Chapter 13

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It'd been quiet in the basement for a while now, except for Balloon Boy's and J.J's crying. Toy Chica and Toy Bonnie held them close and tried to calm them down.
"It'll be okay, this will all be over soon," T.C kept telling them. It wasn't long until Mangle started crying too.
Chica looked over at her, "Mangle, not you too! What's wrong?"
"I-I'm worried about Springtrap, is he gonna die? Are they gonna kill him?"
Chica pulled her closer and hugged her. "Of course they're not! They know we all care about him, especially Goldie, he would NEVER let that happen! All they're doing is fighting him off right now, if they killed him, they would've already come down here and told us. But it's been a while now, I'm pretty sure they're just trying to kill Purple Guy...if that's even possible..."
"But what if they CAN'T kill him?! What if he's stuck in Springtrap forever? I don't want him to suffer! He deserves a good life, just like the rest of us! I-I just don't want to lose him...I still love him..." Mangle sniffed.
"You're right, he DOES deserve a good life! We're gonna make sure he has it, once Purple Guy is defeated. And we know you still love him, but please try to keep it together...he tried his best to keep him away, I bet he still is! He's just having a really hard time..." Chica told her.

Mangle sighed and stood up. "I can't stand sitting here any longer, doing nothing. He needs help, they all need help! We should all go out there and help them, if it's taking them this long to kill Purple Guy, then we need to go out there and help! Well, except B.B and J.J, they need to stay in here."
Toy Bonnie stood up and stared at her, "Are you crazy? We would DIE out there! I'm not sure about myself, but I know you three can't fight! You'll get hurt! I could go up there and fight with them, but Freddy wanted me to stay down here and protect all of you, and that's what I'm gonna do! I'm not gonna let you die out there, the others wouldn't want that!"
"I don't care about what the others want! We're all suppose to stick together! If we're trying this hard to save Springtrap, then we're gonna die fighting! We're doing this for HIM, he needs EVERYONE'S help! I care about him, I would die for him! Some of our friends could already be dead, or everyone up there could be! We don't know if we'll win the fight or not, but if we try hard, we could win! You can't expect them to win just because they're stronger, if we all fight together, we could beat Purple Guy! What do you say?"
Toy Chica sighed, "I'm sorry, Mangle, but Toy Bonnie's right. None of us can fight, we would die the second we tried. We'll die either way if Purple Guy wins! And we're not sure if they'll win! We don't even know if they're strong enough! All we can do is hope and pray that we're all gonna survive and be okay, including Springtrap. I know I can't fight, I'm not a fighter, I hate violence! I really don't want to go up there and watch our friends fight and get hurt..."
"Me neither, I can't fight either... I'm sorry Mangle, really! If we COULD fight, then we would! But...we can't...just stay here with us and wait till it's all over," Chica told her.

Mangle glared at them, "No. I'll just go up there and fight him myself then...I know no one would want that, but I love Springtrap, I'll fight and die for him wether he likes it or not! Wether you guys like it or not! I'm going to go out there and help, and NO ONE is going to stop me!" Mangle started walking over to the stairs, but Chica ran over to her and grabbed her arm.
"Mangle, please! Don't go up there and fight! I don't want you to get hurt, I don't want you to DIE! None of us do! We don't want Springtrap to die either, but there's a chance he could! Please, Mangle, don't do something you'll regret!"
Mangle pulled her arm away. "I'm sorry, Chica, but I have to! He needs us-" She noticed that Chica started crying.
"Mangle, don''s too could die...there are so many people that care about you, think about what Springtrap would want. He wouldn't want you to fight him! He doesn't want to hurt you! He already has to be forced to hurt the rest of our friends! He would NOT want you to help...please, don't..."
Mangle went quiet for a second, and then she sighed. "Alright, I won't. I won't go fight, okey? But, at least let me take a quick peek at what's going on, just for a second."
Chica nodded, "Okay, but come back quick!"

