Chapter 2

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As Springtrap slowly stepped out, along with Goldie, Freddy, and Toy Freddy, he could already see animatronics walking around and talking, they didn't notice him because he hid behind his brother, still very nervous. Golden Freddy looked at him and smiled, "Don't worry, Spring! These people are really nice! You don't have to worry, come on." Goldie put his arm around Springtrap's shoulders and walked him to a purple bunny sitting on the stage, playing a red guitar. He wore a red bow tie, had a white muzzle, and red eyes, but he still looked friendly.

As Goldie and Springtrap walked over to him, he looked up away from his guitar and stared at them.
"Huh, so this is your brother?" Bonnie grinned at Golden Freddy.
"Yep, this is him, it took us a while to stitch him up and fix some of his parts, but he seems to be in good shape now," Goldie replied. Bonnie smiled at Springtrap, Springy looked at him shyly and waved.
"Heh, I think I'm gonna like you, you seem chill. My name's Bonnie, but don't call me Bon bon, I hate that..."

Springtrap nodded and shook hands with Bonnie, and then Bon said, "You don't have to worry about me, I'm the most chillest one in this place, but I can get mad easily sometimes, but it doesn't happen a lot. All I do here is play my guitar and hang out with my friends, and sleep."
"I used to play a banjo, I was pretty good at it, but it's gone now..." Springtrap looked down at his feet, which didn't have fur covering them, they looked pretty messed up, just like the rest of him.
"Well, I can let you borrow my guitar sometimes, until we can get you your own, maybe, we could both play together!" Bonnie beamed at him. Springtrap smiled, "Yeah, that would be cool...thanks."

It turns out that everyone here seemed to like Springtrap already, they loved having new people in their family. The next person he met was a red fox named Foxy, he had an eyepatch on his right eye, a hook on his right hand, and he wore old, brown, and ripped pants, he had a yellow eye too. He seemed to be the only one that was pretty mean and rude, unlike everyone else. He bragged a lot too, when he was meeting Springtrap.

He told him how he was the "toughest" one here, and that he would take anyone down if they tried messing with him, and how Springtrap shouldn't mess with him, but Spring new better than to be scared of him, he didn't seem that threatening, just a complete a-hole. The next two people Springtrap met were two chics sitting together, gossiping about stuff.

One had yellow fur and purple eyes, she wore a bib that read: Let's Eat!!! Her name was Chica. The other one looked similar to her, but she was yellow medal instead and had pretty blue eyes and pink cheeks, her bib read: Let's Party!!! She was also wearing pink undergarments. Her name was Toy Chica, but she also preferred T.C.

Chica was very sweet, polite, and kind, she loves cooking and talking to people, she tries avoiding violence and negative activity that ever goes around here, she is also Bonnie's girlfriend. She talked about how Bonnie was very protective over her, and how Foxy tried to cheat on her with Toy Chica. But T.C rejected him because she knew he only liked her for her looks, and Chica was her friend, she would never betray her.

Toy Chica was very nice too, she loves partying and dancing, and will talk about almost anything that came to her mind. She was very talkative and active, and she loved cheering up her friends, but she hated Foxy. She was also going out with Toy Bonnie, who Springtrap went to talk to next.

He didn't have fur either, but his metal suit was a pretty sky blue, his muzzle was white too, and he had green eyes and also wore a red bow tie. He also liked playing his guitar, sometimes he would compete with Bonnie and one or both would win, but it was mostly for fun. He also liked hanging out with T.C, no matter how hard it was to deal with her, he still loved her. He was nice, polite, and caring, and always minded his business.

Springtrap also got to know Toy Freddy and Freddy more too, both of them would be in charge of the place if Golden Freddy and Puppet weren't around. Toy Freddy liked playing video games and eating pizza, he'll play any arcade game or board game, or card game, as long as it wasn't boring. Springtrap was gonna like him.

Freddy wasn't like that, he was more serious and didn't make a lot of time for fun. He'd make sure everything was how it should be and that no one was getting into trouble, he'd try very hard not to disappoint Puppet, but sometimes he tried too hard. He was nice, but not when he was stressed, angry or tired, he would get onto Foxy a lot for messing around, and sometimes other people for one little thing they did.

After that, he met Balloon Boy and Balloon Girl, or JJ, who were both twins. Both of them liked playing games too, especially ones that they made up, but they also liked to bother everyone at times, and they would get punished for that.

BB was rowdy and crazy and loved running around the place, he would prank people and sometimes he wouldn't even get caught. But when he was calm, he would draw or go up to someone and hug them, or give them a balloon, and if they didn't keep it, he would cry.

JJ was the same way, but wasn't always as crazy as him, she loved drawing and riding the carousel, she also liked juggling things, and hugging people too, neither of them would go to sleep unless you read or told them a story. The last person Springtrap had to meet wasn't anywhere to be found.

"She could be hiding again, she likes to do that a lot..." Golden Freddy told him. Suddenly, they could hear someone calling Goldie's name.
"Goldie! Can you come here for a minute? I just need to talk to you for a bit, Springtrap can come later after he's met everyone," Puppet shouted from outside the hallway that Springy and Goldie were in.
"Sure! I'll be there in a minute," Golden Freddy shouted back, he looked back at Springtrap and said, "You can explore the place for now, and maybe find our other friend that's hiding, I'll be in the office with Puppet, it's at the very end of the hallway. Be sure to meet us there."
Springtrap nodded, "Okay, see ya later then..."

When Golden Freddy teleported away, Springtrap started walking down the hallway, looking around. There wasn't a lot to look at, just posters and drawings of everyone as he walked by, some were in the party rooms he went in too.

As he was walking, Springtrap could suddenly hear...sniffling? He looked behind him, but didn't see anyone. It sounded like it came from a party room on his right, a couple rooms down. Springtrap may be missing half of one of his ears, but he could still hear good from the other one. He started walking back to one of the party rooms, and peered inside, no one was there.

But then he saw it.

There was something shuffling in the vent on the wall across from him, close to the ceiling, it looked like a SOMEONE. He could barely make out what it was, but as he came closer, he noticed it was a bundle of wires and metal, a head was sticking of it, it had little ears sticking up. He couldn't see their face, but he knew they were the one crying. Springtrap slowly came closer, and said hesitantly, "H...hello?"

The weeping stopped. The figure sat there in the vent, completely silent, and still. Springtrap was silent too, he stood there frozen, staring up at them in the vent, not knowing what else to say. He opened his mouth to say something else, but nothing came out. They were both still and silent for a couple minutes, but it seemed like a century. Springtrap was about to give up and leave and maybe find them later, but he suddenly saw an eye peek out at him from inside the vent...but it didn't look friendly. It was black with a yellow glowing dot.

Springtrap froze in shock, unable to move, he felt like his feet were glued to the floor, he continued staring up at the eye- then it glitched. Springtrap jumped and was just about to run out, but the vent busted open and within seconds he was slammed against the wall, unable to move...

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