Chapter 3

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Springtrap couldn't move, he was held up against the wall, his head hurt from being shoved so hard. He slowly opened his eyes, breathing heavily, and looked at the face that stared at him with those black and yellow glowing eyes. When he looked at it, he noticed it was a girl, a female fox with a white suit, her snout and ears were pink and she had red cheeks and lipstick. A red bow tie hung down her neck, but she didn't even have a body, just a twisted metal endoskeleton with crooked wires sticking out.

She didn't even look like a robot, just some spider-like creature with parts that were misplaced. Her ribs showed, but her right hand was stuck on the place her head should've been, while her head was attached to her right arm, an endoskeleton head was attached on her right shoulder, wires hanging out of it, it was missing an eye, and it looked dead- it probably was. Her left arm was still in the right place, but the hand was attached to what looked like another arm, but it was by three of her legs, which hung on to the ceiling.

Her hand was holding Springtrap's neck to keep him from moving. Her hair was messy and hung in her face, she still gave him that scary look, she growled at him with bared teeth. Springtrap just continued to stare at her in fear as her wires held his arms and legs and waist against the wall. Springtrap was afraid to say anything because he didn't know if she was gonna bite his head off or what, but then he said, "Y-you know if you kill me, Golden Freddy would be pretty upset...he's my brother by the way..."

The fox's eyes quickly changed back to normal, but her right eye wasn't even there, it looks like the endoskeleton head had it.
"Wait...y-you're...HIS brother? Oh...I-I'm sooo so sorry! I..." She quickly let go of him and he fell on his butt with a thud.
"Ow..." he said, rubbing his back.
"Aaah! I'm sorry again! I'm so sorry! I should just go..." The fox was about to leave, but Springtrap caught her arm.
"Wait, don't leave! It's alright! Let's just start over... My name is Springtrap."

The fox turned her head to look at him, her eye glistened in the light.
"Yeah, I know...Golden Freddy's told us a lot about you before he brought you back, you seem nice...But I had no idea you were here! He told us what you looked like, but I didn't recognize you with those bandages..."
"Yeah, I look pretty messed up... but I'm just glad that I'm back," said Springtrap.
"My name's one calls me Toy Foxy anymore, since I'm like this...Mangle suits me anyway..." Mangle told him.
"Well, it's not a really BAD name, at least no one can get it mixed up with Foxy," Springtrap told her.

Mangle's ears went down and her face looked sad, "Yeah..."
"What's wrong? Why do you look sad?" Springtrap asked her.
" doesn't matter..." Mangle shook her head.
"No, it's fine! You can tell it about Foxy?" Springtrap asked.
"Yeah," Mangle sighed, "He's just really mean...I hate him..."
"I can't blame you for that, he does brag a lot, and he tries to sound threatening, I just met him...Was...that why you were crying?" Springtrap asked her.
"Yeah...But you don't know EVERYTHING about him..." said Mangle.
"Is he that bad? Do you wanna talk about it?" Springtrap looked at her.
Mangle laid beside him and started explaining. "When I first met Foxy, I started liking him a lot, we became friends and I think he liked me back...until I got torn apart by a few kids...They started using me as a 'Take apart, put back together attraction', but I hated it, it hurt a lot. When I tried to go see Foxy, he said he didn't want to see me anymore if I looked like that, he called me ugly, worthless, trash, and a bunch of other names that really hurt me, it hurt me more than when I was taken apart. I had no one to talk to, none of us could hang out because we had to entertain kids all day and catch the night guard at night without taking a break. It lasted about a year before it shut down, because the night guards kept dying here. We've been here for as long as you were gone, but the whole place was boarded up before, but then we started taking the stuff down so we could explore outside at night for a little while, but we can't get caught, obviously. I've been miserable the whole time I was here, because of how I look. Foxy never stopped bothering me, he still doesn't, the only people that take up for me are Chica, Toy Chica, and sometimes everyone else here. But that doesn't stop me from being sad, I mean, sometimes I feel happy when I'm having fun, or when I'm with my friends, but I just wish I had a friend that really understood me..."
When she was finished, Springtrap put a hand on her shoulder and said, "You have one now, I'll be your friend. I went through the same pain, but it was different, you already know that."
Mangle blinked, "You...wanna be, my friend? But, look at me-!"
"I don't care what you look like! It's what's on the inside that counts! You're really nice, everyone here seems nice, except Foxy and maybe Freddy, but you seem like the nicest one here. If you need someone to talk to, I'm here now! But hasn't anyone tried fixing you?"
"The employees tried fixing me, but gave up when I kept falling apart. Puppet, Goldie, Freddy, and Toy Freddy had tried fixing me forever, but then they gave up when they kept failing every time too..." Mangle replied.
Springtrap stood up, "Well, then I'll try fixing you! Since no one else will."
Mangle looked at him like he was crazy, "What? N-no! It's impossible, I'm just gonna keep falling apart again!"
"Why? Is it because you're rusting?" Springtrap asked her.
"Well, now that you mention it, yeah...I have a hard time moving a lot, I mostly just lay down and sleep..." said Mangle.
"Then that's the problem, you need a new endoskeleton and parts, but you'll still have your memory card in your head," Springtrap told her.
"That's good. But do you even know anything about fixing robots?" Mangle asked.
"Yeah, Purple Guy taught me and my brother when he made us, before he turned bad... But even after thirty years of doing nothing, I still have all of my memories!" Springtrap grinned.

"Oh, okay...but I'm still not sure..." Mangle said, looking down.
"Why? It won't hurt, you'll be turned off during the process, you won't feel anything. I'll make sure I do everything right, I just need a picture to know what you looked like," Springtrap said to her.
"I don't have a picture, but maybe I can draw it out. And I know I'll be asleep while being fixed, but I'm always scared that something will go wrong..." Mangle told him.
"Well, what calms you down?"
"Drawing, mostly, and holding a stuffy, but that just makes me look like a baby..." said Mangle.
"Well, if it helps with your anxiety then you should get one. When do you want me to start?" Springtrap asked.
"Well, not today. Let's wait for a while, you still need to get to know everyone here, and get used to this place. What are you about to do next?" Mangle asked him.

"I gotta go meet Goldie and Puppet in the office, but we can talk later...and, maybe don't stay in here all night, crying, go hang out with Chica and Toy Chica, they probably miss you!" Springtrap told her.
"Okay..." Mangle sighed. Springtrap helped her up and she said to him, "Thanks for helping me feel better, we barely know each other and we're already friends! You really are nice..."
"Well, I just don't like seeing people sad, but I'm glad I helped. See ya later I guess?"
"Yeah. When you come back, I'll give you a drawing of what I'm suppose to look like fixed," Mangle told him.
"Alright," Springtrap said before they headed out of the room. Mangle crawled her way back to the main area, while Springtrap walked the other way, down the hallway, on his way to the office...

Springle part 1: I'm Mangled for You!Where stories live. Discover now