Freddy and his friends tried stopping them, until Golden Freddy and Puppet finally found a way to fix them.

While Springtrap daydreamed, he didn't notice Mangle come in and watch him.
"Um, hey Springtrap..." said Mangle.
Springtrap jumped and turned around to look at her, "Oh, hey Mangle...just, looking around..."
"Heh, well there's really not a lot to look at in here, you could be playing arcade games right now or something..." Mangle told him.
"Yeah, I better go do that before I die of boredom..." as Springtrap said that, he suddenly remembered how he had actually died before, before he was brought wasn't pleasant at all. Springtrap hung his head.

After a moment of silence between them, Springtrap asked, "So...what are you doing in here?"
"Oh, I was actually looking for you...I wanted to thank you for taking up for me back there...I appreciate it," Mangle smiled a little.
Springtrap grinned, "Oh, well it was the least I could do, I'll always be here for you guys, I hate people like him...they make me sick..."
Mangle nodded, "Yeah...but I'm used to it though. So how do you like it here so far?"

"Well, I think it's great, there's more room and more stuff to do. But the only thing I don't like here is Foxy, it seems like he's gonna be a problem..." said Springtrap.
"Don't mind him, he's always gonna be like that, we all have gotten used to his attitude, but we don't let him stand by and mistreat others here, but he'll try to get in a lot of fights though...I mean, some people here tried to stop him from acting like how he is, but he never stops, so we gave up..." said Mangle.
Springtrap looked down, biting his cheek, "Oh, okay...well, I'm about to go to the arcade area, do you wanna come, or are you gonna be okay?"
"Uh, I think I'll be fine, I'll just go back to Chica and Toy Chica, but thanks anyway. See ya..."

Springtrap nodded and they both left the room, splitting up. While Mangle crawled back to the dining area, Springtrap went his way to the arcade room and played games with Toy Freddy for a while.

Time flew by fast. Springtrap ended up playing a bunch of games with some of the guys for almost three hours, stopping to get some pizza every once in a while. He talked to Mangle and a few others from time to time, and they all even messed around in the place for a bit before Freddy went off on them. Before they knew it, it was already 6am and it was lights out. Everyone went to their places and fell asleep. As Springtrap sat against the cold wall in the basement, he thought to himself: "I think I'm gonna like it here...maybe things will be different than how it was thirty years ago...I hope..."

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've been tired a lot and I was doing other stuff, school keeps getting in my way...but chapter 4 is here now, so I hope you like it 😊

Springle part 1: I'm Mangled for You!Where stories live. Discover now