Mangle walked up the stairs, unlocked the door, and slowly opened it. She stepped in the "Parts and Service" room and noticed Freddy, Toy Freddy, and Foxy sitting on the work table, all bandaged up. Bonnie stood beside them, with a bandaged arm.
Mangle frowned, "W-What happened to you guys?!"
"What do you think happened?" Freddy said with a raised eyebrow.
"Where's Puppet and Goldie? Are they still fighting him?" Mangle asked.
"Yeah. We can't keep fighting because we're too injured, I have to stay in here with them, to make sure they're okay," Bonnie replied.
"What are you doing up here, Mangle? You need to stay safe with the others in the basement!" Freddy told her.
"I-I just wanna go see what's going on for a sec, hold on." Mangle rushed towards the door and cracked it open a little.
"Mangle, you really don't wanna see what's going on out there, it's horrible. All they're doing is fighting and that's it, now move away from the door," Freddy ordered, but Mangle already peeked through the door.
She saw Golden Freddy on the ground, his arms were bloody and covered with scratches. He looked up at Puppet as he levitated Purple Guy in the air.
"Why..." Puppet said, looking up at him. "Why are you STILL fighting? Just stop already! Give it up, rest! Why can't you just leave us alone? Haven't we suffered enough?"
Purple Guy glared at him, "No! I'll NEVER stop! Not until I've gotten my revenge! You guys have put me through so much pain and suffering, you took everything away from me and left me to rot in this suit, none of this would be happening if you hadn't killed me!"
"None of this would be happening if you hadn't killed those kids! You wouldn't be suffering and looking for revenge if you weren't a murderer! But you are, which is why you DESERVE to suffer forever! Look, we never wanted to take the stage away from Golden Freddy and Springtrap, but we didn't have a choice! We were made to perform on stage too! We were made to replace them, because of what happened to your son, but that was YOUR own fault! You should've been watching your kids, but instead, you go out and murder others! They would've been on stage longer if you hadn't screwed up people's lives, including yours! This is all on you. We killed you, so you wouldn't cause any more suffering, I wanted to put you to rest so you could be with your son, but you came back, and all you care about now is REVENGE? Let it go! It's all in the past now! If you give in, you won't have to suffer anymore, you could still be with him! There's still a chance for you to be free! So, what will it be? You can either stop fighting and let yourself go, or stay here, hiding in shadows, suffering, forever..."
Mangle watched as Purple Guy went silent for a minute, staring at him. But then he growled something under his breath. "...Elizabeth..."
Puppet frowned, "W...what?" Purple Guy broke free from his grasp. He jumped on Puppet and held him up in the air, by the neck.
"I'll never stop...not until I get what I want..." Purple Guy growled at him.
He tightened his grip around Puppet's neck and started choking him. Purple Guy chuckled as he started gasping for air.
Golden Freddy got up and ran at Purple Guy, but he hit Goldie in the face and he fell back on the floor, unconscious. Mangle couldn't stand there any longer and watch him strangle Puppet.
She ran out of the room before anyone could stop her.
She stopped a few feet away from them and yelled, "STOP!"
Purple Guy looked at Mangle, surprised.
"Don't HURT him!" She yelled.
"Mangle! Get back in here!" Bonnie yelled from outside the service room door.
"You better listen to him, Mangle. Wouldn't want you to get torn apart again, now would we?" Purple Guy grinned as he looked at her with glowy eyes.
"Let. Him. GO," Mangle said calmly, glaring at him.
Purple Guy glared at her back, but he let go of Puppet anyway. Puppet fell to the floor and looked at Mangle, coughing. "Mangle, g-get away from him! He'll kill you-"
"Oh shut up, dumb puppet." Purple Guy kicked him in the face, making him fall again, barely conscious. Mangle gasped, but didn't move.
"The pretty fox here wants to say something..." Purple Guy said, grinning at her evilly.
Mangle stayed calm and sighed deeply. "Look, we did NOTHING to deserve this! You're still grieving over something that happened over thirty years ago! Like Puppet said, you can still be with your son if you just let us kill you! You won't have to suffer inside a robot anymore! You can be free and won't have to feel any more pain! Why won't you let us help you? Do you really wanna spend the rest of your days going around murdering people? You know you could get caught, right? You won't be able to hide forever! that not the only reason why you want to escape? Is there something you're not telling us?"
"Shut up! It's not your business! There's nothing I have to tell you, that's only for me to know!" Purple Guy snarled at her.
Mangle walked closer to him, "Oh, so there IS something else? Is there something you're looking for? We can help you if you just let us! We don't have to fight! Can't we just make peace?"

Purple Guy growled and grabbed her, he held her up against the wall, by the neck. "I will NEVER make peace with you TRASH robots. I don't need your help, I don't need ANYONE'S help, YOU HEAR ME?! I'm not gonna accept your friendship and sit here and have a tea party with you idiots! I came here to kill all of you and then leave, that's it. There's nothing else I have to do except murder and torture people! That's all I want!"
"I-I don't be-lieve that...I n-never said we h-had to be f-friends...we could just h-help you and that's i-it...just-let Springtrap go, let us all g-go..." Mangle choked.
"Springtrap is GONE! He's gone forever and he's NEVER coming back!" Purple Guy told her.
"I know it's y-you, Springy, you can f-fight him, I k-know you can," Mangle said, trying to smile.
"QUIET! SPRINGTRAP IS DEAD, FANGIRL!" Purple Guy yelled at her.
"I-I know you're not dead, y-you're still there, trapped. I know y-you can hear me, Springtrap. Please, don't l-let this monster t-take over you, y-you need to f-fight this, you're the only one that c-can...I know you're s-strong, you can d-do this, just try, please..." Mangle said, looking down at him.
Purple Guy's eyes started glitching, he shook his head. "N-no...NO! I won't let you ruin this for me! Springtrap is weak, he can't do crap! I'll kill you first, just to shut you up, but I'll do it slow, so Springtrap can WATCH!"
Purple Guy threw her on the ground and kicked her. He got on one knee and held her down by the neck with one hand, and pinned down her left arm with the other.
"You can't do ANYTHING to stop me. You're all going to die, and no one will be able to do anything about it, not you, not Springtrap, NO ONE. After I kill you, I'm gonna make sure everyone else here suffers like you did..." Purple Guy told her.
"S-Springtrap, don't l-let him win, you'll lose everyone you c-care have to fight, you h-have to do this, for Goldie...for everyone...Y-you're our only hope, we'll all d-die if you don't do something-"
"SHUT UP YOU STUPID FOX! SPRINGTRAP ISN'T HERE, HE CAN'T HEAR YOU, HE'S GONE, FOREVER!!! HE'S NEVER COMING BACK!" Purple Guy hollered at her furiously, gripping her neck tighter.
Mangle gasped for air, but she didn't give up. She looked up into his eyes and placed her hand on his cheek. "I l-love you, Springy."

Purple Guy growled and forced his jaws on her arm, but something stopped him before his teeth could sink into her skin. Or someone...

Springle part 1: I'm Mangled for You!Where stories live. Discover now